Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 06 1908/2008
Forest City - An old fashioned political demonstration, like those in vogue 12 or 16 years ago, was made by the Republicans on Saturday evening. Members of the G.O.P. to the number of 300 paraded behind the local bands and drum corps. They carried torch lights and Japanese lanterns and made a unique and striking appearance. R. S. Inglis was grand marshall. A platoon of horses were in the lead. The county candidates occupied carriages. A feature of the parade was a company of youngsters with a banner worded "The boys of today, the voters of tomorrow." Following the parade a rally was held in Muchitz's hall, which was crowded to the doors. In the auditorium were two score or more ladies. [William Howard Taft was elected President on Nov. 4, 1908.]
South Gibson - Word reached here a week ago that John Morgan died in a hospital in California. Mr. Morgan was traveling with a show and was kicked by a mule while shoeing it. A grave has been dug in Manzer Cemetery by the side of his mother, where his body will be buried when it arrives. [Another article reported that John died of typhoid fever on the 23rd in San Francisco. His father, Isaac, ordered that the body be sent to his brother, Wm., in Uniondale and brought to South Gibson for burial.]
Montrose - Daniel Wilson is the new porter at the Tarbell House [presently the County Seat Hotel] and the way in which he is attending to the duties connected with this well managed house causes his work to be commented favorably upon by its guests. "Dan" has the "Gold Dust Twins" beaten when it comes to keeping neat and clean. Also, Photographer Bronson has completed for Mrs. Abbott a set of very fine photos of "Old Tim," the monstrous yellow cat at the Tarbell House. Tim is in his 15th year now, and unlike other cats, has lived a most conservative and useful life. He possesses only one tooth, and his gate is slow. He has been the pride of the Tarbell House since he was a kitten.
Susquehanna - The Erie Railroad has issued an official order prohibiting the throwing of rice and confetti at the bride and groom just starting off on their honeymoon trip. If the customs must be obeyed and the old tokens of good luck thrown on the happy couple, it must be done elsewhere than at the railroad station or at the train.
Hallstead - Engineer Miles Fisher, Sr., a highly respected citizen of Hallstead, was instantly killed in the yards in that place on Sunday. He was employed as engineer on a switch engine nights, and was in the habit of walking to the roundhouse during the afternoon. Following his usual custom he started from home to go to the roundhouse and had to cross the tracks to reach the same, and at the time Train #56 was pulling over the crossovers into the yards. It is supposed Mr. Fisher thought the train was coming up the main track, as he stepped directly in front of the engine and was badly cut up. Mr. Fisher was one of the oldest and most trustworthy railroad men on the road, and his death is sincerely regretted in railroad circles. His two sons and son-in-law are employed by the Lackawanna and another son was formerly employed by the Montrose branch of the Lackawanna.
St. Joseph - All-Hallowe'en was observed by many of our young people who in fantastic attire paraded from door to door, making calls and creating great fun in the homes of those who were treated to a visit.
Springville - Well, the agony is over. Fill your coal bins, winter is coming. The "Merry Widow" hat has disappeared. Oct. 20th, last year, we had four inches of snow. AND Harry Williams lost a horse Sunday night. Quite a misfortune, as Harry is a hard working young man and needs a team in his business.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - James McGrain and Mary Fitzsimmons were united in marriage by Rev. Holmes, last Wednesday, after which a dinner was served to the immediate friends. The bride received $145 in cash besides other fine presents. They left on the evening train for Sayre and Binghamton. They will reside on Craig Hill where the groom has a farm and has been repairing his house and has it partly furnished ready to go to housekeeping.
Glenwood - The summer is gone and cold weather is upon us. How many have gathered up stores enough to carry them through the storms of the cold weather?
Fairdale - The Terry's moved their sawmill back to Lawton on Monday. We were sorry to have them go for the people wanted to get out more logs during the coming winter for them to saw. They were ready to accommodate all as fast as they could.
Hopbottom - The ladies of the Universalist Church will have a chicken pie dinner and apron sale Nov. 11. Dinner served in time to accommodate the school children who wish it. Every one cordially invited.
Lawton - About one o'clock Saturday morning, Oct. 31, the barn of M. H. Juser was discovered on fire. The upper part was all in flames when first seen. Mr. Juser was able to get out a mare and colt, and a horse belonging to his father out of the basement. One of his horses was on the upper floor and was burned up together with two wagons and other farming tools, hay, fodder, etc. There was a small insurance on barn and contents.
Friendsville - Miss Duel, of Little Meadows, is again in town, with a full line of fall and winter millinery.
Oakland - At the present time Oakland is facing a serious epidemic of diphtheria and scarlet fever. The number of cases is increasing daily and up to last night three cases have been attended to with fatal results. The Oakland Board of Health is doing all in its power to check the disease, but it is not receiving the cooperation of the citizens, who, it is asserted, openly violate the quarantine. Susquehanna has a large number of cases of scarlet fever at the present time.
Lenox - Claude Hardy is home to help "save the country" by casting his first presidential vote.
Dimock - The "Mummers" were out celebrating Hallowe'en. Many things were moved about but no damage done.
Compiled By: Betty Smith