Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 03 1905/2005
Forest City - Morgan's Penny arcade opened on Monday and has been enjoying bunches of prosperity so far this week. The small boys and some larger were falling all over themselves Monday to spend their pennies.
Upsonville [Franklin Twp.] - Banker Brothers, raisers and dealers in blooded Devon stock, have just shipped two young cows to North Carolina and are preparing two more for shipment to Georgia. Banker Brothers' stock are eagerly sought after by Southern cattle raisers, this being only one of many instances where they have shipped stock to Southern states.
Montrose - Hallowe'en was rigorously observed by the boys Tuesday night. Noise of every variety, throwing of beans, corn, etc., changing of signs and the like, all were followed out after the usual form. Outside of daubing paint on store windows there was little done which would indicate malicious mischief on the part of the youngsters. AND W. M. Hibbard had the misfortune to lose one of his sorrel horses this week. Fred Roberts, of South Montrose, also lost a horse, as did John Munger, also. Hard luck all around.
Silver Lake - Oscar C. Caswell, for the past 14 years manager of the Sheldon property, has resigned and will spend the winter in California. His daughter, Mrs. Heller, has been in California since June.
South Gibson - A birthday surprise party was given Will Resseguie on his 27th birthday, Oct. 23d, by his relatives and many friends, who left silver tokens of their friendship and good will. A goodly number were present and report a good time.
Gelatt - After an absence of nearly three years in the lumber woods of Tennessee, I. J. Witter returned to his home here last Wednesday.
Dimock - Jerry Cokeley is building a fish pond near the old creamery. AND Election will be held at the Dolan House next week Tuesday.
Lakeview [Jackson Twp.] - Mabel, wife of Will Deyo, died at her home here on Friday night, Oct. 20th, aged 18 years. Funeral was held from the house on Monday at 1 p.m. and at the church at 2 p.m. She is survived by her husband and two children.
Oakley [Harford Twp.] - E. M. Loomis shipped 1600 lbs of poultry from Kingsley week before last, which was the largest shipment of the kind ever made from here at once.
Brooklyn - Last week while the scholars were playing baseball and also football on the front campus, Willie Rozelle was hit in the eye with the baseball. Serious results were feared, but the eye is improving and he is again at school. AND The pupils of Miss Ethel Sterling's room are getting up a soap order for a book-case for the room.
Auburn - Frederick Swackhamer was born in Sussex Co., N.J. in 1821 and died Oct. 8, 1905. At the age of 15 he came with his parents to Pennsylvania and settled in Auburn, where he spent the greater part of his life. Deceased had 4 sisters and 6 brothers; only one, a brother, is now living. In 1849 he was married to Mary Fulford of Standing Stone [Bradford Co.], who with 8 children survive him. In all his dealings with his fellow men he was strictly honest, to his family and friends faithful and self-sacrificing. For a few years past the infirmities of age had weakened both body and mind, but to the last the ruling principle of his life would occasionally manifest itself in the care for those he loved.
Springville - The parties spoken of in last week's items as going to the "Fair Land" was intended to read as the fair land of California. Mrs. Frank Kilts has since gone to join her son Charlie at Pasadena, Cal.
Herrick - Some low-down thief paid Liveryman Bowell a visit some time ago and took a good overcoat, a pair of mittens, a pair of new gloves and several other things. He then went to the barn of Daniel Gettle and took a quantity of corn in the ear. In the morning Mr. Gettle tracked them [him] to Orson [Wayne County] but could not find the corn.
Harford - The annual meeting of the Library Association was held in the Congregational church. A good programme was gone through including solos by Miss Larrabee, recitations by Miss Little, phonograph selections by R. Manson and remarks by Rev. E. E. Pearce.
Heart Lake - The Mountain Ice Company have the ice all shipped from their large house here and are busy repairing and making ready for the new crop.
Glenwood - Charlie Price, of South Glenwood, while delivering milk, had the misfortune to have his horse run away, break the wagon, but did not spill the milk. It got scared at Wm. Bell's oxen.
Uniondale -Ed Gilroy, of Hornellsville, formerly of this place, is out visiting his father and brother, Will. He fetched his fancy gun along and anticipates having a jolly good time during his ten days' vacation from the police force. Ed hasn't been out to the old homestead before in six years. His aged father ought to scold him a little for not coming to see him oftener than that.
From the Tri-Weekly Journal, Susquehanna - On January 1st next the law requiring all owners of automobiles to take out a license for their machines, will go into effect. This law will require owners to pay $3.00 annually for renewing the license. The money thus derived is to be appropriated to the use of the State highway department. The speed limit is fixed to a mile in six minutes in cities and boroughs and a mile in three minutes in townships. That is equivalent to ten miles an hour in boroughs and twenty miles an hour in townships.
Compiled By: Betty Smith