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May 28 1915/2015

Auto Buses and Good Roads: Auto omnibuses are becoming more numerous in the country districts. W. D. Minkler, of Little Meadows, has purchased a “bus” and is making two weekly trips and return to Binghamton from that place. Mr. Minkler’s enterprise is greatly appreciated, for the car is filled each trip. A canopy top is provided so that in case of storm the passengers are protected. A “bus” line has also been started between Franklin Forks and Binghamton, making regular trips Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving at 7 a.m. and returning at 7 p.m. The fare for a return trip, we are informed, is 90 cents. ALSO About 100 men were ready to work on the township roads on “Good Roads Day,” but the heavy showers prevented any effective work. Many of the committees have decided already to continue to work on the roads to which they were assigned and many are working today.  All are enthusiastic and the spirit shown augurs well for the future

Susquehanna – George Baumann, assistant yardmaster in the Erie’s Oklahoma yards, was internally injured, had a leg fractured in two places, and was badly bruised and lacerated about the body on Wednesday morning, May 26. He was engaged in switching freight cars when he fell under a car and was rolled over the ties for several car lengths before the train could be stopped. He is in the Barnes Memorial Hospital in a critical condition. ALSO Our town will be visited by a circus this Friday afternoon and evening.  The school will close in the afternoon so that the children can attend.

Clifford Twp. – “Fern Hall,” at Crystal Lake, one of the principal summer resorts in Northeastern Pennsylvania for many years, was sold recently at an executor’s sale, John A. Law, of Pittston, being the purchaser.  The price paid was $20,800. Mr. Law is a relative of the Johnson family, which owned the hotel and a farm of nearly two hundred acres.

Forest Lake – Dr. C. W. Brodhead and Register and Recorder M. E. Birchard, are both having attractive summer cottages erected on the shores of Forest Lake.

Gibson – Misses Lela Craft and Thelma Tompkins are attending Summer Normal at Montrose. These girls are among our most talented young people and we know they will make good teachers. We shall miss them in our church and Sunday school, Miss Craft being organist in the Sunday school and Miss Tompkins one of the leading soprano singers in the choir of the M. E. Church.

Elk Lake – Mrs. Emma Young lost a very valuable cow last week.

Alford – Perry Sweet, of Clark’s Summit, was a caller on Tuesday. Mr. Sweet, who resided here until the Lackawanna railroad literally forced him from his home and appropriated his property, on which to lay their tracks for the cut-off, settled with the company the day previous, receiving $4,500, the largest settlement yet made by the Lackawanna in their condemnation proceedings. Attorney C. L. VanScoten was Mr. Sweet’s lawyer.

Heart Lake – Photographer and Mrs. S. J. Roper were callers in Montrose on Monday. Mr. Roper and family are to locate at Great Bend, the coming summer, where he is erecting a studio.

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. – W. G. Thornton, a veteran of the Civil War, received a wound at Chancellorsville on May 3, 1863. A ball entered his left hip, penetrating the socket, where it still remains.  The wound has constantly discharged during all these years, and although giving pain and discomfort he accepts his misfortune as part of the lot of a soldier. Mr. Thornton has a fine property at Lindaville, but owing to advancing years, [he] desires to sell to some younger man, who wants to conduct an up-to-date poultry farm, and move to town.

Dimock – Dimock is advertising their “sane 4th,” when they anticipate the completion of their community building and hope to make the day an eventful one. The people of that vicinity are elated at having secured Hon. W. D. B. Ainey as the orator of the day.

Lawsville – Miss Gertrude Southworth, a teacher in the high school at Thompson, is spending her vacation at her home here. Miss Bertha Southworth serves ice cream in the rooms over the postoffice on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons and evenings.

Kingsley – A very pleasant social event was held here last Saturday evening, when the ladies of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union met in the basement of the Universalist church and, after a short business session, they entertained the Men’s Bible class, who held their meeting at the same time in the room above. Cake and ice cream were served and later all adjourned to the room above, where a pleasing program was rendered by the ladies, interspersed with fine singing by the men.  Much credit is due the ladies for the success of the entertainment.

Forest City – M. J. Walsh has added to his Forest City-Carbondale auto service a new Ford with a bus body.  This makes three machines he now has at his command. Anyone who has not figured it out will be surprised at the mileage covered in a month’s run in this service. Sixteen round trips of fourteen miles are made daily, a total of 225 or 6720 miles a month.

Montrose – “A Misunderstanding.”  It was stated in last week’s Republican that a picked town team defeated M.H.S. and that the M.H.S. team tried in vain to win. But this was not the case as M.H.S. merely took the so-called town team on for a practice game and if they had wished to pitch Captain Furey the entire game the town team would have looked like a bunch of rookies……. M.H.S. Scribe. ALSO Sunday was a quiet day here, very few automobiles being seen. The many heavy rains had made the roads very heavy, particularly in town, where there is heavy shade, and the sun cannot get in to dry up the mud. It is needless to say there were many people greatly disappointed in being obligated to remain at home.

Dimock – Mrs. Daniel Crossen, of Bridgewater Twp., visited her sister in Scranton and made stops in Tunkhannock and Springville on the way home. The next day she stopped at Dimock, where she taught school in the summer of 1872, finding but one family that was there at that time—Thomas Williams and wife. Mrs. Crossen says she had thirty scholars at Dimock, received ten dollars per month, and “boarded round,” and did not get “the parlor bed in the northeast corner,” either.  “Surely the world do move.”

New Milford – A bridge gang of the Lackawanna railroad is erecting a new steel bridge over the creek on the site of the old tower. The old freight house has been torn down and the tracks at the bridge have been raised about two feet.  It is rumored that the depot will be raised about the same distance.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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