Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 03 1922/2022
New Milford – Mark P. Perigo, one of our well-known and highly esteemed citizens, died Oct. 29, 1922. Mark was born near Hamburg, NJ in 1836 and moved with his parents to Birchardville when a small child. He was a Civil War veteran, enlisting in Co. H, 143d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was with the Army of the Potomac in 1863, being in the thick of the fight at Gettysburg. He attended the fiftieth anniversary of Gettysburg, in 1913, having the honor of being chosen one of the four flag bearers of the 143d Regiment. He resided in Rush for many years but removed to New Milford borough, where he had since made his home. His first wife, Bertania Turrell, of Forest Lake, bore five daughters and one son, she passing in 1887. A second wife, Almira Hamlin, died in 1897 and a third wife, Caroline Sterling, survives him.
Montrose – The hill climb on Bank Hill, put on by Joe Donovan, agent for Paige and Jewett automobiles, recently, was a complete demonstration of the wonderful power of the Jewett “6.” This hill is considered one of the most difficult in Montrose. The Jewett car, carrying five passengers, went over the top at 18 miles per hour, and with two passengers at 25 miles per hour. ALSO The Montrose High School foot-ball team played the Honesdale team on the latter’s grounds. Honesdale, who put in many outside players, won the game.
Susquehanna – The purchase of the creamery here, by the Dairymen’s League, means much to the dairy interests in this section. The League will transform the local milk plant into a shipping station, also will probably make changes, enlarging it and making it the central station for a large League territory.
Springville – Many from here and surrounding country attended the sale of household goods at Kasson Corners. The present owners, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kasson, are loath to part with this fine farm and summer home, descended from father and grandfather, but desirous of a warmer climate and a permanent home there, will pass from here leaving regrets of many old and new friends, and we wish them a long and happy life wherever they may locate.
Hop Bottom – The M. E. church has been undergoing some decided improvements. A new concrete porch and steps have been built at the entrance. The old carpet has been removed; the floor refinished and varnished. New Axminster rugs and runners have been laid, giving the interior of the church a very fine appearance. These rugs were purchased of D. L. Robinove, of Montrose.
Dimock - Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fuller are rejoicing over a son, born Nov. 27, Clark Bailey Fuller.
Uniondale – Miss Leona A. Burdick, who has spent the past few months visiting relatives in Philadelphia, has accepted a position with Sears, Roebuck & Co. She is a graduate of the commercial department of the Forest City high school. ALSO Electric lights are now a sure thing in the Methodist Episcopal church. They are the gifts of friends and are appreciated.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Several met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Jagger and cut and split about 20 cords of wood last Saturday, for which they are very thankful. [Follow up to last week’s article saying that men from New York came and cut the wood. All was a kind gesture to help the Jagger’s.]
Jackson – The What-So-Ever class met with Mrs. A. O. Strockbine. A bee was had by the men for the purpose of cutting Mr. Strockbine’s winter wood. Mr. Strockbine, who has been in a Buffalo hospital for some time, is on the gain.
South Ararat – Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Burman, spent the last of the week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burman. They started for Florida and expect to make the trip by auto, which was fully equipped for the journey with living purposes. He had a tent to cover the car by night and the car will be used to sleep in on the tour.
Forest City – An “Army and Navy” store is to be opened in the storeroom lately occupied by J. Karpinski. ALSO A masquerade party was held in the Grange Hall Monday evening. The costumes were quaint, ludicrous and grotesque beyond degree and were not secundum artem made. Frank Halkyer, dressed as Rip VanWinkle, was a prize winner.
Friendsville – Miss Katherine Leary, daughter of Thomas Leary, of Friendsville, and Edward Moran, of Friendsville, were married in St. Francis Xavier church, Friendsville. A Nuptial Mass was celebrated by Rev. Ruddy. Prof. Warner played a program of wedding music. The bride wore a navy blue tricotine suit with a black panne velvet hat and carried a white leather prayer book. Miss Katherine Matthews, a niece of the bridegroom, wore a navy blue tricotine coat dress and a black panne velvet hat. William Moran, a brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s father. After a wedding trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Moran will live in Friendsville.
Brushville – The brutal murder of an elderly man, named Cyrus Payne, occurred at his home, about three miles from Susquehanna. He lived alone and kept considerable money in the house, which was probably the cause of the crime. State troopers and police are trying to solve the mystery, but no clues could be found. He was apparently killed while eating, his head being crushed at the back. His only surviving relative is Thomas Payne, of Susquehanna. Undertaker Perrine took charge of the body. More in next week’s 100 Years column.
Marriage Licenses issued: Urbane D. Whitney and Catherine L. Vanderson, both of New Milford; Edward P. Moran and Katherine Leary, both of Friendsville; Malvin T. Caffrey and Marie S. Ziegler, both of Lanesboro; Wm. E. Dutchman and Mildred G. Ciar, both of Forest City; Claude Woodruff and Dorothy Ace, both of Auburn Twp.
Compiled By: Betty Smith