Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 24 1907/2007
Hallstead - Hallstead is having an attack of oil fever. Some of the citizens, who felt sure there were indications of oil sufficient to warrant a test, raised funds to bring an expert, who pointed out many indications through an instrument used for locating oil deposits, and told them oil was certainly to be found there, and they are now planning to put down a test well. Let her spout.
Montrose - Electric lights have been placed on Monument Square for evening concerts by the Odd Fellows Band. The boys came out Monday evening with their overcoats on and played a number of selections on Public avenue, but wouldn't tackle an open-air concert on the green. AND The remains of Elbert "Bert" Barney, aged 26 years, who died at his home in Edgewood, NJ, May 14, 1907, of that dreaded disease typhoid pneumonia, were brought to Montrose for burial. Mr. Barney was born in Brooklyn, this county, and on his parents moving to Montrose he became a student in the high school. He attended Andover college and later entered Princeton University where he became a popular football star. Many old friends gathered with the relatives at the station last Friday afternoon when the body was brought here for burial.
Heart Lake - Arthur L. Titman, of Elmira, N.Y., has leased the Harvey Griffing store, merry-go-round, boats, etc., for the season. Art will make a pleasant host.
Alford - The Hubbard House, kept by Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Hubbard as an eating and boarding house at the junction of the L. & M. and D. L.& W. railroads, at Alford, was burned to the ground on Tuesday morning last. The fire started at 7 o'clock and caught from the kitchen stove. The alarm was quickly spread over the quiet village, and the citizens turned out en masse to lend whatever help they could. Rev. Mr. Hubbard, at the time the fire broke out, was at Heart Lake, where he is engaged in acting as a supply pastor of the M.E. Church and was telephoned for. He hastily came to the scene of the conflagration and joined the force of men in saving what articles were within reach. The loss is about $2,800 to Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard and they were insured for $750, through the agency of Titsworth & Son. The loss to the traveling public is great, as it was a convenient place for travelers to dine. It is not known at present whether the Hubbard House will be rebuilt or not.
Hopbottom - The 11th of October last we were visited by a snowstorm, which covered the fruit on the trees with snow. We have been visited by snowstorms more or less up to the 11th of May 1907.
South New Milford - Several of the milk men about here joined the Farmers' Union. We all hope to get better prices for our milk and will have to if we follow the orders of the New York men's rules that have been laid down to us.
Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - A. L. Mack has purchased a fine new surrey.
South Gibson - H. D. Pickering started Monday for Michigan, to take treatments for rheumatism.
Gelatt - The County Commissioners were viewing the ground where the new county bridge is to span the main stream of the Tunkhannock creek. They stated that the prospects were fair for a bridge this summer. AND Carpenters are at work on the new summer cottages that Mrs. Hine is having built at Rilly [Rillie] Lake.
Susquehanna - Mrs. Marcella P. Leslie, widow of Joseph Leslie, has received through her attorney, Sebring & Cheny of Corning, NY, $4,600 in settlement of an action against the Erie Railroad Company on account of the death of her husband on Feb. 15, 1906. All old Erie Railroad Company men will remember "Joe" Leslie, one of the oldest and best locomotive engineers on the road, and will recall his tragic death on the night of Feb. 15, and will be pleased to learn that his widow receives such a substantial amount from the railroad company.
Forest City - William Wolford, of Delaware St., was instantly killed in the Erie mines last Monday. He was a young man of good habits and well liked by all who knew him. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the community.
Harford - The project of putting in an electric light plant either at Harford or Gibson and lighting Jackson, Gibson and Harford, is being discussed. It is said that the water power at those towns would be a guarantee of good light at a low figure.
Uniondale - Sunday morning a long procession of gypsies passed through here toward Pleasant Mt., with poor horses that could neither limp nor trot. They were telling fortunes as usual. AND The roads in town under the supervision of Stanley Norton are much improved. The looks alone do him credit.
Friendsville - The Friendsville Grange held a meeting on Saturday conferring the third and fourth degrees of membership on a class of fourteen. In the evening a sumptuous banquet was served by the young people. Among the out of town members present were Hon. Henry Rose, of Silver Lake, and Attorney R. B. Little and son, of Montrose.
Dimock - Francis R. Cope, Jr. and family, of Germantown, Pa., are occupying their summer home on Cope Hill. AND L. F. Thornton placed the large windows in the front of his store building last week and is receiving dry goods and groceries preparatory to opening a store.
Elk Lake - Mr. Quackenbush and family, of Scranton, are occupying their cottage.
News Briefs: The American people, according to statistics, paid $5,000,000 in 1906, for the support of base ball teams. AND The new law increasing the school teachers' [pay] will take effect on June 1. All teachers who hold a professional, permanent or normal school certificate will be paid not less than $50 per month, and teachers holding certificates of less grade will be paid not less than $40. The State will pay the increase and so the new law will not work any hardship in the small districts.
Compiled By: Betty Smith