Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 01 1897/1997
New Milford - Last Saturday morning the people of this place were startled by a blaze of light which turned the dusky shade of dawning twilight into the glaring brightness of noon. It was soon discovered that the large barn and outbuildings belonging to Wm. H. Foot were wrapped in flames. The cause is said to be due to the explosion of a kerosene lantern, which Mr. Foot had in the barn while he was doing his chores. Mr. Foot succeeded in getting his horses and one wagon out but the fire was so rapid that all else, including his farming tools, hay and grain, was totally consumed. Insurance, $800.
Franklin Forks - The trustees of the M.E. church had a bee recently to fix the stoop and walk in front of the church which was very much needed, as the old plank walk and platform were very dangerous. A goodly number of teams and men responded to the call. Dinner was provided by the ladies at J.W. Palmers.
Susquehanna - Owing to the prolonged drought, a large number of the wells and small reservoirs of the town are dry. In the suburbs many of the running streams are dry and cattle are driven a considerable distance for water.
Herrick Centre - Mrs. N. Tonkins had the misfortune to lose a gold watch last Friday, somewhere between here and Carbondale. The watch was a Columbus make and was attached to a hair chain.
Thompson - Mr. Eli Bloxham's team of horses ran away from the depot last Thursday. When they turned the corner on to Jackson street they left the wagon box, running home with but little damage.
North Bridgewater - Hettie Pickering and Bert Shay dug and picked up 57 bushels of potatoes on Monday.
Moon's Mills [New Milford Twp.] - The Pratt and Shields quarries on the Everett farm are doing a smashing business. Two steam engines with powerful hoisting machinery, steam drills and three derricks are run almost constantly. A large force of men find steady employment in this extensive double quarry, and the stone, which are of the best quality, find ready market at good prices. Some are of immense size and thickness and their vast weight requires heavy teams and strong wagons for the work of transportation.
Forest City - Owing to diphtheria, the Forest City public schools are closed at present.
Montrose - A bright light in the heavens on Wednesday night attracted much attention and it was at first thought to be caused by the burning of some building at South Montrose but investigation showed that the woods near the "horseshoe" on the Montrose R.R. had caught fire from the locomotive, and hence the light.
Clifford - The finishing part of the Lenox and Glenwood ball game was done at the office of T.J. Wells last Saturday, in the way of an assault and battery suit. W.E. Maxey, of Montrose, represented the commonwealth and W.S. Robinson, the defendant. Case settled and the game was ended.
Cascade Valley - Emelius Boyden, while working in his mill at Cascade Valley, above Lanesboro, was instantly killed Tuesday night, by the explosion of his engine. He was the youngest brother of County Treasurer Boyden.
Bridgewater Twp. - The Poor Directors are arranging to purchase part of the R.G. Scott farm for a poor farm, also to be used for the purpose of a plant for the disposal of the sewage from the borough of Montrose. It seems to be a wise move. The price is $2,500.
Transue Valley [Auburn Twp] - The people living in Transue Valley have wanted a postoffice at that place fora long time but seemed to think it beyond their reach until a short time ago when M.H. Christian took hold of the matter and hustled things along. A few days ago he was notified that he had been appointed postmaster and the new office will be ready for business before long. It is in Susquehanna County and it will be called Transue.
Hopbottom - Mrs. Philander Bronson wishes your correspondent to state that Mr. Free West, our Miller, makes the best buck-wheat flour in the Hopbottom mills she ever tasted.
Royal - Abner Wells, wife and daughter, of Middletown, NY, have been spending a week with friends and relatives here and at Clifford. His daughter, Miss Lottie Wells, is a professional violinist. She rendered to some of the people of this vicinity, the sweetest music they ever heard from a violin.
Wilkes-Barre - The selection "Cuba Libre" as played by Sousa's band at the Grand Opera House on Tuesday evening was by Mark C. James. The selection was very well received and Mr. James was given many compliments (Wilkesbarre Record). Mr. James, formerly a Susque- hanna boy, is now principal of the Meshoppen Graded Schools and is a fine musician. Sousa's band, which is now considered the best in the United States, thus pays him quite an honor. People wishing the music can obtain some by addressing Mr. James. It is also in piano form.
Compiled By: Betty Smith