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November 07 1913/2013

Dimock - The Young People’s Association will hold a box social in the Baptist parsonage, Nov. 21st. Ladies, bring lunch for two in a box. Good music a special feature. Proceeds to go towards building the gymnasium.

Bridgewater Twp. - Edward V. Warriner of Springfield, Mass., Jesse B. Warriner of Jeddo, and Paul S. Warriner of Wilkes-Barre, were recent guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. E. A. Warriner. Ruel C. Warriner, of Johannesburg, S. Africa, who with his family has been spending the summer in America, left Montrose the last of the week to sail for London. Mrs Warriner, who was unexpectedly detained in Washington, will sail from New York Nov. 15, on the Olympic, to join Mr. Warriner. They expect to reach Johannesburg by the New Year.

Springville - Bert Thomas has added a buckwheat run to his mill equipment and will soon be ready to do that class of work for his trade.

Great Bend - Seven calves, owned by James Florance, wandered onto the railroad tracks Monday night and were killed. Coming to the bridge, they found it impossible to proceed, and it appears two trains must have struck the herd simultaneously. The mangled carcasses were scattered for some distance along the tracks. ALSO: Work on the good road is progressing rapidly. The grading on the flats will be finished this week and the stone foundation has been completed from the Mesick farm to the railroad bridge. In the borough the concrete curbing has been put in from the bridge to the business part of the town. The contractors expect to have a large amount of work done before cold weather sets in.

Rush - The Ladies’Aid will serve dinner at Alden Devine’s, Nov. 15, to provide for the large crowd of visitors who will attend the basketball game between Rush and Auburn High schools on that date. ALSO: In Rushboro, about 20 children are hauled from here to the Auburn school. Jesse McCarty drives the rig. On account of the new wagon not being finished they had to ride in a lumber wagon all fall. They hope to get the spring wagon this week.

Montrose - “A Girl of the Underworld,” that plays at the Colonial tomorrow night, has the distinction of being the best comedy drama before the public. In some cases it has been the prevailing thought that the film is risque, vulgar and suggestive. Its author, Jack Gorman, wishes to announce emphatically that “A Girl of the Underworld” will not offend or cause one pang of shame during its four beautiful acts.

Susquehanna - Susquehanna, generally considered a strong Democratic town, went Republican almost entirely on Tuesday. John V. O’Connell, Republican, was elected mayor over Dennis J. O’Connor, the Democratic candidate. W. H. Foster, Republican candidate for prothonotary, led the ticket, carrying the town by a 179 plurality.

Hallstead - George Crissel, of Smoky Hollow, was brought here this week to serve a 30 day sentence in jail, he having pled guilty to stealing chickens in February 1911. The hearing was held before Justice Williams in Susquehanna last Saturday. Chief McMahon made the arrest Friday night. The chief is bound to get them, even if a year or two does elapse after the commission of the crime.

New Milford - The Halloween social at the opera house, under the auspices of the Guild of St. Mark’s church, was a decided success. Miss Grace Miller and Frank Butterfield were awarded the prizes for the best costumes.

Hop Bottom - E. L. Yaw has an auto livery in connection with his hotel. ALSO: J. L. Qualey has remodeled his dwelling house in an up to date manner, having enlarged the building, installed water and papered and painted.

Welsh Hill - Dogs entered the field of Bennie Fulton and killed half of his flock of sheep one day last week.

Starrucca, Wayne Co. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Mead recovered from the borough $745 and costs in a suit to recover damages sustained by Mrs. Mead in being thrown off an unguarded bridge.

Tunkhannock - James Miller was awarded a verdict of $1000 for injuries received by being struck at a crossing near Tunkhannock in 1911 by special train bearing Woodrow Wilson, then governor of New Jersey. Many Susquehanna county people were in Tunkhannock that day.

Brushville - E. D Stephens, of Guilt Edge, Montana, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. H. Hall, and other relatives, this being his first visit to his boyhood home in seventeen years.

New Milford - The New Jersey Milk & Cream company, which recently leased the New Milford creamery, is making the necessary arrangements to add cheese making to the industry and a factory 30 x 40 feet is being built for the purpose.

Thompson - Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Layton attended church at Melrose Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Traynor, of Owego, preached after which communion service was held using a communion set which was kindly given the Melrose church from the North Jackson M. E. Church.

Kingsley - The masquerade social at Aqua Inn was well attended and all enjoyed the fun and the fine supper by the Ladies’ Aid.

News Brief - Leonard Chilson and Philip Kipp, of Towanda, were struck by a locomotive at that place Wednesday night, the former being instantly killed and Kipp probably fatally injured. The latter was called the strongest man in the world, having starred with different circuses and later was enlisted in the U. S. service which he represented at the Paris Exposition in 1900. Several months ago, at Towanda, he displayed his strength by lifting a steel bar weighing 1440 pounds. Another feat, never equaled, was that when he folded his arms four horses could not pull them apart. 

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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