Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 29 1914/2014
Heart Lake – Loyal automobilists are giving Horton Reynolds and N. O. Roach considerable praise for their voluntary efforts in improving the Heart Lake state road. State road employees are also on the job.
Brooklyn – Miss Alice Lee is sojourning in the mountains of Tennessee for a short time, collecting data for her literary work. Miss Lee is a contributor to several periodicals. ALSO A bolt of lightning entered the home of Daniel Yeomans on Tuesday evening, while an ice cream social was in progress. Half a dozen young people were stunned and some seared about the face and body. The lightning entered the house on the telephone wires, the instrument attached to the wall being shattered by the bolt.
Great Bend – Theodore A. Spearbeck, aged 78 years, died at his home in the township on Thursday, May 22, 1914, after a long illness. He was a veteran of the Civil War and long in the employ of the Lackawanna railroad. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Tennant, of Alford. The funeral was held from his late home Sunday afternoon, Rev. W. I. Andrews officiating. Interment in Woodlawn cemetery, Great Bend. ALSO Some surveyors employed by the Lackawanna Railroad walked across the fields of J. A. Florance to get to their work on the new cut off. Florance had them arrested for trespassing and Squire Carl fined them five dollars each. The defendants declined to pay and have removed the cases to the Montrose Court. Some of our contemporaries have erroneously attributed the arrest to K. D. Johnston and assumed that it related to the right of way controversy.
West Auburn – Many protests and much regret is felt here that contractor Gill should feel it necessary, owing to delays caused by the wet weather of March and April, to work his men on Sundays on the new state road in order to finish his contract within the specified time. We feel sure that if the State Highway department would extend the time limit so that the contractor would not feel obliged to break the Sabbath to finish the job it would give much greater satisfaction to the great majority of the people.
Harford – “Hell” will be the subject of the sermon Sunday morning in the Congregational church.
Forest Lake – M. J. Kane is advertising for young pigs for shipment. These little porkers are not slaughtered, but shipped to other sections where they are grown by farmers. Mr. Kane shipped about 800 pigs from Montrose last fall.
Williams Pond, Bridgewater Twp. – Chandler Stevens, a Civil War veteran and highly esteemed resident of this place, will celebrate his 85th birthday anniversary tomorrow. Mr. Stevens has been in quite feeble health for some years, although able to be about. The very best wishes of a wide circle of friends are his on this auspicious occasion.
Forest City – On Tuesday of last week Forest City voters, by a vote of 178 to 51, authorized a bond issue of $30,000 for a new high school building. The new structure will be of brick and will be erected on Main street. It will have a large auditorium and in addition to facilities for the high school will also accommodate several of the lower grades.
Hallstead – The 125th anniversary of the forming of the Hallstead Presbyterian church fell on May 21. The church was organized on that date in 1789. The congregation celebrated the event at the morning service on Sunday, when Rev. F. E. VanWie, the pastor, delivered an interesting historical sermon.
Glenwood – The latest news just read from E. J. Pickering’s family, at Whitewood, S. Dakota, by relatives here, is that nine of the family were very ill with smallpox, but the crisis has passed and all are thought to be on the gain.
Dimock – It is reported that the people around Dimock have raised a fund, by popular subscription, to purchase the old hotel at the corners and to do away with the bar, thinking it better to buy the property than fight a license application every year.
Montrose – Members of the G. A. R., by invitation of Prof. Hosterman, visited the High School Tuesday morning, special patriotic exercises having been arranged. The pupils were addressed by Chaplain C. C. Halsey and Post Commander M. H. VanScoten. Mr. VanScoten spoke of the analogy between patriotism and courage, and said the soldier who ran never wanted to face his friends back home. He contended that the young men made the best soldiers. Of the more than two million men engaged in the Civil War, 1,700,000 were boys between 12 and 21 years of age. The old veterans were greatly pleased with the program given by the High School students and speak very favorably of the courtesy of Prof. Hosterman.
Uniondale – The Uniondale band has been re-organized. ALSO It is about time the railroad company got busy and put in bells at crossings. The council meets again in a few days.
South Ararat – Rev. Webster, of Thompson, delivered the memorial sermon at the Presbyterian church in Ararat. He spoke from Joshua 10-14. Those who attended were benefitted and those who stayed away missed a great deal. Only five old soldiers were in attendance at the services here Sunday, the ranks are being broken so fast.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – The Lynn base ball team played the Lemon boys, Saturday last, on the latter’s grounds, resulting in a score of 11 to 17 in favor of the Lynn boys. It is needless to say that Robert Smales, the pitcher, threw some fancy curves. Lemon will play at Lynn, Saturday. Game called at 2:30 sharp.
Auburn 4 Corners – The Ladies’ Aid will have an ice cream festival at the home of Benton Lathrop, Thursday evening, June 4. Everybody invited to come.
News Brief: Pennsylvania is about to come into possession of one of the most treasured war flags in American history. It is the famous “Rattlesnake Flag” carried by Proctor’s Westmoreland county battalion during the Revolution. We are all familiar with the inscription which appeared on it, “Don’t Tread On Me” and the figure of a rattlesnake on the yellow background lent force to the argument. At the transfer of flags to take place at the State capitol, early in June, Lieut. M. H. VanScoten, of Montrose, one of the original color bearers of the rebellion, will participate.
Compiled By: Betty Smith