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November 03 1899/1999

Hallstead  - The Hallstead Herald tells of a man claiming to be a tailor appearing in that place a few weeks ago looking for work. He was given employment by P. J. O'Connor, Hallstead's merchant tailor. He repaid the kindness of his employer by robbing him of several pairs of trousers; he also went through the rooms at the Mitchell House stealing clothes, underwear and money before he left town. It has since been learned that the fellow is an all-around crook and tailors are warned to look out for him. He is a smooth faced young man of medium height and weighs about 160 pounds.

Harford - The Library Association gave a delightful entertainment in that historic old town on Monday evening. W. D. B. Ainey, Esq., of Montrose, was present and made an address.

Clifford - The ladies of the Methodist church gave an oyster supper at Finn's hall on Saturday evening, Oct. 28th.

New Milford - One of the most famous steeple climbers in the world is Clarence Ward, of Indianapolis. And by the Way, he is a former Susquehanna County boy, and was born at New Milford. When 13 years of age he suddenly left home and went to sea as a sailor, following this course for several years. Then he began his career as a steeple scaler, in which he has been quite fortunate having fallen only three times during his career. The first tumble was from the roof of a Presbyterian edifice in Indianapolis, 45 ft. to the ground. His most serious fall was from the smokestack of St. Elizabeth's Hospital at Dayton, O. Among the highest steeples that Mr. Ward has climbed are the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Cincinnati, 287 ft and the steeple of Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York--334 ft. high. Mr. Ward is in Buffalo, at present, placing a new cross on top of the steeple of St. Mary's Church. This steeple is 237 ft. high and the cross being reared to surmount it is 13 ft. in length, by 6 ft. in breadth, to be anchored to a large ball. On this job he is working by lantern light at night because of a temporary affliction of the eyes, which makes it painful for him to endure the light of day. Mr. Ward has been engaged in steeple climbing for 22 years. It is a remarkable fact that from the first day he started in the business he never suffered from nausea or dizziness. Mr. Ward bears the distinction of being one of only three steeple climbers in the country. They make about $100 a week.

Susuquehanna - A terrible accident occurred on Thursday evening of last week at Windsor Crossing, six miles east of Susquehanna. During the afternoon Patrick O'Rourke and Michael Creegan, of Windsor township, has been in Susquehanna selling potatoes. They started for home in the evening and arrived on the crossing at about 8:30, when they stopped, that O'Rourke might go to his house by a short path. Suddenly an Erie locomotive, Frank Robbins, engineer, which was backing swiftly down the Gulf Summit grade to this place, struck the wagon and both men were thrown high into the air and instantly killed. Both horses were also killed and the wagon was wrecked. The remains of the men were carried to their homes and an inquest was held during the day. O'Rourke left a wife and eight children and Creegan a wife and six children. The funeral occurred from St. John's church in Susquehanna.

Forest Lake Centre - The farm adjoining Lester Turrell's farm, owned by George Johnson, has been sold to a Mr. Palmer of Apalacon, who intends to put in a steam mill this fall, as the place is mostly timberland.

Friendsville - Charles Tierney has purchased a building lot on Turnpike street, of M. Walsh, containing about 1/4th acre of land and blacksmith shop. M. Walsh is building a blacksmith shop on the corner of Turnpike and Lake streets.

Montrose - A unique and artistic musical entertainment is that of the world famous Rock Band from London, Eng. with their marvelous ringing rocks. Mr. Till spent 11 years in manufacturing this monster stone band from rocks dug out of the mighty Skiddaw Mountain, England. Swinging Harps, Westminster Chimes, Musical Glasses, etc. songs, duets and readings. Will appear at the Armory, Nov. 18 for the benefit of the Baptist church. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents.

Lenoxville - The new school house in the Rought District has begun; Adam Miller is doing the work. AND - The E. M. Hartley's are the possessors of a new buggy.

Forest City - William J. Maxey, the Republican candidate for Sheriff, was greeting friends in Montrose this week. He expects to take up his residence there in January next.

Herrick Centre - A. D. Barnes had a gas plant placed in his house and store building last week.

Great Bend - One of the saddest incidents of which we have ever been called upon to make record, through this newspaper [The Great Bend Plaindealer], is that concerning the death of the Ketchum children. We make note some time since of the fact that Ms. Chas. Ketchum, with two children, who we learn were aged 14 years, had started for Los Angeles, Cal. to join the husband and father, who shortly after returning from a year's suffering in the Klondike, had returned here only to lose his railroad job in the general changes on the DL&W and had then gone West and secured a position at Los Angeles. The children we learn, were seized with bilious colic owing to drinking too much ice water while on the road. Words cannot describe the sufferings of the mother and the bereaved father, who has been watching with fondest expectancy the coming of his little family to join him in the western home. The sad news brings sorrow to many hearts in this vicinity.

NEWS BRIEF - The Susquehanna River is reported to be lower than recorded in the past 20 years. Throughout the entire northeastern section of the state agricultural and industrial interests, dependent upon water, are suffering for the aqueous fluid. Farmers are obliged to haul water a long distance or drive their stock, while mills are idle. But the remains of the week will help.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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