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November 06 1914/2014

Brooklyn – The supervisors are making decided improvements to the road on Maple Street. The property owners are furnishing part of the funds for repairs.

Lathrop – Frank Mackey started his jelly mill last week.

Transue, Auburn Twp. – Some went a little too far in celebrating Hallowe’en and it may make them trouble. ALSO, in Retta, everybody is fixing up their buildings in this neighborhood, which is a sure sign of prosperous farmers. Ross Carter is building a fine up-to-date barn; P. R. Lowe is also building a large barn; J. G. Sterling is going into the poultry business and is putting up a fine poultry house; O. R. Tewksbury is remodeling the interior of his barn; John Gardner and Merton Gardner have put up new silos.

Lynn – Ervol Davis and Arthur Williams, two young men of this place, who started for the wild and woolly West about six weeks ago to make their fortune, have returned to their homes in this place, thinking there is no place like it. ALSO A game of basketball between Auburn and Springville High schools was played on the latter’s ground on Saturday, resulting in a score of 7-3 in favor of Springville.

Forest City – The D & H passenger train, Sunday evening, contained many hunters bound to be on the ground at the opening of the season. It seemed as if every passenger had one dog and some two by the way the canines were lined up in the baggage car and smoker. Only 95 dogs were checked on the train and the baggage car looked like a veritable dog show. The baggage agent stated that he had been running on the road for a number of years but had never been swamped before.

Bridgewater Twp. – The abutments on the Lehigh bridge near Post’s pond are being concreted. This will make the bridge much stronger. The company is keeping the Lehigh branch in fine condition.

Springville – Mr. and Mrs. Ira Strickland were given an old fashioned “skimmelton,” and then some, after their marriage last Wednesday. Someone shot off a load of dynamite, breaking six windows in their house, and called it fun.

Hopbottom – On Friday evening a dance was given at Masonic hall, being conducted by John Cirrello and Bertram Bell. This was also in keeping with the celebration of Hallowe’en and furnished enjoyment for a large number of people. ALSO On Saturday night the same rounds of mischief, malicious and otherwise, gave annoyance and displeasure to many, with very questionable pleasure to a few. ALSO Employees of the cut-off are now leaving town gradually and rooms are now obtainable by parties wishing to move into town.

Alford – One of the “luckiest accidents” that ever occurred on the Lackawanna railroad took place at 6:30 o’clock Saturday morning, a short distance west of Alford on the main line. Lackawanna passenger train No. 32 jumped the track while running about 12 miles an hour and went over a 50 foot embankment into Martin’s Creek, 33 passengers being injured more or less seriously, but none fatally. The train was in charge of Engineer Bert L. Maynard, of Hallstead, with Fireman E. C. VanHousen, of Scranton. The accident occurred about two miles from Alford, a broken rail setting the automatic block signal against the engineer who was proceeding with caution looking for danger. The engine passed safely over the broken rail, remaining on the track, but the cars leaped from the rails and plunged over the embankment, turning over twice as they went down and landing at its foot. The engineer stopped his engine as soon as possible, and realizing that many had been injured, at once started at full speed for Alford, where the telegrapher notified headquarters and physicians were hurried to the scene. Of the 33 passengers injured, Frederick H. Millard, of Binghamton, seemed to be the most seriously hurt. He sustained severe injuries to his spine, but it is believed he is now recovering in the Binghamton City Hospital. Those from Hallstead injured were: Elmer Whited, Cornelius Doherty, James Gillespie, Arthur Pettit, P. J. Tierney and Michael Keenan of Great Bend. Drs. Snyder and Park of New Milford were among the first physicians to render aid to the injured. There were 60 passengers aboard the train and when the passengers felt the jar when the cars left the tails and toppled over, there were many wild shrieks from the frightened passengers, who were thrown about promiscuously and injured or cut by broken glass from the windows. Engineer Maynard and Fireman VanHousen have been widely complimented for their prompt efforts to secure immediate aid for the injured, and admirers have even gone to the extent of starting a movement to secure for them Carnegie hero medals.

Clifford – Potatoes and apples are about all gathered and cider mills are busy. ALSO Arthur Ayers, Mrs. Hezekiah Lowry, of Dundaff, and Wooster Churchill, of Elk Hill, are recent deaths occurring in this vicinity.

Jackson – The Jackson school opened on Monday after a vacation of nearly three weeks on account of measles. All the pupils have not yet fully recovered. ALSO The floors of the school rooms have just been treated with oil for the purpose of preventing dust while sweeping. Every school house floor should be oiled.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. – The young people of this place enjoyed a corn husking at M. D. Reynolds’, Thursday evening. At an early hour refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening was spent in singing and music.

Uniondale – Harry Taylor was unloading apple barrels from a [train] car Friday; his team became frightened at a train passing and ran between train and tool house; wagon wrecked; one horse in under; the other broke away.  No serious damage except wagon.

Thompson – Rev. W. E. Webster gave a temperance rally, Sunday, after which people were heard asking “what is the need of sending off for temperance speakers when we have one right with us.”  His subject was “Booze vs. No Booze.” A male chorus nicely sang two selections.

Susquehanna – The L. A. C. barn dance, on Hallowe’en, was largely attended by rubes and milkmaids and enjoyed by all.

Montrose – A horse was stolen from a Grow avenue resident on Hallowe’en. No reward is offered.  The owner probably believes it cheaper to get a carpenter to construct another.

News Brief:  The Lackawanna mills of Scranton have just received an order for 250,000 suits of woolen underwear to be used by the English soldiers. This order is said to be the largest placed in this country by any of the belligerent nations. ALSO Judge Searle, of Honesdale, lately stated to the constables of Wayne county that complaint had been made that many young men under 21 years of age had been seen smoking cigarettes on the streets and called attention to the fact that no action had been taken. In Montrose, boys under 21 years are not infrequently seen smoking cigarettes openly before constables and police officers. If the law is made to be enforced, why not enforce it? ALSO The newspapers have furnished the mud. Is a man fit for office that can not speak well of his opponent.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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