Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 31 1907/2007
Montrose - Providence smiled in giving the remnant of faithful veterans in our borough as fair and beautiful a day as ever dawned in the month of May. This grand day on which the living patriot pays homage to the patriot dead, warmth and sunshine came to bless the Soldiers' day with both peace and gladness, and as early a five o'clock in the morning the Old Vets were astir and donning their blue regimentals preparatory to the initial act of the day. As the clock rang for the hour of six o'clock, a number of Veterans and Sons of Veterans assembled in G. A. R. Hall and proceeding to the cemetery, deposited up on the soldiers' graves-still wet with the dews of nightfall, large flags as markers of outward signs of an inward and undying love for those who have responded to the last roll-call. As the ranks are fast thinning out, there remains but a few Boys in Blue to perform this sacred oblation to their deceased comrades. But as long as they live, will this duty entrusted to them be faithfully carried out. Between the hours of six o'clock and twelve, our citizens acted generously in response to the request made in the general orders issued, "that on that day the National Colors be liberally displayed." All along the pubic avenue flags and bunting met the eye in great profusion, and it gives us pride to note the fact.
Uniondale - The time of house cleaning is again at hand, when meals are ate in silence from dry goods boxes and from barrel heads, while the baby, blacking brush, rolling pin, cat and your hat occupy the same receptacle. AND Mrs. O. M. Spoor is to receive the premium this month in the Larkin soap club.
Heart Lake - G. F. Allen has his potatoes planted and one piece of oats sowed. It is nothing strange that Allen is ahead with his work as a son arrived at his home April 25th.
Franklin Twp. - There will be 11 phones added to the Peoples Mutual Independent Telephone Company's line, as follows: James Web, Fred Webb, Jacob Warner, Wm. Webb (2), Chas. Welch, Edson Rhinevault, Chas. Palmer, W. L. Bailey, G. H. Smith and Harry Vance.
Birchardville - Mrs. Emma Strange and daughter, Fannie Boyd, have moved to Union, where they expect to do dressmaking.
Harford - W. B. Guile is here from Scranton and is clerking for Harry Miller at the old reliable Corner Store.
Forest City - It will soon be possible to ride by trolley from Forest City to Philadelphia. A charter granted several days ago to the Franklin and Towamensing street railway Co. giving it the right to build a nine mile track from Lehighton to Palmerton, with right for an extension to Slatington, completes the system with the exception of nine miles from McAdoo to Slatington. This latter nine miles will soon be built. When the junction is completed Forest City will be the terminal of the longest trolley system in the world.
Susquehanna - With the revelation of the state of the labor conditions in the Erie shops the truth of the statements made by President Underwood, of that road, published recently, is made apparent. According to inside reports, direct from Susquehanna, that town is on the verge of a volcano, and a strike involving nearly 1,000 men is likely to be called at any time. Susquehanna is considered the hotbed of all the labor troubles of the [Erie] road and that rather than give in one point, the shops will be closed there. In that case it is easy to see that the time is probably not far distant when Binghamton will be their location, as President Underwood said would be the case.
Brooklyn - The ranks of Rogers Post, G. A. R. are growing thinner each year. Many have passed over in answer to the call which no one can escape and where substitutes are not accepted. Among those who have passed away since last Memorial Sunday is the adjutant of [the] Post, Comrade E. J. Lathrop, who was an active member and who had a splendid war record of 28 battles, was twice wounded and once a prisoner of war. The service on Memorial Day will be held near his grave.
South Montrose - A new switch has been put in at Coolville by the L. V. R. R. to accommodate stone quarries, which are located south west of town on the B. F. Jones & K. E. Griswold farms. Another quarry is being opened on the farm formerly known as the Wilson farm; the stone found in these quarries is of superior quality.
Alford - An appeal has been sent out by friends, to the public, to assist Mrs. H. L. Hubbard in the rebuilding of her dining parlors, recently destroyed by fire. As a public inn, Mrs. Hubbard's place afforded a comfortable resting resort where one could get a nice bite to eat, while traveling, and the loss by fire is one keenly felt.
St. Joseph - Word was received that Rev. Fr. J. A. O'Reilly, rector of the Church of the Nativity, South Scranton, and formerly rector of the cathedral, died at the State Hospital in that city. At his side when death came were his sister, Miss Manie O'Reilly and brother, Aloysius, of St. Joseph. He was 47 years of age and was born at St. Joseph.
Hop Bottom - J. W. Bisbee has recently purchased the interest of his partner, Ernest Lewis, who wished to return to Harford, his old home. John is a most cordial fellow and we wish him success. This is the store conducted so long and with such pronounced success by E. M. Tiffany.
News Briefs: Headstones for the graves of old soldiers and sailors will be supplied free on application to the quartermaster general of the United States Army, at Washington, D.C., and sent to any address. Heretofore the headstones were furnished free by the County Commissioners but the system was recently changed [and] the applications must be made only on the 1st days of January, April, July and October. AND The Sons of the Revolution of New York have sent out a circular giving the dates upon which Old Glory should be displayed by patriotic people of the land. The days upon which the flag should be displayed are as follows-Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 12; Washington's Birthday, February 22; Battle of Lexington, April 19; Memorial Day, May 30-on which day the flag should fly at half mast from sunrise to noon and full staff from noon to sunset; Flag Day, June 14; Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17; Independence Day, July 4; Battle of Saratoga, October 17; Surrender of Yorktown, October 19; Evacuation Day, November 25. Hoist up the flag on those dates.
Compiled By: Betty Smith