Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 25 1900/2000
Ararat - On Sunday evening about 11 o'clock, two horses were stolen from C. V. Roberts at Ararat Summit. As soon as the crime was discovered, Deputy Constable J. A. Tinklepaugh, of Ararat, was put on the track of the thieves. They were traced across the bridge which crosses the Jefferson branch at the Summit, and from here Constable Tinklepaugh struck the trail, by means of the horses' foot prints, a shoe being lacking on one of the animals, and followed it to Barnes' saw mill, and then the barn of Bert Corey, where the thieves added to their possessions a buggy, harness and blankets, then to Susquehanna, then to Hallstead, where it was found that one of the horses, with wagon and harness, had been exchanged for a gold watch, which was immediately exchanged for a bicycle. They tried to sell the other horse, but failed, and so continued their journey toward Franklin Forks. From the Forks they went toward Binghamton for about 7 miles and were eventually overtaken by Constable Tinklepaugh and were arrested. The prisoners gave their names as John Albert Williams and Sydney Williams of Lackawanna County.
Rush - Mrs. Mulroy, who hovered so long over the brink of the grave, has rallied and is likely to live.
Pine Grove, Lathrop Twp. - The Carlucci Stone Company are working their quarry at its full capacity, employing about 40 men. A new 60 horse power boiler has been placed in position which furnishes abundance of steam for two steam drills, and two hoisters. The work on the switch from the D.L.&W. railroad to this quarry is being pushed, a large force of men being kept at work. The quarry and the switch give employment to so many that the farmers can hardly find help to do their planting.
South Montrose - Doubtless a great many were disappointed in not being able to use their smoked glasses to view the great eclipse on Monday, which was looked forward to with interest. The clouds obscured the sun till the eclipse had nearly passed off, and yet we did not need artificial light.
Hallstead-Great Bend - A bee has been arranged for tomorrow and Saturday to lay the lining floor at the Chair Factory building. Everyone is invited to attend equipped with a hammer. AND - The mare which was stolen from J. F. Carl, of Hallstead, was found the next Tuesday afternoon in the front yard of a Mr. Johnson, at Hickory Grove. It is believed that the horse was stolen by the parties who burglarized Allen's store on the same night, and was used to draw away the plunder secured at Allen's.
Dundaff - Fern Hall, the famous summer resort, to be opened for the season on May 30th, the Hall is under the skillful management of Mrs. C. E. Johnson, who with her quick manner will make it pleasant and comfortable for all her guests.
Little Meadows - The following were doing business in Montrose last week: W. T. Bergin, G. R. Graves (a leading citizen of Little Meadows and a staunch Democrat), L. F. Minkler (we are pleased to say, fully recovered from the accident which laid him up for several weeks).
Jersey Hill, Auburn Twp. - It is said to have the best equipped creamery (or butter factory) in the county, and gets the highest price for its product, and its cost was but $3,300.
Harford - A gloom has been cast over Harford's Franklin Academy Reunion by the sudden death of Prof. E. K. Richardson, who was to deliver one of the most important addresses.
Kingsley - A company is putting in a large acid factory. The company has purchased the timber on most of the woodland in that vicinity and has begun the erection of the buildings. A switch has been put in by which the cars can be loaded or unloaded right at the door. The timber not convertible into acids will be moved into lumber, a steam saw mill being put in at Oakley for this purpose.
Glenwood - Hon. G. A. Grow, as is well known, is the author of the homestead law, one of the most beneficient pieces of legislation in the history of the country. This measure became law in 1861–for Mr. Grow was then a member of the House. It enlarged and quickened the currents of immigration and home seekers began to swarm over the vast tracts of virgin soil in the great sweep of country from the Canadian border to the Gulf which Jefferson had annexed to the United States. The promoters of the St. Louis World's Fair enterprise are according Mr. Grow a place of honor in the literature on the subject, second only to that of Jefferson.
Clifford - John Harty got his foot badly hurt while working in the Patterson saw mill and is now staying with his uncle John Buck. His foot has been very painful but is now improving.
Montrose - Tribute to An Old Comrade–I notice a list in the "Republican" of the honored dead, whose graves are to be decorated on Memorial Day. There are a number of names not assigned to any regiment or branch of the service. Carefully looking over the list I find the name of Fred M. Stark one of that number. As a tribute to the memory of my dear comrade and the surviving members of his family, I will give a brief account of his sevice as a soldier. He was a soldier on the old war vessel, the "Wabash." Comrade Stark and myself were Shellmen, taking the shells from where they were hoisted from the hold in the ship to a large gun weighing 15,000 lbs. taking 200 lb shell; it took a crew of 14 men to work it. At the bombardment and taking of Fort Fisher our gun was fired once in two minutes for four hours; the shell had to be carried about 30 feet, and put in the muzzle of the gun which was nearly as high as our heads. This work was too heavy for Comrade Stark. We were kept on deck till late in the night and he took cold which settled on his lungs; he came home and only lived a short time. In all the years, time has not diminished my love for the memory of my dear comrade. No braver, truer boy ever wore the blue than Fred M. Stark.
Hallstead-Great Bend - Simrell Post, G.A.R., about 35 strong, with a delegation of Spanish war veterans, 13 Pa. volunteers, attended divine service Sunday night in the Baptist church where a union service of all churches in both towns was held. Rev. M. J. Watkins delivered the sermon.
NEWS BRIEF - An old resident gives this advice to the boys. Once I was young and now I am old and I've never seen a girl unfaithful to her mother that ever came to be worth a one-eyed button to her husband. It isn't exactly in the Bible, but it is written large and awful in the miserable life of a misfit home. If one of you boys ever come across a girl with a face full of roses, who says as you come to the door, "I can't go for thirty minutes, for the dishes are not washed," you wait for that girl. You sit down on the doorstep and wait for her. Because some other fellow may come along and carry her off, and right there you have lost an angel. Wait for that girl. [Forest City News article]
Compiled By: Betty Smith