Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 28 1897/1997
Glenwood – Wm. Raub, while hauling grain for G.E. Stanton, found a ladies brown cashmere shawl between the house of Wm. Medler and L.M. Potter. The owner can have the same by calling on Mr. Raub;
East Rush – Little Margery Touke celebrated her birthday last Saturday by a tea party given by her aunt, Mrs. Jacob Cronk.
Lathrop – Carp were taken out of the creek at the head of the Tarble pond weighing from 5 to 12 plus pounds.
Gunn Hill – L.W. Darrow, of South Gibson, sends a load of groceries through this place every week for the accommodation of the people.
North Jackson – Myron French Corps will unite with the G.A.R. in their service at North Jackson cemetery. All children are requested to bring floral offerings and unite in this patriotic work on Memorial Day. AND Messrs. Ralph Page and Forest Bryant are in New Jersey selling stereoscopes and views.
Clifford – Our streets are full nearly every afternoon with fast horses. Wm. Lott, W.S. Robinson, B.F. and Peter Bennett, and T.J. Wells all drive fast horses of their own—Lott ahead.
Herrick Centre – Both the Baptist and Methodist Sunday schools are preparing for children's day. The exercises in the M.E. church will be conducted Sunday evening, June 6, in the Baptist church, June 18.
Susquehanna – The Archibald "Citizen" says of the Susquehanna ball club that they are a gentlemanly, intelligent lot of young men, and that it is a pleasure to meet. The Archibald "Sunsets" will play a return game in this place in the near future.
Montrose – Rev. J.E. Nichols, A.B., Pastor of Zion church, will hold his fourth and last Quarterly Meeting next Sunday. Love feast at 10 a.m.; communion at 3 p.m. AND closing address at 8 p.m. AND Flowers for Memorial Day, at the Nash South View garden.
Brandt – Rev. Mr. Watkins, of the Presbyterian Church, will deliver the address on Memorial Day. The Sabbath School scholars will decorate the Soldiers' graves, and the S [evens' Point Band will furnish music.
Harford – W.C. Gow made 1718 Lbs. of butler from 7 cows. Grade Jerseys, beside the milk and butler consumed by a family of four persons, in 1896.
Great Bend – The commencement exercises of the Great Bend High School took place last Friday evening at Kistler opera House. The Hall was packed to the doors with the patrons and friends of the school. 17 young ladies and gentlemen were graduated. Prof. Cargill has been principal of the school five years. They have been years of marked success. The present standard of the school is higher than it has ever been. 1 flunk the wish of patrons of the school is, that the Prof. and his assistants should be retained by the School Board another year. Miss Ella Todd received the first prize for best penmanship and Miss May Slovens second prize.
Hop Bottom – Mrs. E.L. Wilbur, of Carbondale, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.A. Williams. She is 87 years of age, sews and reads without glasses and is as straight as a young girl. She is the widow of the late Rev. John F. Wilbur. AND Mr. Daniel Miles lost his pocketbook cither Thursday or Friday and wishes the finder to return it. He is an aged man with a sick wife and needs the money. His name is several limes in the pocketbook on tax receipts, and other papers. Will the finder please return?
Rush – Miss Tillie Jones was called away to Athens, on Sunday, to attend the funeral of her brother John, who died suddenly of heart disease, while driving his wagon on the street; he was seen to fall and was found to be quite dead.
Lawsville Centre – A few days ago while Joe Luce was crossing the Big Snake Creek bridge that crosses the stream between the farms of Fred and Albert Bailey, one half of the bridge dropped 14 feet into the stream below. Joe and the load went down with the bridge. The team caught their front feet between the timbers above and hung there by their feet and necks until rescued. They had lobe loosened and drop in the creek. Joe escaped unhurt and the team with a few slight bruises. Truly it was a miraculous escape.
Susquehanna County – MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES: To be held in Montrose. Placing flags on Soldier's graves, 6 a.m.; Placing garlands on monument, 1:30; Procession proceed to cemetery, 2p.m.; Public School in procession to cemetery. At Cemetery Post service at Grave of Capt. Lyons; Singing by the Male Octets; Decoration of all Soldiers’ Graves; Firing salute by Sons of Veterans; Procession reform and inarch to armory. At Armory Representation of Old "Liberty Bell;" Post Service; Recitation, "Daybreak at Appomattox," Miss May Margaret Putnam; Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, W.J. Pike, Esq.; Singing by the Male Octet; Address, John M. Harris, Esq., Taking up large flags, 6:30 p.m. on Public Square and Co. G. Exhibition Drill in evening.
Compiled By: Betty Smith