Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 05 1909/2009
Forest City - The Hallowe'en spirit was epidemic this year and the young people held high carnival. Garbed in all sorts of outlandish costumes they went about playing pranks on people. For the most part it was innocent fun, but in some instances, as always, the older boys turned over out buildings and did material damage. ALSO It is expected that work on the new silk mill, to be erected on the old opera house site, will begin in a few days.
Lynn - Hallowe'en is over with at last. The youngsters were out in full costumes, removing gates, changing signs, overturning wagons, etc. They also ran F. S. Greenwood's automobile down into J. S. Howard's meadow and overturned it, but still no serious damage was done.
Dimock - The "Mummers" were out celebrating Hallowe'en. Many things were moved about but no damage done.
Ararat - L. O. Baldwin reached his 77th milestone Oct. 31. He is still genial and jovial.
South New Milford - Rev. Brush preached his farewell sermon on Sunday. On Monday several men and teams came from Jackson to help Mr. Brush move.
Kingsley - The graded school has just finished its second month of the current term. Harvesting has absented many from their school privileges, but those of the grammar room who persevered and attended every day are: Gladys Warner, George Welch, Ethel Welch, George Watson, Glenn Wilmarth, Walter Tiffany, Louise Stearns, Marlon Stearns, Muri Tiffany and Irene Snyder.
Oakland - At the present time Oakland is facing a serious epidemic of diphtheria and scarlet fever. The number of cases is increasing daily and up to last night three cases have been attended with fatal results. The Oakland Board of Health is doing all in its power to check the disease, but is not receiving the cooperation of the citizens, who, it is asserted, openly violate the quarantine. Susquehanna has a large number of cases of scarlet fever at the present time.
Montrose - A fire in the residence of Charles Wycoff, on Parke street, Saturday night, brought out more excitement than the youngsters were having in playing Hallowe'en pranks. The fire caught from the chimney, which was found to be defective, and was in the woodwork of the timbers, where it evidently had been smoldering for some time. Mr. Wycoff is a deserving colored man who recently purchased the property and the loss is particularly unfortunate at this time. He takes his loss lightly, however, and desires to thank the firemen who responded and saved him from a much greater loss. ALSO The death of Mrs. Ella Berry Slaughter, a highly respected colored lady, occurred Nov. 1, after a long illness. She is survived by her husband and ten children. The funeral was held from Zion church and interment was made in Montrose cemetery.
Brooklyn - Dr. A. J. Ainey and F. B. Jewett have just installed a system of water supply in their residences from springs on the hillside east of town. ALSO A movement is on foot to have a lecture course the coming winter, under the patronage of the Order of American Boys. There is a fine branch of the Order in town and they deserve the patronage of the people.
Lathrop Twp. - There will be a masquerade social and New England Supper at the Lathrop Grange Hall on Saturday evening, Nov. 6, for the benefit of the Lakeside M. E. church.
Forest Lake - A few weeks ago Rural Carrier B. R. Lyons, while delivering mail in his automobile, met with a breakdown near Forest Lake. He was obliged to leave the machine alongside the road and proceed with the delivery of the mail. When he returned someone had removed a wheel and shaft, and vamoosed. "Ben" thought it was a pretty good joke and the property would turn up after a little search. So he obligingly carried out his part by minutely examining each corn shock in a 20 acre field and searched the woods in the vicinity. The missing articles to day, however, have not shown up. While it "ain't our funeral," we feel that a party who would go to such an extent in playing a practical joke has a gross sense of humor. With the price of oats so high, we believe Mr. Lyons would be perfectly content if one of these mornings in going over his route he should find the missing parts near the scene of the accident, and if any questions are asked him he will be willing to swear they came off in a thrilling "joy ride." It costs money to ride in autos, you know, and the obliging rural carrier will be forced to plank down at least fifty plunkers to make good the loss.
Hallstead - Recognizing the heroism of M. J. Duffy, of Hallstead, a Lackawanna railroad detective killed in rescuing a woman from death under the wheels of an express train, the Carnegie Hero Fund commission has appropriated $40 a month to Mr. Duffy's widow and will present her with a silver medal. The $40 a month will be paid to Mrs. Duffy for life.
South Gibson - Our dress makers and milliners are very busy these day preparing garments for special occasions. Reports say several pairs of wedding bells will ring in the near future.
Lawton - The teachers of the township [Rush], who attended the Institute at Montrose, report it one of the most successful in years. Some of the teachers, as might be expected, purchased new hats. Well, their taste is probably good, but they look to us, as one of the Institute lecturers described them, as if an eagle, after alighting on them, had exploded.
Uniondale - Miss Alvia Carpenter, a school teacher of this place, attended the Institute at Montrose. While there her shoe made a blister on her little toe. When she came home her foot and ankle were badly swollen and gangrene was in the toe. She went to Scranton hospital and they cut the flesh off to the bone on her toe and on the side of her foot and she went back to her school.
News Brief - Pennsylvania is still the leading State in the United States in the tanning industry. In the quality of tanbark produced, the Keystone State is far ahead of all competitors.
Compiled By: Betty Smith