Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 23 1919/2019
Hallstead-Great Bend – Hallstead and Great Bend musicians will organize a band at a meeting to be held in the firemen’s hall, Hallstead, this evening.
Birchardville – Selden C. Birchard, of Birchardville, one of the most successful breeders of Jersey cattle in this region, has lately taken his son, Carlton, into partnership in the business. The young man has been a student in agricultural and business colleges and will be a valuable addition to the interests of this well-known breeding and dairying farm.
South Montrose – Messrs. H. D. and T. J. Brown have named their farms the “Overton Farms” and anticipate getting the name copyrighted for future use. They are breeders of purebred Holsteins and expect to have their products in the future measure up to the best.
Auburn Corners – Miss Effa M. Dunmore, formerly of this place, who has been for many years a missionary and teacher at Mexico City and Guanajuato, Mexico, is sojourning at the sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan, to recover her health, which was impaired by her arduous duties during the wave of influenza which swept over that country during the past winter.
Brooklyn – The Musical club was very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. T.A. Capron on Saturday afternoon. About 20 were present and all enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Schumann was the composer studied, and Mrs. Wilmarth played “Soaring” of his composition; Mrs. Terry his “Cradle Song” and “Warum,” while his “Slumber Song” was rendered as a four-hand. Miss Chamberlain rendered a pleasing vocal solo; Miss Gere a reading, and also Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Smith; Mrs. Gere and Mrs. Stephens gave piano duets. Dainty refreshments were served and musical games were much enjoyed by the company.
Brookdale – Thieves entered the home of William Bartles on Saturday evening and took bedding and everything in that line that they could find. They also took a pair of whiffletrees from a wagon belonging to Michael Dolan, which was in a lot near Mr. Bartles’ house. The Bartles were working in Binghamton at the time.
Harford – Harford had quite an exciting time one day last week when a band of gypsies passed through in six large, covered automobiles. It was rather amusing to see them, attired in their gay costumes, and to hear them tease to tell fortunes. They camped overnight at Barrett’s Corners, where they set up five large tents. ALSO At Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp, a band of gypsies took possession of the Owen Morgan farm one night, erected their tents and spent the night. They soon had orders to move on by a certain time and which they obeyed.
Springville – W.E. Spencer has sold his house and lot to the Springville First National Bank. They will reserve land for the bank and the remainder goes to the highest bidder. ALSO The class of graduates is the smallest in years. Those graduating this year are: Esther Avery and Edna Smith. ALSO Leon Justin, proprietor of the Stevens’ blacksmith shop, went to Thompson Hospital, Scranton, because a piece of nail clinched off, while shoeing, flew up and struck him in the eye, compelling him to go for treatment. Minot Riley took Mr. and Mrs. Justin to “Michael’s Crossing,” where they proceeded to Scranton by the Northern Electric. His injury is very serious.
Lemon Twp., Wyoming County – In this township, near the Susquehanna County line, the measles seem to have infested the country to such an extent that the local board of health has quarantined several families, where there has been exposure.
Montrose – E. S. Bardwell, proprietor of the Montrose Vulcanizing Works, is installing the machinery in his vulcanizing plant, and in a very few days will be able to give first-class service in this line. While Mr. Bardwell has been busy building up tires, the completion of the work could not be done until the arrival of these machines, which were delayed in shipment.
New Milford – Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McConnell had a narrow escape from serious injury when the carriage in which they were riding was struck by an automobile. They were returning from Hallstead and turned to enter the yard at their home on Main street, when a car that had turned out to pass them struck the rear wheels of the carriage, throwing both Mr. and Mrs. McConnell out, bruising Mr. McConnell quite badly while Mrs. McConnell escaped without injury. The rear wheel of the carriage was badly broken. This appears to be one of those accidents in which no one is to blame.
Forest City – Two flags were placed in front of Evans’ restaurant the night of the celebration given last fall in honor of Norman English. The proprietor vowed that they should remain there until Sergeant English returned. Monday evening they were replaced and the old flags are now the property of the gallant soldier. ALSO The base ball session opened and a large crowd assembled at the park to witness a white wash administered to the Independents by the Jermyn team. The locals were without practice this season and therefore were at a disadvantage. Warren, of Peckville, a semi-professional was on the mound for the visitors. Owens, Kelly and Carpenter were in the box for the locals. Jermyn was favored by the umpire’s decisions until the seventh stanza when he was relieved. Jermyn drew blanks in the first, third and eighth innings. Forest City drew blanks and the score stood 13 to 0 in favor of the visitors. The work of the locals, with the exception of Kelly and “Packy” Malia, was very poor, the latter made the best hit of the game.
News Brief: - Commencement honors have been awarded by the faculty of the Mansfield State Normal school to the following Susquehanna county students: Elizabeth Jannicelli, Forest City and Helen Whitney, Thompson.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, May 22, 1819.
*Camp-meeting will be held on the Wyalusing Creek on the 17th of June next about a half mile from Esq. Bosworth’s in the Township of Pike, Bradford County.
*To Alba Stone. Take Notice, That Polly Stone your wife has filed her petition and libel against you for a divorse from the bonds of Matrimony, and that an alias Subpoena has issued, you are therefore required to be and appear before the court of common pleas in and for the county of Susquehanna, to be held at Montrose on the last Monday of August next, & then and there shew cause (if any you have) why the said petition and libel of the said Polly should not be granted, and her bonds of Matrimony with you should not be dissolved. SAMUEL GREGORY, Sh’ff, Sheriff’s Office, Montrose, May 22, 1819.
*Notice is hereby given, To those persons who own unruly Sheep running at large in and about the Village of Montrose, that they are frequently trespassing on lands of the subscriber; considerable damage has already been done. Those persons who own said sheep are requested to take immediate care of them or legal measures will be persued. ISAAC P. FOSTER. Montrose, May 12, 1819.
Compiled By: Betty Smith