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May 26 1922/2022

Montrose – A few of the highlights of Memorial Day are as follows: The tolling of bells for five minutes, from 12 o’clock noon, during which time comrades remain standing, uncovered. Also, the casting of flowers on the waters of running streams whose fragrance a sweet incense shall be born towards the seas upon which our comrades of the navy rendered such immortal service. The band will give its services during the day as directed by the management of the exercises and an open air concert in the evening. The sons and Daughters of Veterans will make wreaths and bouquets next Monday afternoon and evening. Any contribution of flowers at the Firemen’s Hall, Monday afternoon or early Tuesday morning, will be grealty appreciated.

Dimock – Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ballantine spent a few days this week at their Louden Hill home. Mr. Ballantine is driving a new Rolls-Royce sedan.

Brooklyn – Memorial Day will be observed as usual in this place. The members of the G. A. R. will meet at the Post room at 10 am and go to Mountain View cemetery to decorate the graves of comrades. After disbanding for dinner at the hall the line, led by the Brooklyn band, will form and march to Evergreen cemetery, and thence to the M. E. church, where the address of the day will be delivered. Soldiers of the Spanish-American war and the World war, and Sons of Veterans are expected to take part.

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. – David Trowbridge has his new Overland car home and is practicing every evening.

New Milford – A truck, carrying students from New Milford, struck a rock, which had slid from the mountainside and onto the road, flopped upside down and landed in the ditch between the road and the side of the mountain. Some of the students were thrown clear of the machine, while Miss Eileen Johnson was held down by the overturned truck, as was the driver, George Crotty. Miss Johnson’s leg was broken in two places and Miss Doris Norris and Miss Mary Hickey, sustained slight injuries. Others in the truck were Josephine Donley, Dorothy Snyder and Charles Powers. Commencement has been postponed until the last of June, owing to the accident.

Heart Lake – Tuesday, May 30th, is the opening of a new Heart Lake resort, under the management of D. J. Donovan. Dancing in the evening with music by Elks Orchestra, of Binghamton.

Susquehanna – J. J. Stockholm, aged 82 years, passed away Sunday morning, May 21, 1922, at the home of his daughter Mrs. Chas. Manson, of this place. He had been a resident here for many years. He is survived by his widow; two sons, J. J. Stockholm, Jr., of Susquehanna and Harris Stockholm, of Oneonta, NY; also one brother, George Stockholm, of Franklin Forks and one sister, Mrs. Ida Miller of Patterson, NJ and one daughter, Mrs. Chas. Manson.

Dimock – Will Fuller and son, Ray, went to Sayre last week, where Ray underwent an operation for the removal of tonsils and adenoids. Geo. Baker accompanied them in order to consult Dr. Guthrie for a serious stomach trouble.

Hallstead – Motorists should heed the 15-mile-an-hour limit in the borough. Offenders will be fined and the borough council gives timely warning.

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Township – Mrs. C. M. Brands broke through the floor of the church, Sunday, and escaped with a few bruises.

West Harford – The Odd Fellows held a bee for Hoyt Pease last Monday. Mr. Pease has been sick and his friends helped him out.

Ararat – The band was the guest of the D & H employees at the base ball game held at Carbondale, between the Generals of Oneonta and First Carbondale Team. A special train, good eats and drinks, made up a splendid time.

Great Bend – A young deer was seen Sunday morning on the farm of Henry Crisman, this place. The doe was discovered by Stephen Gleason, who says the animal was a most beautiful one and wandered around the pasture lot for nearly half an hour, finally going toward “Hogback” mountain. Deer are becoming quite numerous in this section, three having been seen near Smoky Hollow on several occasions of late. Sportsmen in this section are working to have the law protecting these animals continued for several seasons, in the hopes that Susquehanna county may become a fine hunting resort when the law protecting deer is finally removed.

News Brief: The telegraph was first used on May 24, 1844. Wednesday, therefore, was the invention’s 78th anniversary. Would anyone dare to predict the uses to which radio will have been put 78 years from today?

Bits of news from “200 Years Ago” from the Susquehanna County Herald, May 25, 1822.

DIED, at Cooperstown, on the 6th inst. JUSTIN CLARK, lately editor and proprietor of the Montrose Gazette. As Mr. Clark had an extensive acquaintance in this county, those who knew him will generally be gratified on learning the state of his mind and feelings, when he was sensible, of the approach of his dissolution. This, we are pleased to inform them, was happy. He retained his mental faculties full and unimpaired till the last. Firm in the belief of a God of universal benevolence and love, he trembled not at the threshold of eternity—satisfied that the will of his Creator was the consummation of the happiness of all his creatures. Mr. Clark, immediately before his dissolution, called his relatives around him, and took an affectionate farewell of them all. He also expressed a wish to the physician, that the seat of his disease should be examined, in the hope that relief might be afforded to others similarly afflicted. He died without a struggle.

DIED, on the 22d inst., WILLIAM WOODHOUSE, of Bridgewater. He has left a wife and seven children to mourn his loss.

Forest City – Hornbeck Bros. sold five Hupmobile autos the past week and two Chevrolets. The purchasers of the Hupmobile are Tony Finc, M. Brasso, Anthony Baber, John Ferdock and Wm. H. Jones. Harry Sparks and Raymond Lewis will drive the Chevrolets.

Memorial Day, formerly Decoration Day, in the United States, holiday (last Monday in May) honoring those who have died in the nation’s wars. It originated during the American Civil War when citizens placed flowers on the graves of those who had been killed in battle. After World War I, as the day came to be observed in honor of those who had died in all U.S. wars, its name changed from Decoration Day to Memorial Day.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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