Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 03 1911/2011
Montrose - The Children’s Story Hour will be resumed at the library tomorrow at 3 o’clock. A most cordial invitation is extended to all children. ALSO The management for the entertainment to be given Thanksgiving evening would like to borrow or receive information where they can borrow five iron cannon balls about 4 or 5 inches in diameter, to be used that night.
Brooklyn - The State road is finished as far as the surface is concerned. Work in grading the ditches, building guard rails, etc., will keep the men at work practically the rest of the month. A substantial guard rail is being erected wherever necessary. The posts are of chestnut and the top rail of hard maple or birch and they will be painted white. The work of building the road has been under the careful supervision of Morris Tingley, who was appointed inspector for the State. It is hoped that Johnson & Evans will be awarded the contract for building the other section of the State road to connect with this.
Brackney - Several from this place attended a dance at B. Barney’s cottage at Quaker Lake, Friday night.
South Gibson - The revival meetings closed Wednesday evening, after continuing for two weeks under the able leadership of our pastor, Rev. B. F. Hanton, assisted by Rev. Buck of Uniondale, and his brother, a singing evangelist from Bethlehem.
Harford - A second number of the Harford lecture course will be given Nov. 7, in the Methodist church. Willard Gorton will give one of his unique entertainments--studies in clay, cartoons in charcoal and art studies in cloth. Adults 25 cents, children 15 cents.
Hopbottom - The ladies drive to the creamery when it rains just the same as when the sun shines.
Choconut - During the week one death is to be recorded, that of a very estimable lady, Mrs. Honora Mooney. She was a patient sufferer for years, yet she had a cheerful word for all. She was 62 years of age and leaves a husband, Jas. Mooney, and a son, Fred Mooney, to mourn her demise. She was buried with appropriate honors last Thursday, the interment being made at Friendsville. All the neighbors turned out to pay their last respects to the lady they loved so well.
Forest City - An entertainment for the boys of Forest City will be given in the Borough hall on Saturday from 3 to 5 o’clock. It will be free. There will be vocal and instrumental music and recitations. It will be an audience of boys and as far as possible the program will be provided by boys. It will be all home talent. There will be short talks on “The Boy and Himself,” “The Boy and his Town,” and “The Boy and his Country.” There will be an observation prize for boys between 11 and 12. Six boys will be allowed to go to a certain store window in town, take a five minute look and returning describe the display. The most observant gets the prize. After the program there will be refreshments.
Gelatt - Saturday night, about 12 o’clock, fire broke out in Fred Holmes’ cow barn, consuming the barn and contents, being 9 cows and all hay and millet. The horse barn caught fire and burned to the ground, the contents were saved, excepting what hay there was in the barn.
South Ararat - Leonard Barnes and bride, of Gelatt, were taking in the sights at Fiddle Lake last Sunday.
Lenox - A reception was given last Wednesday evening at the home of George McNamara in honor of himself and bride, who were married at the bride’s home at Keuka Park, NY. After a late hour about 20 guests gathered in the dining room and partook of a dainty lunch served by Mrs. J. L. McNamara and Mrs. J. F. Pickering. The bride is an attractive and most popular young lady of Keuka Park. The groom is one of Lenox’s most popular young men and it is the wish of their many friends that joy and happiness will follow them over the sea of matrimony. Those present from a distance were: Dr. R. T. McNamara, wife and daughter, Carrie, and their chauffeur, Lynn Spencer, of Thompson.
Hallstead - A dispute which may terminate in a murder trail occurred here last Friday, during an altercation in which John Herceza, a fruit dealer, shot a young glass cutter named Arthur Gesslar, from Carbondale, who lies in a Scranton hospital suffering a bullet wound in his abdomen. Herceza is being held without bail.
Gibson Township - A series of articles appeared in the Montrose Democrat, written by Jasper T. Jennings, relevant to the history of Susquehanna County. Here are a few excerpts regarding Gibson: The first resident minister was Gideon Lewis, a Baptist evangelist, who came about 1806. The first school house was built in 1807 at Union Hill, and had a bark roof. In those days nearly all the dwelling houses were of logs and only small clearings in the midst of the great woods. The boys and girls had to wade through the snow in the winter, often two miles over a rude, log road cut through, but unworked, and the school room, with its great stone fire place and rough chimney, was smoked and dingy. And there they sat and poured over their Dabol’s arithmetic and Webster’s spelling book; read in the American Preceptor, or old English reader, while grades and system were never thought of. Yet some there were, amid all the difficulties and inconveniences, who obtained a fair education. Some of the early teachers were Miss Molly Post, Lyman Richardson, Mr. Follett and Rev. Roswell Ingalis. The first settler was Joseph Potter, who came to Kennedy Hill about 1792. Some of the earliest settlers were John Belcher, Joshua Jay, Wright Chamberlain and Jotham Pickering. Phineas Pickering came from Massachusetts to Gibson in 1798. The woods were full of wild turkeys, deer and wolves at that date. One time when Phineas was returning from New Milford to the Gibson settlement, and there was nothing to guide him but marked trees a part of the way, night overtook him and he lost his way. The wolves commenced to howl, and he was finally forced to climb a tree for safety. Phineas had a gun but the powder in the pan had become wet and he could not use it. He was obliged to sit in the tree all night, while the wolves made the night hideous. There were three framed hotel houses in Gibson at an early day: David Taylor’s hotel, on the Newburg turnpike, east of Smiley, the Skyrin House and Captain Potter’s tavern. The Great Bend and Cochecton turnpike was built over the high hills of the north central part of Gibson.
Compiled By: Betty Smith