Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 04 1904/2004
Forest City - Charles Sczlinsky, whose back was broken under a fall of rock on Aug. 8 last, and has since been at Emergency hospital, was reported last night to be so low that it was not believed he would survive the night, says a Carbondale correspondent in yesterday's Scranton Tribune. Sczlinsky's case excited a good deal of interest among local surgeons, who realized in his recovery a great surgical triumph. Though in a desperate condition when received at the hospital and with scarcely a prospect of his living any length of time, the one chance of preserving his life lay in a most delicate operation. He rallied and lived so long that there was a faint hope of his recovery. The past week, however, he weakened and last night there was absolutely no hope beyond a few hours' life.
Susquehanna - Messrs. Thomas and William Ahearn have returned from a two months' trip to Ireland.
Montrose - On Hallowe'en some of the young men and boys of the town take the liberty of destroying property and doing injury of various kinds and it is the duty of the Boro. officials to put a stop to this thing, which grows worse from year to year, simply because it is tolerated and nothing done about it. Innocent fun is all right, but damage to private property is all wrong. For instance, when somebody decorated the front door of the residence of the Democrat editor with a picture of President Roosevelt, that was innocent fun and harmed nobody. But when they broke down the fence in front of Mrs. McCollum's, an aged lady upwards of 91 years, it was wantonly destroying property. In front of the Crocker property, owned by two orphan daughters of a dead soldier, the sidewalk was torn up and thrown into the gutter. We need speak of these cases only, but there were scores of them all over town, fences broken and board walks torn up and other damages to repair, for which the innocent owner must now be put to an uncalled for expense. These property owners have been paying taxes and are entitled to have their property protected. But there is practically no protection given them from year to year, nor anything done as to it. The excuse given is that one policeman or two or three specials cannot patrol the whole town. Then hire 40 specials, which could be done for $100. The citizens and tax payers are entitled to protection, no matter what the cost. It wouldn't be stretching the case far to say that the people who had their property destroyed ought to be able to recover from the Boro.
Harford - A party consisting of Henry LaBarr, James LaBarr, Frank LaBarr, Charles LaBarr, George LaBarr, Arthur Tingley and Andrew Mead left here Monday morning for the wilds of the Pocono Mts. of Pike Co. Last year Frank and his two sons killed a fine doe, and we wish as good success to the whole party this year. AND E. J. Whitney and wife have moved in with their mother, Mrs. Osterhout, owing to the death of Mr. O. and Mr. Whitney will conduct the wagon shop formerly run by Mr. Osterhout.
Silver Lake - John Mahoney picked from his apple trees, 1,150 bushels.
Lenox - At Loomis Lake, Saturday evening, a pedro party was given by M. L. Smith and wife, and S. W. Kellum and wife at the Kellum Cottage. The guests were: E. E. Tower and wife, Chris Tiffany and wife, Galusha Benjamin and wife, N. M. Tingley and wife, Will Jeffers and wife, the Misses Bird Tingley and Bess Tiffany. The refreshments, which were served at 7 o'clock, were in the nature of "A spread" to which all did ample justice. The hours were merrily chased away by games, recitations by Mrs. Jeffers and the skillful manipulations of the phonograph by Mrs. Smith.
East Dimock - Many farmers are feeding their large crop of apples to stock and find it pays better then to draw them away and sell them for the small sum of 40 cts. per 100 lb.
Rush - Notice- Five per-cent will be added to taxes in Rush, after election day. R. H. Hillis, collector.
Jackson - C. L. Marsh, of Jackson, was seriously, if not fatally, kicked by a horse. Drs. Goodwin, of Susquehanna and Cole, of Jackson, trepanned the skull, 2x3/4 inches being removed.
Hallstead - At Mount Manatonome, Hon. James T. DuBois has spent the summer, as he has several preceding summers, in constructing a macadam road from the red shale rock found in a quarry on the mountain, and in beautifying the park. The work all having been done at his personal expense and at a cost of many thousand dollars. Upon the top of the mountain is a level tract of several acres where he has constructed a speedway exactly one mile around, and from which a wonderful and beautiful scene presents itself, mountain ranges fifty miles distant in view. Several thousand visitors have enjoyed the beauties of the scenery from the mountain park this summer, Mr. DuBois having given a general invitation to the public to visit the mountain and enjoy its grandeur.
Hop Bottom - A sad accident occurred on Wednesday, the 26th, to Bert, the 5-year-old son of Perry Chamberlain. While attempting to cross the track he was struck by a passing train and instantly killed.
Brookdale - Clara Fisk, we are pleased to say, is able to ride out. She has been confined to the house for nearly three months with typhoid fever.
Friendsville - Mrs. Mary Tierney moved the Post-office into her residence.
Jersey Hill, Auburn Twp. - Fred Lee, while assisting Daniel Everett with his thrashing, fell through the scaffold to the barn floor and was badly bruised, but we are glad to say was not seriously hurt. AND In Auburn Center, T. Strickland has rented the blacksmith stand and is now doing a rushing business. He is a fine shoer.
News Briefs: Scranton is to the front again, the Lace Curtain Manufacturing Company having captured the gold medal at the St. Louis Exposition for the finest exhibit of lace curtains. The second prize, a silver medal, was awarded to the Wilkes-Barre Lace Curtain Manufacturing Co. There were exhibitors from Philadelphia and England, who, however, received no special recognition.
Compiled By: Betty Smith