Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 05 1915/2015
Lenox – The neighbors stepped in Wednesday night and helped Van Loan Bros. husk their corn. Many hands made light work.
Uniondale – Must have been something doing Saturday night. A wash tub was on the flag pole of the school house and several similar happenings in other parts of town. But, of course, it was done by the hand of some witch as she passed over the town on her broom. ALSO The reliable Erie has done something to keep people awake. What? Why put in the bells. Sometimes they ring half an hour at once.
Kingsley – Considerable damage was done, Saturday evening, by some of the boys who were celebrating Halloween.
Clifford – A very pleasant Hallowe’en party was enjoyed by a large company of young people at L. E. Taylor’s, his daughter, Marion, being the hostess. There was fun and frolic without stint, you bet.
Hop Bottom – Joseph West, who for the past ten years has been the manager of Brown & Fassett’s feed and flour store, in Montrose, recently resigned his position and assumed his duties as General Manager and Treasurer of a newly incorporated company, to be known as the Foster Mill Co., doing business here. Mr. West is also a director of the new company.
Alford – On Saturday afternoon, Nov. 6, the train on the L & M road will cross the old bridge at Alford for the last time and when the evening train goes down it will land its passengers at the new depot on the cut-off, this side of the creek, and the passengers and baggage will be transferred by wagon to the old station for that one train only, while the railroad construction men are busy getting the switches, etc., on the new line, near the new depot, ready for regular operation of all trains on the new cut-off Sunday morning, when regular train service will begin with all trains going over the cut-off.
Richmond Hill – Thomas Kane, in discussing the questions of the day made no secret of the fact that he is opposed to the gentler sex having the ballot—and he don’t care who knows it. Mr. Kane evidently believes in the admonition: “Beware of a bad woman and put not your trust in a good one.”
Harford – The new high school building will be formally opened at the dedication on Nov. 12, at 1:30 pm. The new flag will be raised at 1:30, after which a program will be given.
Great Bend – The glove factory not receiving the support of the town, and owing to the scarcity of girls’ wanting to work, they have removed their machinery to a suburb of New York. Great Bend is nicely situated for factories, being on two trunk lines.
Jackson – The many friends of O. J. McDuff and wife tendered them a surprise party on Nov. 1. Mr. McDuff and family expect to move to Orson next week, where he has rented a store.
East Lynn – The horse of E. W. Bush, which contracted lock-jaw some time ago, is completely cured, so far as can be seen. Dr. Miller, of Brooklyn, was the veterinary in charge.
Flynn – Middletown Twp. is largely in favor of woman suffrage.
Susquehanna – Thomas Reddon, of Villa Nova College, [Villanova] Pa., is spending a few days with his parents, Thomas Reddon and wife.
Forest City – Andrew, the fourteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolonski, of Dundaff street, found a dynamite cap and gave it a vigorous rubbing on a wall when it exploded, blowing his right thumb off at the first joint and badly mangling the index and second fingers. He was taken to Emergency hospital, Carbondale, where his wounds were dressed.
Friendsville – St. Francis Xavier’s Catholic church was the scene of a pretty wedding, Tuesday morning, Oct. 26, when Miss Anna Irene Ryan, of Friendsville and James Fitzpatrick, of New York city, were married by Rev. J. P. Dunn The bridesmaid was Miss Katherine Hickey, of Scranton, while the best man was Mr. Frank Kelly, of Brooklyn, NY.
New Milford – Hallie Lewis and family have taken possession of the Walker House.
News Briefs: The ladies of the county are rejoicing today, feeling greatly elated over the large vote for equal suffrage in our county. The vote for this amendment was 2680; against 1416. However, it was decisively defeated in all of the states where the proposition was submitted to the voters—New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. ALSO Clarence VanDyke, of Binghamton, dealer in Miller automobile tires, is also making a specialty of “2-in-1 Tread” auto tires, which provide a great saving on tires. Two tires, old ones, can be made over into one by him, no matter how poor, which gives much service.
The Trial for the Murder of Jackson Pepper: Wednesday afternoon the Court House was crowded to the doors, many ladies being present [and a few babies]. Daniel Graham sworn. Resides in Rush. Commonwealth proposed to show that while Eagan was still living in Rush, he asked this witness to go with him to rob Pepper (and witness refused)—to be followed later by evidence by George Callahan, of Susquehanna, that Egan made similar suggestions to him. Objected to by defense as immaterial, incompetent and irrelevant, as no robbing has been shown and therefore it does not connect Eagan. Objection sustained by court. Seldon Munger sworn. Resides in Montrose; is deputy Recorder, and also newspaper correspondent; as a reporter he interviewed Eagan and Shew in jail. Com’th offered a statement purporting to be a confession by Eagan that he and Shew went to Rush to rob Pepper, and that Shew hit Pepper with the club. The matter was objected to and defense given a chance to cross-examine Munger. On cross-examination witness said that D.A. Ainey, Deputy Sheriff Leonard, Chief McMahon, who arrested Eagan, George Frazier, Chas. Ainey and Miss Ammerman were present. It was at jail, in Sheriff’s rooms, and the prisoners were brought up, and the confession made, and he [Munger] took it down. Witness was rigidly questioned by Mr. Davies, as tending to show that undue influence was used by the persons present to get a statement from the prisoners, and that the prisoner didn’t know that Munger was a newspaper correspondent or that it was for publication, or to be used against him. The admission of the confession was still objected to, as being a statement extorted by a jailer, policeman &c., in the absence of counsel or friends of Eagan. Objection was overruled by the court and the confession admitted as evidence. Mr. McCollum read the confession to the jury. It gave the history of the case substantially as outlined in the commonwealth opening. The confession said it was made without promise of reward. Daniel Graham, cousin of Susie Graham, was re-called and testified that at the Butterfield bridge, in Rush, one day in May, 1897, Eagan said to him, “Let’s go rob Jack Pepper and get his money.” On cross-examination he said he thought Eagan was joking. George Callahan re-called and said Eagan, three or four weeks before the murder, asked him to go with him to rob an old couple and would have no trouble in doing it. [Defense objects and court excluded it]. Wing Lee, the Susquehanna laundryman said Eagan came to his place and wanted a rope and gave him three to five yards; Several were sworn in and said they did not see either Shew or Eagan from Sunday till Thursday [after the murder]. Several more sworn in who saw both pass their homes or places of business on way to Rush. Thursday morning Miss Frances Ammerman (Mr. Ainey’s stenographer) is on the stand. It is expected Susie Graham will be called. To be continued next week. The above article is a murder mystery that took place in 1898 in Rush Twp., Susquehanna County, brought to you in conjunction with “Susquehanna County Reads” program. See details on the Library website. The Scavenger Hunt in the museum is now on. The museum will be open during regular hours.
Compiled By: Betty Smith