Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 27 1892/1992
Montrose - The County Commissioners have given the charge of Monument Square into the hands of the borough authorities, and on Friday evening the Council passed an ordinance forbidding ball playing, etc., on the Square.
Harford - The Harford S.O.S. Band, consisting of twenty-one members, will arrive in Montrose on the 9:10 train on the & M, Monday morning, and take part in the exercises of the day. The Band had a call to Nicholson on Memorial Day, but decided to favor their own county and come to Montrose.
Forest City - St. Agnes Catholic Church is to be entirely completed by August 1st. The seats and altar work have been ordered and will cost about $1,700. The memorial windows have also been ordered and are on their way. The total value of the whole property, including two lots and a residence, is about $20,000.
Rush - "Memorial Day at Rush." Bissell Post, No. 466, G.A.R., will hold their memorial services at Birchardville Cemetery, at 9:30 o'clock, May 30,1892, to pay respect to our late comrades in arms. Air old soldiers, sailors, and citizens are respectfully invited to participate on this occasion. Speaking at the church at Rush at 2 PM By order of Commander. L.L. Very, Adj’t.
Franklin Forks - Southworth Post, G.A.R., will observe Memorial Day. At 9 o'clock the Post will meet at the Hall, after which they will march to the cemetery and decorate the graves of the fallen comrades with fitting ceremonies. They will then repair to the Methodist Church and take carriages for Lawsville, where the address will be delivered.
Hallstead - Another large delegation from both sides of the river attended the fair Thursday evening. The Montrose Fire Department, consisting of four companies, arrived on Number 5, and after parading the principal streets, proceeded to fireman's hall where supper was served. An admission fee of 10 cents was charged. Four door prizes were disposed, consisting of bedroom suit drawn by Fred Herrick, a caddy of plug tobacco drawn by William Vedder, a quilt by C.C. Simmons, and a salt and pepper castor drawn by A.H. Compton. A piano solo by Miss Kate Fowler, a vocal solo and a recitation by Miss Kittie Pyke, were rendered and loudly applauded. At 10 PM the hall was cleared for dancing which continued until a late hour.
Silver Lake - Martin Hogan had a number of his sheep killed by dogs this season, and Martin Hogan, T.F. Buckley and J.B. Mahoney deprived a dog of a big supper last Sunday night, he only had mangled two lambs. Neighbors examine your Shepherd dog and see if he has not wool in his teeth. Geo. McGraw claims the one he shot had wool in his teeth. There are not as many dollars dog tax, as there are dogs in town. Assessor J.J. Donavan, look them over carefully this fall.
Susquehanna - The ladies are sowing seeds in the flowerbeds near the depot, and if the weather continues favorable, Mother Earth will show her ability to spell, correctly and beautifully, and it would be a good thing if the neighboring towns would pattern after Susquehanna in fixing up the depot yards.
Towanda - Towanda has a barbershop where you can get a shave for five cents.
Compiled By: Betty Smith