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May 29 1891/1991

Hallstead - On Friday, May 15, Milton S., aged about 12 years, while in passion, stabbed a young man named "Clet" Wilmot, cutting through his clothes and in to the skin of his side, striking a rib which stopped the knife from penetrating further. The wound bled pretty freely. Dr. Van Ness dressed the gash. The boy is a very passionate boy and when angry is very apt to do something rash.

Harford - The raising of the Odd Fellow's Hall took place Tuesday. A large assemblage of the order, as well as citizens, assisted in putting up a strong and substantial frame, which stands upon a solid foundation of rock. The Hall is 30 by 50 feet, two stories high. It is lamentable that our town people could not join in the erection of the structure, and occupy the lower story for public meetings.

Susquehanna -  A very large audience assembled in the opera house last Friday night to witness commencement exercises of the graduates of our high school. The exercises were interesting throughout and were never excelled by a retiring class in our school. The names of the graduates are: Bessie LaMonte, James M. Graves, Vergie L. Cook, M. Agnes Coyle, Beta L. Adams, David M. Lofgren, Irma C. Surdam, William C. Evans, Fred S. Brown, Ernest Skinner, G.W. Thompson and Bessie E. McCauley. Evans' Orchestra composed of young but ambitious, and Miss Mabel Evans, a talented 11-year old violinist, added much to the enjoyment of the occasion by their excellent musical selections.

Montrose - The Montrose Library is open to the general public, in the Searle building, every Wednesday, 10-12 and Saturday 2-4. The ladies of the C.L.S.C. organized it five years ago, for public benefit, and in all that time have given their efforts and time free in its behalf. Come and encourage them by taking a subscription at only $ 1.50 a year, or 25 cents a month, or draw a book for 10 cents, and procure for yourself the best of reading. Among the 550 books are many by such well-known authors as Drummond, Tourgee, Hawthorne, Edward Everett Hall, Mrs. Stowe and others.

Heart Lake - The first train over the Lackawanna and Montrose Railroad, a few weeks hence, has been chartered by Prof. Bauer, leader of Scranton's celebrated band and orchestra, for an excursion to that popular resort, Heart Lake.

Hickory Grove - The Columbias and the Windsors, played the last game of their series last Saturday on their ground, at Locust Hill, the Windsors winning. The score stood 10 to 15. The Columbias' three best men were at Barnum's circus, but don't despair boys, two games out of three is not so bad. The features were the two-homerun hits of Fox, the catching by Davis, and the fine fielding of H. Matthews.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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