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May 8 1891/1991

Susquehanna - Some of our townspeople contemplate developing a mineral paint mine situated about a mile east of this place.

Hop Bottom - One rarely hears of a wholesale and retail store in a country town; but the hustler, G.W. Strupler, is always ahead. He sells goods so cheap that he nearly gives them away. He believes it to be a mistake for a man to wait until after death to be generous but believes in helping whilst on earth.

Lenox - Miss Cora Wright is not teaching school at Hell's Half Acre, as stated in last issue, nor does she intend to. Neither has she applied for a school.

South Gibson - John Howard, of the firm of Very and Howard, Fairdale, has been through this place selling pianos, organs, and sewing machines of different makes. He sells the celebrated Carpenter organs, which took the premium at the last Harford Fair. Mr. Howard also tunes, cleans and repairs pianos and organs; he is a thorough workman and gives good satisfaction wherever he goes.

Montrose - State Fish Commissioner Stilwell sent to J.P. Taylor on Tuesday afternoon last, three cans containing many thousands of walleyed pike. Mr. Taylor, Dr. W.W. Smith and C.F. Watrous, Jr. deposited them in Jones and Heart Lake on the same evening. May they all grow and prosper and in a very few years regard the lovers of piscatorial sport with big catches. This pike has thrived well in the Susquehanna River and have been known to attain a size of 15 pounds.

Jackson - The popular drama, "From Sumter to Appomattox," under the auspices of the Starrucca Band and Good Templars, will be given at Roberts' Hall, Thursday evening. May 14. The characters are taken by George P. Ross, B.C. Stoddard. C.A. Miles, M.D., Albert Crossley, Fred W. Benedict, C.H. Blanford, Misses Belle Smith, Belle Miles and C.A. Stoddard.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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