Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 09 1900/2000
Lynn - Telephone connection was established between Lynn and Springville last week and later the wires through to Montrose were joined. This completes a continuous line between Tunkhannock and Montrose via Russell Hill and Vose and the two county seats can exchange compliments at will.
Forest City - The proposition to bond Forest City in the sum of $5000 for the erection of a borough building was carried. The First ward gave 126 votes for and 51 against; the Second 133 for and 90 against.
South Gibson - Probably the oldest voter to go to the polls in this county on Nov. 6 was the venerable Alonzo P. Kinnie, one of the best known and most highly respected residents of that place. Mr. Kinnie was 95 years old in April. His first vote was cast for Andrew Jackson for President and he has voted at every Presidential election since then. He has voted for every Republican candidate for the Presidency, beginning with Fremont and ending with his vote for President McKinley last week. It is believed that Mr. Kinnie holds the record in another respect, and that is in the length of time which a single pair of boots have done him service. He is now wearing boots which he first broke in 40 years ago and which have since been in daily use. The boots are, apparently, good for 40 years more, as they are not half worn out yet.
Montrose - Montrose will probably see two Victor Automobiles in the early spring, if not more. Mr. Harry Beach has taken the agency for these machines for North Eastern Pennsylvania and will have a sample machine for inspection in February. Mr. Norman Stewart has placed his order for one of these fine machines. Mr. Beach attended the Automobile exhibition at Madison Square Garden, New York, last week, and gives us his opinion that the Victor beat all machines on exhibition. AND A well-attended concert was given in A.M. Zion church on Tuesday evening. Recitations, plantation melodies and selections by the Chesterene Quartette, made up a pleasing program.
Susquehanna - Thomas P. McMahon, Susquehanna's big and handsome Chief-of-Police, ornamented the streets of Montrose with his imposing and, at the same time, genial presence during the week. Thomas is much admired, especially by the gentler sex. AND Edward Brush, a Susquehanna boy, now a civil engineer in the employ of the Berlin Iron Bridge Company, is erecting a large bridge across the Maurice River, at Three Rivers, Canada.
New Milford - Col. Charles C. Pratt ought to be the next state senator for this district. He is a gentleman and a scholar and he is in every way splendidly equipped for the position. More men of the genial colonel's stamp are needed in the legislative halls at Harrisburg.
Hallstead - W. H. Wilmot, an old veteran of the war of the Rebel-lion, is proud of the fact that by his vote Hallstead went Republican this year. Mr. Wilmot has never taken kindly to the method of voting prescribed by the Baker ballot law and so had not voted since that law went into effect until this fall, when the importance of the issue at stake led him to set prejudice aside and exercise the right of suffrage, and his doing so gave this borough to the Republicans by a majority of 1.
Franklin Forks - The abutments for the new bridge at Salt Springs are ready for the iron. The stone work was done by A. Cosgriff, the filling in by the town under the supervision of W. Green. The iron for the bridge arrived Tuesday.
Thomson - Dr. McNamara has been appointed railroad surgeon for the Jefferson division of the Erie.
Brooklyn - Oh, for water! Neither water works or wind mill can supply the need and springs and wells fail that never failed before. What is before us?
Rush - The statement that Mr. A. W. Hickok has a warrant out for the arrest of the person or persons for throwing apples at his house was not taken in its proper light; it being meant only as a joke. Rev. G. Gorisse being the thrower.
Hopbottom - The oldest inhabitants in our town are: Saphronia Lorch, 88; Emily Reese, 85; Lyman Blakeslee, 85; Mrs. Sarah Lewis, 75; J.M. Hartley, 71 and J.Y. Saunders, 77.
Welsh Hill - Rev. R. H. Harris, of Mt. Carmel, having accepted the call to become pastor of the Congregational church at this place, will enter upon his duties the first of the year.
Harford - Jerry Robbins is sick with malarial fever contracted during his service in the Spanish American War.
Lake View - Quite an interesting occurrence at W. V. Gelatt's near Lake View, Oct. 25, was the meeting of four generations on his wife's side of the house and also four generations on Mr Gelatt's father's and mother's side. They were: Mr. and Mrs Alvin Barrett, Mrs. Cobb, Calvin Prescott & wife and son, Ernest Gelatt & wife and son, Mrs. L. A. Gelatt, N. J. West, F. M. Gelatt, W. V. Gelatt & wife and little daughter and Rev. W. H. French.
Auburn - Clifford A. Bunnell and Miss Anna McGavin were married at the Catholic church in Auburn last Wednesday by Rev. Father McCabe. An elegant reception was given at the home of the brideÕs parents, which was much enjoyed.
Lenox - Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Jerauld, on Saturday, attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Charles Greene, of Waverly. Mrs. Greene was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris McDanold, but was adopted by Mr. M. Brewer and was well-known to the people of this vicinity as Jennie Brewer, having grown to young womanhood here . She was accidentally shot some few years ago by a young son of Judge Archibald, of Scranton. The ball entered her left lung and was never located. She was very low for some time but finally recovered sufficiently to attend to her household duties and remained so until within a few hours of her death. She leaves three children, one only seven years of age.
Jackson - The combined ages of seven Jackson voters is 600 years as follows: Alvin Roper, 90; Nathan Guile, 89; Thomas Lister, 88; Charles Hazen, 86; Alvin W. Barrett, 83; Aden B. Larrabee, 83; Sabin Barrett, 81. Five of them first voted for William Henry Harrison in 1840 and were so elated over the victory of "Old Tippecanoe" they voted on the side of free soil ever since.
Compiled By: Betty Smith