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November 1 1895/1995

Hallstead - If there can be evidences of success seen in the continued establishment of new business places, then Hallstead has the ever appearing signs of prosperity. During the next week M.E. Quailey, a well known citizen, will open a new meat market in the small building near Mitchel’s hotel on River street. Mr. Quailey will put a practical man in charge, also a wagon on the road. We learn that a new market will also be started by Messers Travis and Holden on Chase Ave. Mr. Travis recently disposed of his grocery business and will start this new venture.

Fairdale - Next Friday evening, Nov. 1, the M.E. church of this place will hold a chicken pie supper, and an Old Folks' Social. The supper will be held in the basement of the church, but the social is to be at Mrs. Cornell’s, who is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Jackson - Warner and Sperl's orchestra [of Susquehanna] will go to Jackson on Thursday and Friday evenings, to furnish music for the drama, "The Confidential Clerk," to be produced by the Jackson Dramatic Company, which is said to give a very meritorious entertainment.

Susquehanna - [Editor] Whitney has, he thinks, discovered a wild man in the woods near Smily Hollow, about six miles from this borough. The only singular thing about it is that he discovered but one. The woods are full of them in that locality. Susquehanna Journal. AND Election Day cometh on apace, and politically speaking, the silence is so dense that you can hear it. No processions, no torch lights, no vociferations, no oratory, no “bar’l”, no beer, no bands, no nothing!

Springville -Elmer, the four-year-old son of Morris Sleight, was seriously injured in a runaway. When will people loam better than to leave children in a wagon when the team is not securely fastened?

Elk Lake - C.M. Young is selling cider at five-cents per gallon. AND A number of people have to draw water from the lake. We hope it won't freeze up while so dry.

Retta - Our school was not opened this week on account of diphtheria. No new cases are reported, however.

Herrick Centre - The Baptist people were disappointed last Sabbath, in not having preaching. Later they learned that their pastor, Mr. Williams, was kept at home to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gardner, an old lady of Clifford.

Montrose - The afternoon train on the Montrose railway now waits at Tunkhannock for passenger trains from the west. If the train on the Lehigh Valley should be late at any time and passengers for this direction are on board, a telegram sent in advance will hold the Montrose train until arrival of Lehigh Valley.

Great Bend - Great Bend branch of the Susquehanna Historical and Geological Association was organized Monday evening.

Clifford - We have said before, and we say yet that a Church that is dedicated to the worship of God is not the proper place for socials or entertainments, or of amusements of any kind. We have two Halls in Clifford, which are the proper places for gatherings of that kind.

Harford -"Keep the road to your railway station the best in town." That's the case with us. ANDViola Bryan, aged 14 years, died at the Orphan School Friday, Oct. 18. She had inflammatory rheumatism and it went to her heart. She has an invalid mother living in Sullivan Co. Interment in Harford cemetery. The singing by the teachers and Mrs. Clark at the open grave was very impressive. Rev. Eva officiated.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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