Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 22 1914/2014
Hallstead – The case of Kenneth Johnson vs. the Lackawanna Railroad [as reported previously] has been affirmed by the Supreme Court in a decision handed down Monday. In the lower [court] the right of the company to condemn property owned by Johnson for a right of way for the cutoff being built by the company, was denied. One of the points on which the company lost out in the lower court was that the condemnation had not been according to the proper method and that the board of directors of the company passed a resolution providing only for the obtaining of land between New Milford. Judge Terry held that as Hallstead was west of New Milford, the company had no right to go further than the directors provided for.
Choconut – Automobiles have commenced running again. Quite a number were at the Choconut Valley Inn, Sunday.
Little Meadows – James Clarey attended an educational meeting at Flynn the first of this week. His talk on “the teacher and the school” was graciously applauded. ALSO John Boland’s house burned last week.
Glenwood – Mrs. Sara Cameron and family extend their heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who so willingly came to the plowing bee. They not only did the plowing, but the harrowing and sowed the oats as well. These kind deeds will never be forgotten by them. ALSO Lucy Conrad is a delighted owner of a fine Guernsey calf purchased by her nephew, Lynn W. Conrad, of West Clifford. Believe us, it’s some calf.
Susquehanna – Miss Ethel Dolan graduated from the Hospital Jefferson, in Philadelphia, on Thursday. ALSO Excavating and laying the foundation for the new silk mill, to be erected on Erie avenue, Susquehanna, is nearly completed and a new brick building will be erected at once.
S. Ararat – Kleber Shaver lost one of his cows. Quite a loss, as cows in this vicinity are almost equal to gold in the farmer’s eyes. ALSO Rev. Webster will preach the Memorial sermon in the Ararat Presbyterian Church on May 24. All old soldiers are cordially asked to be present. An invitation is extended to the public.
Montrose – The tri-angular piece of county grounds, west of the Court House, is being “broken,” with the plow, preparatory to getting a better sod and making a handsome grass plot, and, incidentally, Ed Foote, custodian of the County Grounds, and the genial ex-county treasurer, W. G. Morgan, will show the people just how to grow a bumper potato crop this summer, while getting the ground in shape for a “seeding.” ALSO Charles Arnold is riding a twin-cylinder, Indian motorcycle, which he recently purchased.
Royal, Clifford Twp. – Some two weeks ago T. J. Wells drove a horse and carriage from Newark, NJ to Royal, a distance the way he came of about 160 miles in four days. He said the worst time he ever had driving on the road was coming through Barrons from Delaware Water Gap to Hawley by the way of Porter’s Lake. The mosquitos were like a swarm of bees around his head a part of the way.
Tripp Lake/North Jackson - A demonstration of spraying fruit trees will be given under the direction of State Zoologist, Surface, in the orchard of G. Carlton Shafer, at Tripp Lake, on May 29, and in the orchard of C. F. Whitney, North Jackson, on May 30. All fruit growers who are not conversant with spraying should attend these meetings, if possible, as the experts in charge will give much practical advice.
St. Joseph – Frank McManus is about to enter the Order of Christian Brothers, in Scranton.
Brooklyn – J. W. Adams and C. M. Doloway were callers in Montrose on Wednesday. They are two of Brooklyn’s finest and best citizens and are looking forward, with interest, to the annual observation of Memorial Day, both being veterans of the Civil War.
Lawsville – Henry Ives is tearing down the old church near the creek to use in the construction of a new barn.
Fairdale – Miss Rose Horton has gone to Chicago to take up study at the Moody Bible School. She will be greatly missed, especially in church work.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Dogs made bad work in N. M. Seely’s flock of sheep, killing several sheep and lambs. People who have worthless dogs should keep them at home.
Forest Lake - Encouraging reports are received from Binghamton concerning the condition of Miss Eleanor Sullivan, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis.
Harford – We have a meat market in our town once more, which is a great convenience to the housekeeper.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – There was a goodly turnout at the primaries on Tuesday, although the nice weather kept a good many farmers away. Scarcely any of our people have their gardens planted or even plowed, owing to the wet weather.
Dimock – Francis R. Cope, Jr. and daughter, Theodora, have returned from an extended trip to Philadelphia.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - A gray overcoat was found near the Wolf road cut. Owner can have same by proving property.
Forest City – “The Missing Miss Miller,” a three act comedy, will be reproduced by the Deacon’s Second Wife Company, by request, on Thursday evening, May 28, in the Grand theatre. The company is composed of young people of Forest City and Vandling whose ability is unquestioned. New specialties are to be added and an evening of great pleasure promised.
News Brief: Take out your watch. Follow the second hand around the minute cycle. Every time it ticks off 24 seconds a new Ford car comes into being. The month of April was another record breaker at the Ford factory in Detroit—30,402 complete cars were built and shipped during the month which had 26 working days. A little mental arithmetic shows that this means a daily production of about 1,170 cars. It shows that approximately 146 Fords were built each hour. It shows that almost 24 seconds elapsed between the time one complete car left the factory doors until after another followed it.
Compiled By: Betty Smith