Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 22 1896/1996
New Milford - The hop under the auspices of the Young Men's Social Club held at the Opera House Friday evening was very pleasantly enjoyed by a large number of young people.
Susquehanna - The plans for the stone work of the block, to be erected in Susquehanna by the First National Bank of that place, are in possession of the stone dealers here, preparatory to their making bids for the building.
Auburn - Barney Riley met with a mishap a few days ago, by trying to come in ahead of Len Lowe, each having a load of milk, headed for the creamery. The result was that Mr. L. had the remaining milk of Mr. R.’s to load on and deliver. Boys, you must not do so again.
Forest Lake Centre - Eggs, 8-cents a dozen. It seems to be the hens have a weary, discouraged look, and I am sure they are longing for a Republican President.
South Gibson - Geo. Baker, having purchased a balloon, will have an ascension in this place, Saturday, May 23, at 2 p.m. Geo. McGraw will make the ascension and perform on the trapeze.
Lanesboro - H. Smuck was on Tuesday arrested and brought before Justice Tiffany, in Susquehanna, charged by Mrs. Susannah Zeigler of Lanesboro, with selling hard cider to her young sons, against the law in such case made and provided. Smuck was discharged upon payment of a fine and costs and promising to retire from the cider business.
North Jackson - Forest fires last week were most destructive in this vicinity. The greatest injury is done to the woodlands of Joshua and Amos Potter. Some 200 acres of timber is nearly ruined.
Clifford - Clifford has 3 stores, 2 churches, post office, 2 blacksmith shops, one physician, and a harness shop. A wagon shop is wanting.
Brookdale - A.B. Mitchell and two gentlemen of Corbettsville went to the lake Saturday last and returned with a nice lot of bullheads and eels.
Rush - Delmar Stark has sold his fine bay horse, Dick, to Rev. A.W. Phillips. Dick is a fast walker, having brought Mr. Stark from Montrose to Fairdale in 45 minutes, and from Fairdale to Rush, with two in buggy, roads deep with mud. in 65 minutes, or 10 minutes less than two hours from Montrose, 10 miles the distance.
Lawsville Centre - At the quilting at Mrs. Joe Luce s recently, two quilts were nearly quilted.
Hallstead - If the Borough Council will effectively enforce its recently announced intention to prohibit boys from jumping on moving railway cars by arrest and fine or imprisonment, many an anxious parent will find relief, and commend the wisdom of our "City fathers." Enforce the ordinance.
Lenox - Sylvester Wescott and wife, living near Glenwood, were badly "taken in" last week by a man who came along pretending he wanted to buy a farm. Mr. Wescott wanted to sell, so they struck up a bargain, but after hanging round for a day or two Mr. Stranger went away and Mr. Wescott's purse containing $20 went too, and also a pair of gold bowed spectacles.
Thompson - The stone quarry business is booming. E.E. Gelatt, of Thomson, has opened his third quarry, this one in company with Judson Walker.
Springville - An effort is being made to reorganize the band. Now defunct several years.
Lenoxville- Two of our oldest ladies are laying very low at this writing, Mrs. Elsie Lott, who is in her 91st year and Mrs. Louisa Reese, who is in her 93d year.
Union Dale - Charlie Tucker has moved his harness shop into Dr. Lee's office on the hill. You can always find Charlie at his bench or waiting on the public.
Silver Lake - Fierce forest fires have been raging in many places. For awhile last week it was feared that the Catholic Church at Silver Lake might be burned.
Burnwood - Mr. S.E. Dunn and family bid fair to be a family of bicyclers.
Compiled By: Betty Smith