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May 29 1896/1996

Rush - The P.O.S. of A. are preparing for a grand celebration on the Fourth of July. The features of the day will consist as follows: Presentation of a flag to the Snyder School; Winchester Frank, the champion rifle shot of the world, will exhibit his wonderful skill; bicycle races; fantastics; and a jolly good time generally.

Herrick Centre - A number from this place attended the graduating exercises at Pleasant Mount Academy Tuesday evening. Harry Curtis, one of our young men, was one of the graduates.

Lynn - Misses Eva Carter and Bertha Gerritson drove to Springville on Saturday last with Mrs. J.S. Howard's family horse, Beecher, which is as fine a carriage horse as the writer has seen in many a day. AND Anyone wanting sheep sheared call on Wm. Smales, as he is a first-class sheerer.

West Auburn - Johnny Woodruff has not yet succeeded in taming his new bicycle, but is obliged to push it.

Glenwood - Stone quarry business seems to be quite an industry in this vicinity. Mr. Andrew Freeland shipped over two thousand feet of stone from his quarry on Mr. Emanuel Potter's land recently.

Harford - J.C. Tanner has laid pipes from the water works system into his house.

Forest City- A Law and Order League was established last week. The principal object of the organization is the prevention of Sabbath desecration. AND N.E. Gardner's big tenement house was burned last week.

Montrose - The new instruments will be used for the first time tomorrow by the Montrose Comet Band, which will furnish the instrumental music at the Memorial Day services.

Susquehanna - A delegation from Moody Post and Relief Corps will leave for Chambersburg on Monday next, to attend the State Encampment & Convention, G.A.R. From the Post: Commander J.H. Findon; Win. Eastwood; from the Corp: Mrs. M.H. Pope, President; Mrs. F.D. Lyons, Mrs. W.H. Telford, Mrs. J.F. Bronson. Mrs. W.H. French, Mrs. C.E. Whitney, Mrs. Win. Allpaugh, Mrs. Watson Boyden. Mrs. Boyden is a prominent candidate for Department President, and will probably be elected.

Lanesboro - Ralph A. Lyons, a Lanesboro boy, now a Scranton artist, designed the handsome and appropriate Knights Templar illustration on the first page of Tuesday's Scranton Tribune. Mr. Lyons studied art in Paris and evidently has a bright future.

Dimock - M.N. Seely had a stone bee last week and got a fine job done. When the men in this vicinity turn out to help a neighbor, they help him and no mistake.

Little Meadows - The intelligence has reached friends here of the death of Mrs. Maria True, sister of Sidney Pitcher, of this place, which occurred at Tokyo, Japan, April 18, aged 52 years. For the past twenty years she has been a missionary in Japan.

Birchardville - N.C. Babcock lost a cow a few days ago, leaving his family only one. The many friends of the family raised, by gift, the sum of $19.75 in part payment towards another cow. Mr. & Mrs. Babcock are very thankful to their friends for their assistance in this time of need.

Clifford - A few days ago Harry Barney and Miss Mary Hobbs slipped quietly out of our town and commenced on a journey whose end or object was not generally known. When they returned Miss Hobbs had entirely disappeared. Mr. Barney brought Mrs. Barney in her place.

Apolacon - Jas. Goff recently returned from Lake Wyalusing with the largest string of fish that has been caught there in a long time. Several specimens measuring 18-inches.

South Gibson - George Baker, along with Geo. T. McCroy, trapeze artist, made a successful balloon ascension on Saturday afternoon last. The news brought spectators from all directions, in wagons, on horses and bicycles and riding "shanks mare." Shortly after 4 o'clock the parachute was attached in proper position, the aeronautist divested himself of superfluous clothing and stood forth in a suit of tights, and at 4:28, with a cry to "let her go," he seized the trapeze attached to the lower end of the parachute and in a trice was rising swiftly skyward. Impelled by a strong north wind, the balloon drifted rapidly southward as it rose and by the time it had reached an altitude of near 2,000 ft. was over a quarter of a mile beyond the starting point, with the figure hanging by his toes from the trapeze bar. Then the parachute parted company from the balloon and filled out like a great umbrella. Sharply outlined against the sky and in pleasing contrast with the huge hulk of the balloon, which was now settling sulkily downward, the graceful lines of the parachute with its dependent weight of trapeze and performer held the gaze of every eye, as it dropped slowly down. Appreciation over the success of the occasion was shown in donations of not a little silver in the shape of halves, quarters, and dimes. A hat was also passed by Baker, to defray incidental expenses, and met with considerable response.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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