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May 28 1909/2009

Montrose - An auditorium is to be erected at the Bible Conference and will be ready in July. It is to seat 3000 people and is not intended as permanent auditorium, although it will be of such substantial construction that it will answer all purposes for several years to come and it is intended that after its work is over as an auditorium it can be converted into a dining hall or similar building for the boys' and girls' school, which will be established here as soon as the conference is well grounded. AND "On the Warpath," a story of Frontier Life, will be the leading attraction at Stein's Nickelette, together with a fine series of other pleasing pictures. Do not forget that we will be open the afternoon of Memorial Day, when battle scenes of the Civil War (Gettysburg fight, if possible) with patriotic illustrated songs will be presented.

Hallstead - John E. Clune, of the Mitchell House, has arranged to receive by special wire every evening at 7 o'clock, the baseball scores of the State and National league games, which will be displayed on a blackboard as soon as received.

Gelatt - Mrs. George Hine is repairing her cottage, at Riley Lake, getting ready for summer boarders.

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Will Sheridan, Mrs. Wm. McGee and daughter Ruth and baby started Tuesday after for their new home in Montana. The rest of the family are settled there and like it very much.

South Gibson - Nelson Resseguie, an old and respected resident of this place, died Thursday night, May 20, after a long illness with rheumatism. Mr. Resseguie was a veteran of the Civil war, his age being 88 years, 10 months and 23 days. The funeral was held from the home on Saturday, with interment in the lower cemetery beside his wife, who died several months ago. [Mr. Resseguie served in Co. B, 177th Reg., Drafted Militia.]

East Ararat - The amiable and energetic teacher of the public school, Miss Susan Hathaway, has 22 pupils on her roll. She is at present arranging a flower bed on the school grounds, thus beautifying the surroundings. Could not the rest of the school ma'ams and pa'as do something similar?

Forest City - Wm Sredenshek and H. E. Reifler have purchased the Forest City House from P. F. Cusick. The new management will take possession this month, and intend making some improvements to the building. A new barn will be built on the property that can accommodate 50 horses.

Forest Lake - This seems to be the resort of the local fisherman these days and catfish of fabulous size are being caught by nearly every fisherman that casts a hook in these waters. G. B. Felker and son landed 15 big ones that weighed from 1 ½ to 2 lbs, last Friday, and others report similar success. They are unusually fat and Nimrods believe that the creamerymen over there have been fattening the fish up on milk, as the milk station is located on the bank of the lake. At any rate they're whoppers.

St. Joseph - The death of Michael Daniel Sweeney occurred at his late home, near here, on Friday last, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Sweeney was the proprietor of the noted old Indian Spring, and for many years had supplied from its depths pure water in different parts of New York state and Pennsylvania. He was highly respected by all who knew him. The funeral was largely attended from the Catholic church at St. Joseph on Sunday morning, Father Edward O'Reilly, of Waverly, and Father Cawley officiating. The deceased is survived by three sisters; Misses Mary and Anastasia, who live at home, and Miss Margaret Sweeney, a teacher in the Indian Government Schools of America.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - Those mischievous boys that are meddling with the U.S. Mail boxes on the Lynn route are known to the authorities and will be handled by law if any more depredations are committed. AND In Springville, Lee Compton has a new vacuum cleaner and is ready to take all dust out of your carpets in a short time and do it cheap. Springville ladies can now throw away their carpet stretchers and go visiting while the new cleaner does the work.

Lanesboro - Riverside Park will be reopened for the summer, Monday, May 31. The place is being put in good condition and will be conducted this year in a thoroughly reliable manner by a Local Amusement Company.

Dundaff - The effort to run a rural route right through Dundaff is meeting with opposition there and the older residents are signing a petition against the delivery. It is feared the route might result in the abandonment of the Dundaff post office and the stage line, obscuring the name of Dundaff which has been prominent as a borough for nearly a century.

Thompson - Three hundred years ago this May the progenitor of the Towers of America was born, and a few years later he came to this country and established a home in Hingham, Mass. His descendents number thousands today, and they propose to gather at the old homestead on May 29, 30 and 31, to celebrate, and on the 30th to worship in the "meeting house" which said progenitor helped build and thus honor the memory of John Tower, the 1st. Comrade P. R. Tower, of Thompson, though not in his prime, will attend if his strength is as good as his ambition.

Susquehanna - The work of renumbering all the houses in the town has begun. The work will be pushed as rapidly as possible in order that all houses be numbered and all street signs in position by July 1, so that the free mail delivery may be begun by August.

News Briefs - Memorial Day services are being held throughout Susquehanna County, most of them being conducted by G.A.R. posts. Marching to the cemeteries and decorating the graves of their fallen comrades, is the order of the day. AND A huge American flag, the largest in the world, measuring 80 x 160 feet, has been contracted for by the City of Pittsburgh for use on July 4. This flag is to cost $1,000. It will be 28% larger than any American flag ever made, and 400 ft. larger than the standard storm flag of the army. Ninety thousand feet of thread and 2,000 feet of tape will be used.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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