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May 24 1901/2001

Montrose - At 5:30 Memorial Day morning the firing of one gun was the signal that aroused the old veterans and such as could repaired to the Grand Army hall and from thence marched to the cemetery and planted large flags upon every soldier's grave. The decoration of flags and bunting was general throughout the town. A 1:45 P.M. the G.A.R. Post and Sons Of Veterans Camp formed on Church street and marched to the Soldiers' Monument and placed upon it beautiful evergreen garlands. The various organizations formed in line and at 2 o'clock moved to the cemetery in the following order: Color Bearers and Colors; Springville Band; Four Brothers Post; Disabled Veterans in Carriages; Capt. H. S. Beardsley Camp, S.O.V.; Spanish-American War Veterans; Co. G. 13th Regiment; Montrose Lodge, K of P.; Speaker and Clergy in Carriages; Glee Club in Carriage. At 7 P.M. the last duty of the day was performed when the members of the Post marched to the cemetery and exchanged small flags for the large left on the soldier's graves earlier in the day.

Springville - "Just 40 years ago, May 19 fell on Sunday. I remember it well. It was a bright, sunny spring day, and a lot of us boys had gathered at the old Lymanville church for Sunday school, when Orville Spencer came up and says, 'Boys, lets go over to Parkvale and enlist.' So, after talking it over a little while, we agreed, and off we started, some of us carrying our Sunday school books with us. We tramped up to Springville and over to Parkvale and put down our names, along with a lot of others. There was myself and John Addison Avery, Henry Roush, Charles S. Lyman, Orville T. Spencer, James Grow, Clinton Brink, "Doc" Gates, Webster Throckmorton and others. We enrolled that day, William Park being the man who was getting up the company. Then we went back home, and the next day had to go again. We were assigned to Co. H., 1st PA. Light Artillery. Some of the boys did not live to get back, and a good many who did are dead now." As told by Charles Lambert to a Tunkhannock newspaper.

Susquehanna - Frank Raymond, representing Buffalo Bill's Wild West Shows, was in town on Monday. AND It is reported that the Erie Railroad Company will tear down the old steam-hammer shop and erect a boiler shop on its site and build a switch at the eastern end of the long shop to connect with the traverse table in the building. This will necessitate the tearing down of several small buildings on the company's land.

Hallstead - Edward Humphrey, employed in the Lackawanna yard, was going up Main Street early Friday morning, when he noticed three strange men in Hanrahan's store. He did not give an alarm, but called Druggist Tiffany from his bed. He at once took a shot gun and kept watch, so that if an attempt was made to escape he could stop the men. Meanwhile Mr. Humphrey had summoned other men to the scene and Tiffany then commanded the men to come out of the store. As they came from the store they were placed under arrest. They were given a hearing before Squire Quailey and bound over for court.

Elk Lake - Fishing has been very active this spring. Several bullheads have been taken that weighed over two pounds each. John VanCamp and Glen Billings caught 41 lbs. In an afternoon, the largest catch reported. AND The Star creamery is making about 2,000 lbs. Of butter a week.

Lanesboro - A gold mine at Central City, Colorado, in which Messrs. F. C. Comfort and F.E. McCoy, of Lanesboro and Elijah C. Sherman, of Montrose, are part owners, has produced ore yielding $81.25 to the ton. Messrs. Comfort, McCoy and Sherman have been in Colorado over a year. A mine adjoining that belonging to the Susquehanna County boys has yielded ore yielding $7,200 to the ton. AND There was a great fall of beef at Lanesboro on Wednesday afternoon. A peregrinating cow wandered out upon the great Starrucca viaduct where it collided with three connected pushing locomotives returning from Gulf Summit. The unfortunate animal was hurled from the structure and fell upon a building beneath, a distance of 93 ft. It was necessary to use a derrick to remove her from the roof of the building. She was somewhat lacerated and shaken up, but at daylight on Thursday she was seen grazing in a lot under the viaduct. Since the incident she appears dazed, and her owner reports that she yields sour milk. The locomotives, viaduct, building and enginemen escaped serious injury.

Heart Lake - Work was commenced on the new [railroad] platform Wednesday. It is to be 18x70 feet with a 12 foot platform in front and a 6 foot platform in the back.

Herrick Centre - Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Bessie Walker of this place to Mr. John Lyon of Lyon's Falls, NY, to take place June 4.

Lakeside - The season for pickerel fishing will open June 1st and there is every prospect of a good season. Already the lake is dotted with boats and some good catches of bullheads, etc., are reported. The genial proprietor, W. S. Collum, is making arrangements to accommodate all who come. Those wishing good fishing and a good time can do no better than come to Lakeside.

Glenwood - Chickens and children seem to be the bone of contention in the place, especially the chickens, as they will trespass upon their neighbor's garden, and in an hour will undo as much as one man can do in a day. Chickens and a garden don't work in the same gate, at least for the good of the garden, so please keep the hens confined till after seed time.

Clifford - G. W. Morgan and W. S. Robinson have bought the goods and leased the Clifford Cash Store, of T. J. Wells. It will now be known as the store of Morgan & Robinson. They are fine fellows and will do a square business. Try them.

New Milford - What might have been a fatal accident occurred late Saturday afternoon at the bridge in the south end of the boro. Three teams loaded with stone from the Everett Quarry were driving in, and the first two crossed the bridge in safety, but when the third team was on the bridge it suddenly gave way, precipitating the load into the creek, a distance of about 10 ft. The driver, Geo. Hayes, was thrown down with the load but fortunately fell far enough from the stone so that it did not strike him, and he sustained no serious injury. The horses were taken out somewhat cut up, and a temporary bridge built so that light loads may cross. The stone weighing 5 or 6 tons is still at the bottom of the creek.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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