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November 08 1918/2018

PEACE DECLARED: A Washington dispatch yesterday (November 7) afternoon states that Germany has accepted the terms of the Allies and has surrendered. The agreement was reached by commissioners from both the Allies and Germany on the front in France at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon (European Time.) Hostilities have ceased. All the cities of the United States are celebrating the greatest single event in the world’s history.

With Our Soldiers in the Field – The sad news came Saturday that Glen Saunders, of Lathrop, had been killed in action in France. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. Mrs. M.A. Foster, of Forest Lake, recently received letters from her sons, Francis and Raymond Foster, who are now fighting for their country in France. Word was received that the Rev. John O’Leary, of Great Bend, was wounded Oct. 10th, in France. Father O’Leary was one of the first three who volunteered as chaplains from the Scranton diocese. Arriving in France in April, he was on the battlefield from June 1 to July 20 and cared for the wounded in the battle of Chateau-Thierry. He was sent back to a rest camp until he went in service in the last drive.

Montrose – Montrose celebrated the surrender of Germany yesterday afternoon in an impromptu parade of young of young people with bass drums and horns, and every noise-making device possible, headed by George Felker carrying Old Glory.  Bells, whistles and auto horns added to the din and the whole town went wild.  An organized parade is to be held this afternoon at 2:30.

Scranton – William H. Jessup, Jr., first lieutenant 6th Field Artillery, U.S.A. was killed in action in France, Oct. 5th. He was born in Scranton in 1891, son of William H. and Lucy A. Jessup of that city. He graduated from Yale with the class of 1915 and was the fourth William Jessup in direct line to graduate at Yale, leaving his alma mater just 100 years after his great grandfather, [Judge William Jessup, of Montrose].

Harford – Miss Helen Smith left for Philadelphia this week, where she has entered St. Luke’s hospital to train for service. Miss Smith is a girl of very pleasing manners and a wonderful personality and it will not be any fault of hers if she does not make good. ALSO The saw mill has been silent for the past two weeks, as the men have nearly all been ill, but we expect to hear the whistle blow again soon.

Gelatt – John Lowe, while shooting at the mark with some others, in some way the gun was discharged and he was shot through the side.  As it was only a flesh wound, it is healing nicely. ALSO While out hunting Lewis Truex stopped to talk with a passerby. He leaned against a stonewall and put one hand over the muzzle of the gun. A stone fell from the wall, striking the hammer and exploded the gun, the charge tearing the side of the hand off. Dr. Cole was called and dressed the wound, which is doing nicely.

South Montrose – Rural Carrier Fred N. Felker reports a large aeroplane seen near this place yesterday afternoon. He said his horse pricked up its ears of hearing a motor humming and he kept turning out into the ditch to let the automobile pass. Looking overhead he saw an airplane sailing along not over 500 feet above, heading towards Scranton. He said he thought he saw the aviator smile. When he arrived at James Morely’s farmhouse he found Mrs. Morely in an agitated state, as “Jim” was away from home and she feared that it was a German machine and was going to drop some bombs.

Herrick Center – After four churchless Sundays and a school vacation of three weeks our local health officer appeared on our streets Monday and tacked notices on both churches and the school building proclaiming them closed until further orders.  We find it difficult to discover how the town is to be benefitted by this action now, when the epidemic is abating and all rules have been observed for the past three weeks. Truly, the efficiency of the department is marvelous.

Clifford – We of this little valley are more than thankful in the fact that, thus far, we have practically escaped the deadly epidemic. But two of our people have been afflicted and they are now well on the way to recovery.

Little Meadows – Dr. George Chaffee has moved from this place to Binghamton, where he will practice surgery.

Thompson – The drowning of Eugene Larrabee in Comfort’s Pond on Monday was reported. Mr. Larrabee, in company with Mr. Calahan, both of Susquehanna, were fishing in the pond. Mr. Calahan had gone on shore to prepare coffee for their lunch. Soon after someone observed the boat, bottom side up. They succeeded in recovering the body. Full details lacking.

Franklin Forks – Another comrade of Southworth Post 222, of this place, has answered the “roll call up yonder.” Comrade F.M. Wilson was a member of the 7th New Jersey Cavalry. He has a son, George, now a captain in a training camp in Kentucky, being an instructor in artillery, and has another son in France. Comrade Wilson was buried in the Franklin Forks cemetery by the Post ritual, October 17, there being a large attendance at the grave. Mrs. Padbury and Mr. Lowe sang a beautiful selection at the grave. We sympathize with his son and family, with whom he lived at the time of his death. He was very fond of his grandchildren and they were with him a great deal of the time. ALSO Edmund Webster had the misfortune to lose a big barn by fire Saturday night, about midnight. Two calves were burned to death, nearly all his farming tools, and had a very little insurance on the barn.

Brooklyn – Hallowe’en passed off very quietly—no socials were allowed. A few pranks were played by the youngsters but no malicious mischief has been reported.

Friendsville – One of the largest public sales to be held in the western part of the county this fall will be that of Jerome Donnelly, to be held on his premises, two miles northwest of Friendsville, Nov. 12. The list of property is a very large one. Mr. Donnelly has had much to cope with during the past few years. Two years ago he lost three children, by infantile paralysis, and last spring his wife was taken away, not only saddening his life, but making it impossible to continue the operation of his farm.

News Brief: Sportsmen this season must carry their hunting licenses with them, and this aside from displaying their license tags on their coat sleeves. In the past years it was thought only necessary to wear the tag, but wardens have now received notice to stop all hunters and ask for their license papers. The new regulation is designed to prevent passing tags from one hunter to another which sportsmen in some communities have done.

200 Years Ago will return next week.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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