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May 26 1893/1993

Montrose - Considerable excitement at S.J. Sparkes residence yesterday forenoon. Cause, the baby was lost. After searching about the premises and out on the streets for the little toddler, it was found curled up asleep in the garret. AND Dr. A.S. Nye, the optician and specialist from Scranton, will again be at the Montrose house from Friday until Tuesday evening. May 30th, where he is prepared to attend to all cases of bad sight. Everybody having any difficulty will be well to give him a call. No charge for examination

Auburn Corners - This place was favored with a visit from a band of gypsies; many boys, and some older, called on them in the eve; they report a good time. We presume the gypsies had a better time.

Susquehanna - The following students will graduate from Laurel Hill Academy in June: Harry Bunce, John O’Callan, Jay Boyle, John Houlihan, Martin Griffin, Blanch Westfall, Maude Westfall, Prudence Grant, Frances O’Neil, Katie Keene, Emma Lobez, Agnes Brodrick, Maggie McMahon, Frances McAuliffe, Lizzie Cahill, Mamie Doran.

Lenoxville - Rambler says the proceedings at the Wilson schoolhouse on last Saturday was better than any circus he ever attended.

Harford - Miss Louise Boswell has 19 different articles of fancy work on exhibition at Chicago’s World's Fair] made from the Glasgo thread.

Jackson - During one of the recent windstorms, the Democrat's pole that stood in front of the "Central Hotel," at the corners, was so badly bent over that it was necessary to take it down.

Susquehanna County - The boy or man who drinks, gambles, and whiles away valuable time in indolence and idleness, will reap hours of regret and remorse in later life. True manliness is not built that way. Paste that in your hat young man. The girl or young lady who permits the company of such a young man runs a great risk of reaping years of sorrow and heartache. Better "look a little out," as to the company you keep. Paste this on your mirror, young woman. AND The Commencement exercises of the Pennsylvania State College will be held at State College, PA, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, June 12, 13 and 14. AND Wheelmen of bicycles are happy because the new law gives them the same rights on the roads as wagons, and classes their machines as vehicles, and at the same time they are somewhat exasperated to learn that they must pay toll on all pikes. But the law classing the wheels as vehicles gives the road companies the right to charge toll and the riders must pay as for a horse and wagon. They claim that there is no wear upon the road by reason of the wheels passing over it and that the wear is all upon the machines. They must, therefore, bear both the toll and wear.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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