Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 07 1919/2019
Kingsley – W. H. Wilmarth was in Montrose to bring the election returns. Although 78 years of age, he is as straight as an arrow, and says he feels as well as he ever did in his life. He is an admirer of District Attorney Ferguson, who taught school at Kingsley many years ago, walking to and from his home in Cameron’s Corners, Lenox township, each day. He says “John” was always a faithful, industrious, young man.
Lake View – J. C. Morse has dug and stored nearly 800 bushels of potatoes.
Uniondale – The Woman’s Suffrage Club will meet on Friday evening with Mrs. Glenn Wolfe for the annual election of officers. All members are requested to be present. ALSO The masquerade social held in Payne’s hall, under the auspices of the school, was a grand success socially and financially. The sum realized was $28.90. There were many fancy and grotesque costumes that created much mirth. Harold Conrad won the prize for the best costume. He was dressed as a Broadway belle and carried his part perfectly to the great surprise of all.
Alford – A large truck, belonging to Ed McCloe, went off a high embankment and fell to the old D.L.&W. road bed (now Lackawanna Trail) Sunday evening. A load of hay, carried by the truck, took fire, affording entertainment to passengers waiting to take the train for Montrose. The truck did not burn, but was badly damaged by its drop of nearly one hundred feet.
Forest City – A benefit performance will be given in the Family Theatre on Thursday evening under the auspices of Ruby Chapter, Eastern Star. The attraction will be “The Woman on The Index” and other single reel favorites.
Montrose – S. G. Fancher, while hunting on Tuesday, was struck by a stray shot, which grazed his head, just back of the ear, but fortunately failed to pierce the scalp. It was a close call. He was sitting by a tree when startled by the report of a shot gun and a stinging sensation, and for a moment suspicioned that the open season for rabbits had been enlarged to include politicians. A shot had been fired by a companion hunter, which, striking a ledge of rocks rebounded at a sharp angle, with the above result. ALSO The D. Y. O. S. Club took up a collection amounting to $18, which will be used for little Ruth Smith, of Heart Lake, a wee sufferer with infantile paralysis. Ruth, with her brothers and sisters, was cared for by a widowed mother, who had generously opened her home, also, to an orphan child, a relative. The Club members became interested in Ruth and, through the help of Miss Borthwick, a state nurse, obtained admittance to an institution for children suffering from infantile paralysis. About three weeks ago, Miss Borthwick took the child to Philadelphia. After an examination it was decided that an operation was necessary and she was operated on at the Episcopal hospital. The mother’s name, before her marriage, was Miss Van Hoesen.
Harford – Miss Floretta Darrow has accepted a position as teacher of the Hoover school, near West Clifford, and she began her duties on November 3.
North Jackson – C. F. Whitney will harvest only about 100 bushels of apples this year. In previous years he has harvested as high as 2,000 bushels. The apple crop is nearly a failure, as the case on the Whitney farm would illustrate.
Choconut – Elwood Thorpe, aged 11 years, adopted son of Rev. D. R. Lewis, of Choconut Center, was shot and fatally wounded by his 13 year-old playmate, John Douglas, on October 20th. The boy was playing Indian and told the Thorpe boy that he was going to shoot him, and made good the threat, but did not know the gun was loaded. The wounded boy died in the Johnson City hospital a few hours after he was shot.
Silver Lake – A box social was held at the Fox school, Hallowe’en night. A large number was present and a fine time enjoyed by all. Proceeds for benefit of the school.
Brooklyn – About 100 persons attended the masquerade social given in the hall on Hallowe’en, and all report a fine time. About 50 persons were masked and took part in the grand march. There were a number of ghosts, a Japanese, an Indian, the Gold Dust Twins, a cow boy, the Dutch Cleanser (boy) and many other uniquely costumed persons. Miss Lillian Kinney, attired as a butterfly or fairy, won first prize.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – Election is near at hand and candidates are numerous. Cigars are offered freely to the many smokers and someone is going to be defeated.
Susquehanna – An unfortunate shooting took place in the railroad yards here early Sunday morning. Arthur Bradstreet, a switchman, and one of the best-known and best-liked men in town, was shot through both legs by J. F. Duryea, lieutenant of the Erie police. Duryea claims that Bradstreet was trying to get away with a box taken from a freight car, which had been broken open. Erie Officer Guysee was with Duryea at the time and makes the same claim. Bradstreet is in such a serious condition that he has been unable to make a statement, but fellow railroaders are frank in stating that there was no reason for the shooting. Men at work in the yards at the time and within a short distance of where the shooting took place say that the officers made a mistake. Lt. Duryea says he will prefer charges against Bradstreet, and the indications are that Duryea will be prosecuted for doing the shooting. It is a most unfortunate case.
Little Meadows – Charles Bell, of Owego, NY, and Miss Alice Shaughnessy, of this place, were united in marriage at St. Thomas’ church by Rev. McGuggin, assisted by Rev. Lynch, on Oct. 20, 1919, at 9:30 o’clock.
Lawton – Jehile Kirkuff, Jr., is in Philadelphia, having his eyes treated.
Ainey – Grace States gave a shower for Eva Fowler Wilse, who was married last week and will go to housekeeping at Laceyville, Pa., where the groom has a position running the ferryboat.
Sayre, Pa. – Game Protector F. L. VanOrman and assistant, Harold Taylor, were at Sayre on Tuesday and captured an Italian by the name of Rocco Vernolla, who had in his possession two robins and a bluebird. He was fined $33.50. They searched two other Italians, one had his hunting coat full of cabbages and looked like a walking feather bed; the other had a live hen in his coat. (LeRaysville Times)
Laceyville – The fact that the Susquehanna river was many years ago classed among the navigable streams of the country makes the building of a bridge across it, without the consent of the War Department, illegal, was discovered when the work of repairing the Laceyville river bridge began several months ago. The bridge was built in 1898, and numerous bridges were constructed across the stream in previous years, but yet it was a technical violation of the rules and regulations of the U. S. War Department. Congressman McFadden has introduced a bill into congress that will clear the matter up all right, it is said.
A Card of Thanks (Chicago Tribune) I take these means of thanking my friends and neighbors who done so much toward making the death and funeral of my husband a success. Also, one sow and litter of pigs for sale cheap.
Compiled By: Betty Smith