Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 24 1912/2012
Memorial Day Observances - Again, the 30th of May approaches; again, we are reminded of the sad duties we owe to our soldiers and sailors dead; again, with loyal hearts and tender bands we will endeavor to perform that duty in the most appropriate and fitting manner within our power, that of bedecking their graves with flowers, and by exercises expressive of our gratitude and love. And for this purpose other patriotic and civic orders and the citizens generally, are most kindly solicited to lend their aid in the observance of the day. The Sons and Daughters of Veterans, the Daughters of [the] American Revolution, the K of P Lodge, the Borough Council and each of the respective Fire Companies are requested to join in the exercises. In South Gibson services will be held in the M. E. Church at 11 a.m. The old soldiers will meet in a body and attend the service. In Brooklyn the soldiers will meet at the hall at 10:30 and proceed in carriages to the cemetery and place flags on the comrades’ graves. The Titman G.A.R. Post of Auburn will decorate soldiers’ graves and hold memorial services at Jersey Hill. Other services will continue throughout the day.
Alford - The whole map of Alford will be changed in the DL&W cut--off operations. The transformation was started last week when the first big steam shovel was unloaded on the Montrose branch, and preliminary lines of rails laid to be used in the immense amount of excavating in the hill west of the L&M tracks north of Alford. The residence of F. W. Sickler, the Alford creamery, the coal pockets and the DL&W tenant house, and other buildings will obliterated. The line of the new road runs back of the main street about half way up the hill and it is possible that an immense retaining wall will be built to save the buildings on the west side of the street, which includes J. M. Decker’s residence, Perry Sweet and Charles Tingley’s residences, etc. It is said that the railroad company would very much like to purchase all the properties on the west side of the street, so that they could either remove them or protect them with walls. The present DL&W turntable also comes out, and the tracks of the cut--off will pass almost directly over it, about 30 feet above. The operations will destroy the stone quarry of R. W. Sickler, of Alford, and it is understood that large damages will be asked.
Little Meadows (Barnumville) - The Jones Brothers have moved their portable saw mill from Prattville to Carmalt Lake, where they expect to work soon. ALSO S. H. Barnum lost a cow last week from a dislocation of the hip.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Miss Mamie Maloney, along with taking in the sites of New York, has taken a trip out to sea, where the Titanic sank. ALSO Any young man having a father or mother, sister or brother or sweetheart, whom he intends taking for a good time the coming summer, would do well to wait until the 15th of August, when the people of St. John’s church will hold a picnic for the benefit of their church where the daintiest of dainties will be served in abundance to suit those who may wish to be served and one jolly good time will be provided for all who attend.
Susquehanna - Hugh McTeehan, of Newark, NJ, was found cut in twain along the Erie tracks, Monday, but no one knows how the accident happened. He was a section hand.
Hop Bottom - Mark Smith, wife and daughter and S. W. Kellum and wife, of Scranton, arrived in town this afternoon in their big auto.
Lenoxville - We hear that Howard Stephens has gone to Nicholson to chauffeur for Dr. Decker. That boy seems to be a regular hustler.
Brooklyn - J. L. Kent recently exchanged his farm property in Brooklyn Twp. to Wm. H. Horton, of Forty Fort, for a house and lot in Forty Fort. Mr. Horton intends moving up here next spring. The deal was made through C. F. Watrous, Jr., of this place.
Montrose - Work began last Monday at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for installing a new organ. The new organ will be placed in the front of the Church and the space where the old organ stands will be replaced with pews. With these alterations the vested choir will enter the church from the Chapel singing the processional and retire there from singing the recessional.
South Auburn - Fred Love, who was at White Haven, receiving treatment for a few days for tuberculosis, but returned home several weeks ago, has greatly improved since his return. He is continuing the treatment of the hospital and is rapidly gaining in health and weight.
Dimock - The old store building belonging to the Blakeslee estate has been purchased by Chas. Babcock, and moved to the hill nearly opposite the Baptist church.
Scranton - Aviator O. E. Williams, of Scranton, had a narrow escape from death while on a trial flight in his Curtiss monoplane near Forty--Fort Monday morning. Mr. Williams was about 30 ft. in the air and flying over a ploughed field, when the propeller snapped. The machine keeled over and dropped to the earth. The ploughed ground acted as a cushion, and Williams escaped uninjured. The machine was somewhat damaged. Mr. Williams’ work as an aviator has attracted considerable local notice and interest, as he is the husband of a former Montrose young woman, Inez Blessing. He has made over 100 flights since January. [Men, Wind and Courage: A Pioneer Aviation Story of O. E. Williams and His Associates is available at the Susquehanna County Historical Society, Montrose, PA. Written by Nancy Mess, formerly of Susquehanna, PA].
Heart Lake - “Como” the pet alligator brought from Lake Como, FL, in February, by Frank T. Mack, as a result of the recent rainy spell, died at Heart Lake, Saturday.
Clifford - Many autos were in evidence on Sunday. But say, just wait till we get our State road.
South Gibson - Gomer Pritchard is agent for the book, “Story of the Titanic,” and has already sold a large number.
Forest City - Paul E. Fives of Forest City and Florence R. Hood, of Philadelphia, will marry in the near future.
Compiled By: Betty Smith