Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 08 1897/1997
Rush - Chas. M. Snell, a native of Rush and son of Dr. Snell, is the champion shot in Uncle Sam's army. "Facts" published at Colorado Springs, in its issue of Oct 2nd says: "When the competitive shoot, which was in progress all last week at the Broadmoor range, came to a close, it was found that Sgt. Snell, of C Company, 7th Regt, U S Infantry, stationed at Ft. Logan, had piled up the remarkable aggregate of 624 points, beating all previous records by 26 points. AND T. S. Wheatcroft is at home, visiting his mother. He is looking well, feeling finely, and his "automatic peanut vender" is a perfect success. Our enterprising citizen is on the high road to fortune. [Mr. Wheatcroft invented an automatic peanut vender in New York City]
Brookdale - Rev. Fisher, of Franklin Forks, has been holding revival meetings in the school house here for the past 3 weeks. There has been more interest than usual shown and prospects are now that Brookdale will have a church. A lot has been purchased of M. Dolan and logs are being drawn to the mill to prepare timbers for the foundation.
New Milford - A building for borough purposes is being erected in the rear of the Opera House. J. T. Richardson is doing the foundation work. The building will be 30x40 ft. and two stories high. It will contain a room for the use of the Council, a lock-up and a room in which too keep the fire apparatus.
Friendsville - Dr. M. B. Crisman will be in Friendsville on Tuesday, Nov. 9, to extract teeth by the use of the Odontunder.
Montrose - One of the excellent suppers which the Presbyterian ladies know so well how to serve, will be given for the benefit of the church, on Friday evening, Nov. 12. The menu will include chicken salad, escalloped oysters, potato salad and salmon salad. Price 25 cents.
Hallstead - Quite a bad wreck occurred on the DL&W at this point Tuesday night. At about 10:15 Train #37 was leaving on her trip for Syracuse, when going over the long switch near John McLeod's, engine #24, of an Elmira wild-cat train, John Jennings, engineer and Patrick Moran, fireman, crashed into it. The engine of the latter train was derailed and thrown over on her side. Engineer Jennings saw the train ahead and applied the air brake, but as it would not work the collision was the result. He and the fireman saved themselves by jumping. All the tracks were blocked and by hard work one was cleared sufficiently to allow the night lines to pass. Besides from here, wreckers from Binghamton and Scranton came to clear up the debris.
South Auburn - A new postoffice has been established on Taylor hill, called Transue. M.S. Christian has been appointed postmaster.
Kingsley - The corner stone of the new M.E. church of this place was laid Saturday afternoon, Oct. 23, with interesting and appropriate exercises. The day was beautiful and many people from Kingsley and vicinity were in attendance.
Lathrop - The friends of Miss Lillie Strickland made her a very pleasant birthday surprise to the number of 84 on the evening of Oct. 26, it being her 14th birthday. After spending a very pleasant evening, all departed for their homes feeling they had a very enjoyable time. They left a very nice dresser, an album, a work-box and other presents as tokens of the esteem in which they held their friend.
Lenox - P. P. Squires sold a thoroughbred guernsey yearling heifer to parties in Benton last week. Consideration $50. Mr. Squires is one of the leading dairymen of our county. His dairy at present consists of 32 choice cows.
Jackson - Thursday evening, Nov. 18, in Roberts Hall, "The Peck Sisters of Alaska" will give an entertainment under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the M.E. church. Adm. 10 cents. Proceeds to apply on Pastor's salary.
News Briefs: The following young men, from Susquehanna County, are students at the Pennsylvania State College: F. M. Carpenter and D. E. Carpenter, Lake View; W. A. Thomas, Lynn; F. T. Cole, Upsonville; M. A. Taylor, Lanesboro; Guy and Daniel Searle, Montrose.
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There is no change in the situation at Rush, at last accounts, as to the Pepper murder, no arrests having been made. The Coroner's inquest will meet on Friday next at Isaiah Haire's. Public sale of the personal property of the late unfortunate will take place on Saturday of this week.
Compiled By: Betty Smith