Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 5 1893/1993
Heart Lake - Another death from diphtheria has occurred in the stricken family of Henry W. Cobb, at Heart Lake. About four weeks ago little Ethel, aged 4, was taken, and on Sunday morning Ross, aged 11, died of the same disease. This makes six deaths from diphtheria that have occurred in this neighborhood, and from two families, H.W. Cobb's and M.H. Courtright's
Friendsville - C. McMahon intends building a larger barn, besides other improvements, on his premises on Front St. He has secured the stage line from Friendsville to Montrose for the coming four years. We all know John McMahon does a big business on this end of his stage line, but he does four times as much on the other end. He was met by a man from Silver Lake last week and John had nineteen passengers on his stage.
Susquehanna - The "E.B. Thomas." the locomotive which the Erie engineers built is safely installed at the [Chicago] World's Fair. The engineers have already been offered $17,000 for their prize. What her fate will be after the Fair is yet a matter that is not definitely settled, but she will undoubtedly be sold and the money will go back into the coffers of the Erie engineers' Association
Auburn - Mrs. Emma Ace [formerly Emma Evans] and children of Rock Springs, Wyoming, have come to spend the summer with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Ace is expected in August to accompany her home. Rock Springs is an enterprising mining town of about, four thousand inhabitants. Mr. Ace is a furniture dealer and undertaker.
New Milford - Two cases of measles among the children and a few adults are quite sick wild [he same disease. Commencement exercises are postponed for two weeks to allow the members of the graduating class to convalesce.
Hallstead - A sad accident occurred at Hallstead last Thursday morning. Geo. C. Brown, a switchman, while at the upper end of the yard, was knocked downed by a locomotive and had his right leg taken off just below the thigh and the left seriously injured; also bruises about the body and head. He was conscious when found and was at once laid on a stretcher which was placed on the burner of a locomotive and he was brought to the railroad crossing where he was placed in charge of Dr. Vanness, a railway surgeon, and taken to his own home. He had a wife and children. We have since learned that the surgery proved fatal, and the funeral takes place from the Presbyterian Church today at 2 p.m.
Montrose - Photographer B.R. Lyons has a wonderful camera that not only takes the object at which it is aimed, but everything around it and back of it, and the photographer and camera also. A few days ago R.J. McCausland engaged Mr. Lyons to take a picture of the front windows of his pharmacy. When the first print was taken from the negative, there was McCausland's Pharmacy clear and distinct, but in addition could be seen in the reflection of the plate glass windows, the Baptist Church, C.F. Watrous' livery stable, post office, and everything on the opposite side of the street, and also Photographer Lyons and his camera. The picture presented a very odd appearance
Lenoxville - This is a very backward spring for all kinds of work. Most of the farmers are busy sowing their oats. The women are busy cleaning house, and those boots better be kept clean. Our merchants are fixing their stores with spring and summer goods, which will be sold cheap as the cheapest.
Silver Lake - Rose Brothers received their annual supply of garden seeds from W. Attlee Burpee & Co., Philadelphia, recently. With H. Meeker to plant and care for the same, a large quantity of garden vegetables is assured. Burpee's seeds always grow if not too deeply covered with water.
Ararat - Cyrus Conrad moves his family to East Ararat where he will engage in work at the acid factory.
Brooklyn –Note: Mrs. Cora Robinson Corbin, Brooklyn, informed the; Historical Society that the photograph in Out Of The Past for April 28, is of the Maple Grove School, 4 miles from Hop Bottom, on the road to Springville. The photograph was taken about ca. 1890-92 and the teacher was Miss Valentine. Clara's father. Clarence Robinson, is standing, 2nd left. Her aunt, Florence Tiffany, is standing in the back row, 4th right. Clara's mother, Bernice Mead Robinson, taught school there about 1908 and Clara and her sister, Anna Pratt, tended the school in the early 1920’s.
Compiled By: Betty Smith