Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 22 1891/1991
Susquehanna - Walter L. Main's Monster Railroad Shows, double circus, menagerie, elevated stage, Roman Hippodrome and Grand Free Horse Fair, will spread their great wilderness of canvas in Susquehanna, on Wednesday, June 3. This show comes highly recommended by both press and public wherever they have exhibited. Mr. Main has gathered around him the very best artists from England, America and France, paying them the largest salaries ever paid to performers. Every act a feature. Every performer a star. The only show on earth that positively exhibits more than they advertise.
Brandt - The Harmony Brick Co. have burned their first kiln of the season, last week. The burning is skillfully managed by Andrew Blank, proprietor of the brickyard, who is the best brick burner around this part of the country. His son, Andrew Blank, Jr., is foreman of the brickyard. They are manufacturing 26,000 brick daily on their new palate system.
Rush - Two weeks ago Mr. Romeo Robinson, of the firm of Garabrandt & Robinson, left for Mendum, NJ, his partner remaining here to conduct the business during his absence. Mr. R., while away, consummated one of the most momentous actions of his life in espousing Lillie May Frost for his wife. The wedded pair returned to Rush on May 14, and have made the Rush House their temporary home. The bride is young and accomplished and will be an acquisition to the neighborhood, to which we with the rest of the community bid her welcome, and good fortune to the wedded pair.
Harford - Donations of flowers are solicited from all who cherish the memory of our fallen heroes. Please leave them, if possible, at G.L. Payne's Friday night 29th.
Montrose - Persons who will contribute horses and carriages for the Memorial Day parade will confer a favor by making known the same to R.M. Bostwick at his place of business before the evening of the 29th. AND Next Saturday is Memorial Day. Elsewhere will be found the committees, their duties and time of meeting, preparatory to the event. Read the general orders. You may be on some of the committees.
Auburn Corners- Albert Theodore Leonard Potter and his lady have been making ineffectual efforts to induce our ex-Justice to unite them in marriage. When the minister informed him that a license must be procured before he could solemnize the ceremony, Theodore departed a wiser but a very sad man.
Compiled By: Betty Smith