Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 22 1902/2002
Forest City - The mules have been taken out of the Erie mines at Forest City, and their shoes have been taken off. This looks like preparing for a long siege [strike].
Susquehanna - After a brief illness, of pneumonia, Michael Hogan, one of Susquehanna's oldest and most prominent residents, died at his home on Willow Street on Monday, aged about 70 years. He is survived by four daughters, Sister Mary Bernardine, of St. Rose Convent, Carbondale; Mrs. E. M. Tierney, of Binghamton; and Mrs. Jos. F. Lannon and Mrs. Wm. Graham, of Susquehanna. The funeral took place from St. John's Church, on Wednesday morning; interment was made in Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Kingsley - H. W. Jeffers has purchased and shipped here last week, 36 high-grade calves from the Walker Gordon Farms at Plainsboro, NJ.
Dimock - Jonas Gray, an old man 76 years old, can be seen daily ploughing on his hill, handling the team and plough as active as most of the young men of Dimock. AND The Dimock Camp Meeting will be from August 20th to August 28th this year. Greenwood & Fish will have charge of the boarding hall and the barn will be under the supervision of J. L. Carlin.
Franklin Forks - A new industry has just started in town. A Mr. Murphy has bought the hemlock on J. C. Wheaton's farm, near Salt Springs. He has a gang of men peeling the bark and on Tuesday had teams come with a portable mill, which will soon be in operation.
Rush - Services in memory of the late Fred Westbrook will be held at East Rush church Sunday. Mr. Westbrook died sometime ago of a very virulent type of diphtheria and the health authorities at the time thought a public funeral unwise.
Montrose - The county commissioners have made a contract with Messrs. Sullivan & Bodgley, of Binghamton, for the erection of a fire proof addition to the court house, as recommended by the last Grand Jury. The contract price was $2467. AND L. B. Pickett has invented still another and better window screen, which he is putting up for his patrons.
Lenoxville - The young ladies of Lenoxville gave a surprise party in honor of the Misses Maye Hallstead and Genevieve Halstead, at their home, Saturday evening, May 17th, 1902. The evening was very pleasantly spent in playing games. The most charming feature of the evening was the popular game "cotton ball," Edward Green receiving the prize for carrying the greatest number of balls. At a reasonable hour refreshments were served, after which they all departed, feeling that the evening had been well spent.
Alford - While the L. & M. train was going down Monday morning, a wheel on the "tender" broke, and it was nearly night before the wrecking crew from the main line could come and put the train into motion again. It occurred on the long steep grade going down into Alford, and it was fortunate that it was a wheel on the tender. Had it been one of the engine wheels, it would more likely have thrown the train from the track and had it rolled down the steep hill below the track, no one could have pictured the result.
Brandt - The old chair factory at Brandt will soon be a busy place again; there is a gang of men at work fitting it up for a chamois tannery and will employ from 20 to 30 hands to commence with and more later on.
Middletown - A number from here are attending the Summer Normal school at New Milford-among them, Lizzie McCormick, Sara Riley, Anna Conboy, Mary McManus, Anna McGovern, Margaret Keenan, Dan McCormick and Leo Golden. AND John Murphy has his new barn raised and from appearance is going to be a fine one. The work is being done by J. A. Curley.
Lindaville - George Stanton, of Factoryville, attended the funeral of a child of Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenkrants, of Lathrop, Sunday, as funeral director. Interment in the Hillsdale cemetery. Your correspondent was privileged to see the white horses and white hearse-emblem of purity.
South Montrose - Mrs. E. W. Sloat has a large tiger cat that is fond of young chickens. She would like to keep the cat, and also the chickens. Can somebody tell her how?
Glenwood - A. W. McAloon has his corn planted-about nine acres of ensilage corn; it was put in by machinery and took a little over half a day to do the work. AND Our genial postmaster and all around businessman, J. N. Bennett, is doing some hustling these days. He certainly has his hands full in looking after his interest on the farm, mill and store. May he succeed in all his undertakings is the wish of his many friends.
Clifford - The surprise party held at Annette Chamberlin's for the benefit and respect of the West Clifford school madam, Miss Wiles, was a grand success. About 9 o'clock, just after Miss Wilkes had retired for the night, the neighbors and friends commenced coming in and in the course of an hour the house was filled, and Miss Wiles notified of the surprise. She concluded, after getting up, that it was a genuine surprise. After some fine singing by the West Clifford choir and some instrumental music, and several other exercises, the surprise was most wonderfully increased by the abundance of refreshments; five kinds of fancy cakes, ice cream, oranges and bananas were served to all. Then the friends produced a very fine silk umbrella, which for them was presented with a few appropriate remarks by T. J. Wells, to Miss Wiles, as a token of their respect for her as a teacher. Miss Wiles arose and in a very able and ladylike manner, thanked them for her surprise and present.
South Auburn - Anyone wearing a linen duster the past few days should keep it buttoned.
Jackson - The many friends of Miss Allie Griffis met last Friday evening at her home in this place, to unite in wishing her a successful trip to her relatives in Iowa.
News Briefs - Towanda is to have an automobile factory and a building has been rented for that purpose. They expect to commence manufacturing them early next month. AND High price of meats is closing many markets throughout the country and causing an immense reduction in the use of meat as a food.
Compiled By: Betty Smith