Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 26 1905/2005
Springville - The men who have been in the habit of getting a Sunday morning shave will be obliged to have their tonsorial work done Saturday evening, or furnish their own scraper, as the barber has shut up shop on Sunday. AND S. O. Culver wishes to state to the public that he is handling wall paper as usual, at the same reasonable prices, contrary to some of the reports afloat.
Oakley, Harford Twp. - Charlie Tanner seems to be the banner fisherman in this section, as he caught a carp in Oakley pond, Tuesday, that weighed 8 1/2 lbs. AND W. J. Daley and Archie Carpenter attended the Barnum [Circus] show at Scranton on Monday.
Uniondale - Stephen Bronson was in Buffalo the forepart of the week, after fat cattle.
North Bridgewater Twp. - Nine of the boys of the North school played base ball against three of the regular team of this place on the home diamond last Saturday afternoon, the B.B.C. boys winning to the tune of 23 to 37. Our B. B. C. talks of playing with the Heart Lake team in the near future.
Lake Carey, Wyoming County - A steamboat capable of carrying 200 passengers has been placed on the Lake. It will be run in connection with the Lehigh Valley picnic grounds at that place.
Montrose - Commencement exercises were held in the Presbyterian Church, Thursday, May 25. Reig's Orchestra of Binghamton furnished excellent music. The graduates are: Richard C. Upton, Homer Butterfield, Iva B. Hards, D. Truman Brewster, Jr., Frank A. Roy, Fredricha A. Horn, Nellie F. Quain, C. Pauline Cruser, John E. O'Brien, Ella Kintner, Edith Bronson, Marion Allen, Ernest E. Finn, M. Carlton Griffis, Fredrick W. Connell. AND The Montrose Golf links, a 9-hole course, are destined to be among the most famous in the U.S. There are but two clubs in America having an island green, so far as known, and Montrose is one of them. The whole grounds are being made as smooth as a velvety lawn. AND Ground was broken on May 23, between the Court House and School building, for the new Historical and Free Library building. The breaking of this ground stands for the beginning of the erection of a building suitable not only for the safe preservation of the historical relics which have come and are coming into the possession of the Society, but for housing and protecting a valuable working library for the community.
Susquehanna - Thursday, May 25, is the day for the opening of James Paye's wholesale and retail auction of wagons, harness, farm implements and household goods. Geo. H. Stevens, the celebrated auctioneer, has been engaged to address the multitude assembled in his unique way.
Brooklyn - Mabel Tiffany is teaching in South Dakota, where she went from Brooklyn for her health. AND The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church will sell ice cream on the lawn of S. B. Eldridge, Memorial day.
Harford - Mrs. Ansel Stearns, with her grand-daughters, Lena and Georgianna, have been in Philadelphia attending the graduating exercises at Blockley Hospital, from which institute Miss Gertrude Stearns, who has been there for the last three years, now graduates. AND The annual Memorial Service in connection with the Grand Army will be held in the Congregational church on Sunday morning. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Wm. Usher. Army veterans will be present and special music will be rendered. The community at large ought to show their respect for the men who fought to save the Union by coming to church. On Memorial Day meetings will be held in the Odd Fellows Hall in the afternoon, when the chief speaker will be the Methodist minister, Rev. E. E. Pearce.
Liberty Twp. - The neighbors met at Thos. Wilbur's for a bee, to assist him with his farm work, as he is behind on account of the sickness of his little son, Lawrence, who is ill with rheumatism; he is some better, but still unable to work.
Hopbottom - The Hopbottom graduating class of 1905 is as follows: Ethel Cool, Lulu Reynolds, Tracy Brown and Susie Pope.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Those who attended the opening party at the Hillis Hotel, in Rush, reported a good time. AND Joseph Degnan reports the fishing fine in the North Branch creek. AND Miss Catheryne Degnan is teaching in St. Josephs Academy, Binghamton.
South Auburn - G. C. Judson celebrated his 90th birthday last Wednesday. Mr. Judson is remarkably smart for a man of his age. He takes his daily walk with the aid of a cane. [Rev. Gould C. Judson was born in 1815 in Woodbury, Conn. He died at the age of 92 years, 8 months, Feb. 2, 1908.]
Forest City - Thomas Hudson, one of our best-known and most esteemed citizens, died at one o'clock Sunday morning as the result of injuries received in the mines on Saturday. By a fall of overhead rock, he was squeezed against a mine car and so badly injured internally that death was the inevitable result. Thomas was born at Essington, England, on the fifth day of March 1842. In the year 1861 he was married to Mrs. Margaret Mead, and in September 1888, came with his family from the mother country to Forest City. Besides his wife, one stepson, Thomas Mead, of Avoca, and two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Mott and Mrs. Joseph Adley, survive him. His was the simple life of an honest, unassuming and contented man, at peace with his God, his neighbor and himself.
Herrick Twp. - Answering a correspondent who wishes to know the highest point in the state, the Scranton Tribune says: The report of the United States geological survey gives Bald Knob, 2,924 feet, as the highest point in the state, but it is impossible, with the publications at hand, to identify Bald Knob. In one publication, North Knob, 2,700 feet, which is in Herrick township, Susquehanna county, is given as the highest point in the state. It may help to settle the dispute to say that Farview is 2,328 ft.; Bald Mount, 2,287 ft.; Sugar Loaf, in Wayne county, 2,450 ft., and Elk Hill, 2,600 ft. The North Knob of Elk Hill, noted above as the highest point in the state, is owned by W. T. Davis, of this place, and his brother, T. B. Davis, of Tresco.
Compiled By: Betty Smith