Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 31 1901/2001
Uniondale - Baldwin & O'Brien have reduced the price of milk to 57 cents per can at Uniondale. Farmers begin to feel like kicking. While the price is low, the indications are that there will be another reduction in price ere long.
Harford - Heavy rains caused the large lake near Harford to become dangerous and many men were engaged watching and patching the leaks. Fortunately no damage resulted, though many people were thoroughly frightened.
Forest City - The man who was elected [tax] collector of Forest City did not take the office and there was some difficulty in filling the place as the office of collector there is no softsnap. Julius Freedman, a wide awake citizen, has come to the rescue and was appointed tax collector for Forest City by the court.
Montrose - Montrose played the second game of the series with Gt. Bend, Decoration Day, and the game proved to be a very interesting one, although the ground was in bad condition. The Montrose team showed marked improvement over their last game. The batting of (Milky) Hollister was a winner for the home team and we trust he will continue the good stick work. Curran, who has taken the dentist's position, is right as home and the manner in which he catches the horse-ride meets the approval of the crowd. Smith is coming along the line O.K., with his high-ins, but we think he might adjust his uniform in the light as he would not be so apt to get the wrong stockings. Hart, who is taking care of first base, had a (Hart) time of it, and we anticipate good results from him hereafter. Carey at 2nd base is buckling in to all that comes his way. Shafer is rather a short stop, to be (Frank) with you, and is also doing nice stick work. Rafferty has taken up a new position at 3rd, and he is giving good satisfaction so far. Warriner, Westfall and Hollister, out in the green grass, are always ready for a fly to come their way, and we think they will do if they stop making those goo goo eyes at the fair maidens, as they pass by. Score 5 to 4 in favor of Montrose.
Dimock - John Strupler has one of the finest dairies of cows in the township. He also has a large silo and is now planting many acres of corn to fill the silo for fall and winter use. AND The school directors met on Monday and levied the school tax for the year 1901. They have raised the wages of teachers from $10 per month for three months, and $24 per month for four months, to $24 for the seven months. This meets the approval of a majority of taxpayers.
South Montrose - Harmon Stone, LeRoy Darrow, Dean Rogers, Will Fish and C. White went to Elk Lake, Monday night, fishing. They have done nothing but eat fish since.
South Gibson - Mrs. Nellie Brundage and Miss Ida M. Whitter will open a dressmaking shop in Mrs. Manzer's rooms.
Susquehanna - The Bell Company is endeavoring, but without success, to purchase the interests of the Susquehanna Telephone and Telegraph company. AND The annual Commencement exercises of the Susquehanna High School were held in the High School building on Tuesday evening. There was but one graduate-Miss Metta Skinner.
Springville - Henry Williams has a little team of ponies that are fairly good travelers. He and Mr. Baldwin were down at Tunkhannock recently and started on the return trip at 2:15 o'clock, arriving here ahead of Geo. Alleman's train. Of course we do not wish to intimate that river water had anything to do with it, 'cause Henry aint built that way.
Auburn Corners - One morning last week Tom Berry's colt, becoming tired of waiting for the milk, started for the creamery without driver or wagon. Imagine his disgust when he was overtaken and had to go back and get the wagon when he had nearly reached the corners.
Lawsville - The memorial services held in the church here Memorial day were quite well attended considering the stormy days previous. The clouds disappeared about 10 o'clock and the weather proved to be quite favorable. The L.A.S. sold about 5 gallons of ice cream mostly to the people of Lawsville and the band; the Franklin Forks people never eat cream. AND A roster of names of those who fell and were buried at the front [during the Civil War] were read after the Memorial Service of the G.A.R.: Wallace Southworth, 4th PA Reserves; James Hinchman, 4th PA reserves; Henry Pierson, Co. D., 50th PA; Theodore Todd, Co. D, 50th PA; Daniel Stephens, 50th PA, Lyman Beebe, Co. C, 151st PA; Jonathan Darrow, 141st, PA; Daniel Stilwell, Co. H., 141st PA; George Chapman, Co. H, 141st PA; William Ward, Sumner Lines, Henry Cromwell, George Champion, Samuel Hathaway, Charles Markham.
Silver Lake - A new road from Hawleyton to Quaker Lake is talked of, which will lessen the distance and avoid hills. All living on the Pennsylvania end of the route are in favor of it, as the distance from Binghamton to the lake would be lessened.
North Jackson - The annual reunion of the Wheaton Family will be held at the home of Chas. F. Whitney, Briar Cliff Farm, North Jackson, Saturday, June 15, 1901.
Oakley - Eldredge Shoup, 9 years old, was down to Hopbottom Saturday with his brother and as he went along the street, his black eyes saw many things that escaped the ordinary passerby, including a bright sparkling spot in the muddy street, which on inspection proved to be set in a ring. They took it home, and Sunday learned learned that Frank Janoushek, the Hopbottom undertaker, had lost a valuable diamond ring, and Monday morning both parties were made happy by restoration of the lost article to its rightful owner, the finder having been suitably rewarded.
Hallstead - L. E. Tiffany has commenced excavations for the foundation of a new building on Main Street. The new structure is to be located between his store and that of C. W. Bankes. It will be used as a bicycle store and sales room when completed.
News Briefs - The right down hot weather arrived this week and, as usual at such times, the most sought after people in the towns are our popular icemen. If you have never known what is was to keep comfortable during the sultry weather, you may experience that delight by dropping a card and have them leave a daily supply of ice at your residence or place of business. AND The remarkable rain fall last month reminds the older people of the wet May, in 1867, when it rained 23 days.
Compiled By: Betty Smith