Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 30 1919/2019
Little Meadows –Three men from Tioga Center were arrested at Apalachin, charged with public intoxication. They had been to Little Meadows, where they shipped a good-sized cargo of Pennsylvania whiskey and had some whiskey when they arrived in Apalachin. The three men drove from Tioga Center to Little Meadows with a horse and buggy. After getting as far as Apalachin on the return journey, they had driven back to the Barker farm on the Little Meadows road. One of the men lost his hat, and they turned back to find it when their horse gave out from hard driving. The officers found in the possession of the three men two pint bottles of very poor whiskey and one pint bottle two-thirds full and two empty bottles. Two full pint bottles, which were under the wagon seat, were taken out by “native” tipplers before arrival of the officers.
Brooklyn – Many improvements have been made in the Tewksbury House, one of the oldest temperance hotels in the county. No license has been applied for at this house since 1871. J. O. Bullard was proprietor then, having bought the property in 1855. His daughter, Mrs. L. Tewksbury, still presides over the dining room. ALSO The High School graduated six students: Misses Pauline Fish, Lillian Kinney, Ada Gardner, Lena Ring, Marion Reiber and Charles Peckham.
Harford – Dr. C. A. Johnston and Undertaker E. J. Whitney drove to Montrose one morning in the doctor’s Ford. While descending Mott hill, near New Milford, the radius rod in the steering gear was bent when the machine struck a rock and they had a narrow escape from going over the bank. A New Milford machinist soon appeared with a new part and they bowled into town without further mishap after less than an hour’s delay. One of the really fine features of the Ford is that you can secure repairs quickly at almost any “corner grocery.” And when Ford’s $250 fivver makes its appearance he’ll have to sextuple the size of his present factory
Susquehanna – This borough lost one of its ablest business men and best citizens. M. H. Eisman was a fine type of honorable, courteous manhood, while his true character and generous disposition endeared him to the hearts of many. No charitable undertaking was ever ignored by him; no needy person ever appeared to him in vain, if they were worthy of assistance. No friend was every denied by him. Although a resident of Susquehanna he contributed handsomely on a number of occasions to the book fund of the public library in Montrose. Material possessions to him were a matter of trust, to be used unselfishly. ALSO Corp. James and Thomas Igo recently returned from overseas and are at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Igo.
Springville – Charles Smith and wife, formerly of this place, but for nearly 40 years residents of the state of Nebraska and for the past year, of Minnesota, are here visiting Mr. Smith’s brother, E. T. Smith and family.
Montrose – Sheriff H.E. Taylor was engaged in wrapping a finely executed horse-hair chain for mailing. We have seen many horse-hair chains, but this was the finest specimen of workmanship we had ever seen. “Bill” McKenna, a prisoner in the jail, was the artisan. Alternate black and white links of horse-hair, and a multiplicity of them at certain regular points on the chain to form a more “massive effect,” made it a beautiful specimen of its kind. The chain was intended for Benjamin Carr, of Susquehanna.
Uniondale – May 31 will be the opening day at Douglas & Yale’s new garage. Dinner will be served by the ladies.
Thompson – Lewis B. Washburn died at his home in Postoto, California, May 11, aged 67 years. He was born in Gibson and married Miss Elfie Nye, of Jackson, a sister of Mrs. C.Z. Pickering, of Thompson and John Nye, of Jackson. He moved to California 40 years ago.
Franklin Forks – Silas W. Lacey, Civil war veteran, told a reporter that he had a record which he challenges any old soldier in the state of Pennsylvania to beat. He, at the age of 75, is vigorous, retains good health, juvenile ambition and spirits, being employed at a saw mill here, daily handling 6,000 feet of lumber. Mr. Lacey lived in Lanesboro previous to enlistment in the 89th New York Infantry, served during the whole four years of the war receiving his discharge in 1865; was wounded twice, taken prisoner at Fair Oak [Oaks] and participated in 31 battles. [Silas died in 1933 at the age of 89.]
Forest City - Atty. W.H. Maxey has received a letter from his son, Lieut. Rexford Maxey, in which he states he is recovering from pneumonia in a hospital at Brest, France. Owing to illness he was unable to return with his regiment.
Great Bend – The Daughters of Veterans have selected July 4th as the day when Great Bend and Hallstead will welcome home the soldiers who have been serving Uncle Sam during the recent war. Committees have been appointed to make arrangements.
Hallstead – James. T. DuBois arrived here from the south, where he has been spending the winter. His son, Arthur, who is connected with the Peace Conference, in France, has been acting as commissioner in Silesia, in an endeavor to reconcile the difference existing between the Poles and Czeko-Slovaks. The young man, who speaks a number of languages, has traveled all over the world and since the war has been serving the United States Government in various countries.
Lanesboro – Joseph A. Virginia, who recently sold a residence property to Edward Clapper, is moving into a house near the iron bridge and will there open headquarters for a land improvement move which he will carry out himself. He has set aside five acres of a 25 acre plot along the main road in Lanesboro, and will divide this into building lots 50 x 100 feet which he will sell for $100 each.
200 Years from the Montrose Gazette, May 29, 1819.
*Five Dollars Reward, Will be given for the apprehension and delivery to the Jail of Susquehanna County, of JOHN EVANS, a Molatto, aged about 22 or 23 years; he had on when he escaped from my custody, a soldier’s coat—Versailles vest, a new cotton shirt, a decent looking hat, gray pantaloons gray stocking and Shooes [Shoes], partly worn. J. CLARK, Jailor. Montrose, May 13, 1819.
*Notice. Isaac Brown and others entered on the Docket of the Subscriber that they took up, floating down the waters of the Susquehanna river, at the Great Bend, on the 5th inst., part of a platform of boards supposed to contain about 1650 feet and one bunch of short Shingles marked W. W. Hinkley. The owner or owners can have his or their lumber by making the necessary proof before the subscriber at Great Bend. CHARLES DEMON, J. P. Great Bend, April 20, 1819.
*WANTED, A lad from 14 to 16 years of age of good morals, and steady industrious habits as an apprentice to the Tanning and Shoe Making business; a boy of the above description who can come well recommended may find an advantageous situation by applying to ISAAC P. FOSTER, May 29, 1819.
Compiled By: Betty Smith