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May 21 1915/2015

Harrisburg – Our Governor has named Wednesday, May 26, as the one day on which every man in Pennsylvania should get out on the roads, and, free of charge and for the cause, work to improve our roads. Last year the state of Missouri did this with remarkable success. The possibilities of such a campaign in Susquehanna county are beyond ones imagination, if the work is intelligently planned and executed. [This project is encouraged by E. E. “Good Roads” Jones, who just completed his fifth term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and who has done much for township road improvement.]

Lenox – The Lenox Grange is out for good roads on Good Roads Day. They have had printed posters which will be tacked up all over the township bearing the following: “Good Roads Day. All male citizens of the township are requested to set aside the day, May 26th, to aid in putting the roads of Lenox township in good order. If unable to do personal work, each one is requested to donate a day’s wages. Dig in and help us make our roads a pride, instead of a shame.” How many other Granges and organizations might well follow this good example. Good Roads Day is new in the east, but has been successfully followed in the west a number of years. We are behind the west in our roads, and the day is new to us, but it will gain in favor each year. Be among the first progressive ones to boom it along.

Dimock – Percy Ballantine has donated three teams and men for “Good Roads Day.” Both Mr. Ballantine and Mr. Brown, manager of Louden Hill, are enthusiastic good road advocates, and in addition to the three men, will be out with their coats off.

Lawsville – The marriage of Raymond Turrell, son of Charles Turrell, to Miss Catherine Vath, of Dallas, Oregon, will be solemnized May 26, in the First Baptist church of that place. The Turrells were a highly respected family who went from this place to Oregon several years ago.

Great Bend – Rev. W. I. Andrews announced Sunday that he would not occupy the pulpit of the M. E. church for a few weeks, as he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and would take a needed rest.

Montrose – The Imperial barber shop on South Main street has been newly painted and renovated from top to bottom and makes a splendid appearance. A handsome drop ceiling, pleasing to the eye, consists of many pretty college pennants. Three chairs are operated by James O’Connell, Frank H. Deuel and Basil Macklin.

Lanesboro – Louis Price had his left foot severed by an Erie freight train on Friday afternoon near Kirkwood, NY. He was found lying on the tracks unconscious, and was taken to the Binghamton City Hospital where he was treated. He was riding a freight train and it is believed he fell from the train under the wheels.

Springville – C. H. Lake has recently become the owner of a new Maxwell car and is busy these days teaching it to be good.

West Bridgewater – Matthew McKeeby underwent an operation for appendicitis on Wednesday evening of last week. It was performed at his home by Drs. Birchard, Gardner and Wilson. He is getting along finely, Miss Fanny Shay being the nurse. ALSO At North Bridgewater a large delegation of neighboring men gathered on the McCabe farm with seeders and harrowers to assist in sowing a large piece of oats, and with twenty-two nice, large teams, made things hum for the afternoon. [This followed the death of Anna Heavey McCabe, wife of Jeremiah, married only a short year ago.]

Susquehanna – Earl Washburn, aged 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Washburn, of Laurel street, was struck and instantly killed by an engine on the Erie Railroad tracks near the State Hospital Waterworks, Saturday afternoon. A railroad employee, walking along the tracks, discovered the body. He informed the section foreman who called police head-quarters. A large hole in the back of the head undoubtedly caused immediate death. The lad left his home here early Saturday and hopped a freight for Binghamton. After that nothing was heard until the dead body was found. This was shortly after train No. 2 had passed that point and it is believed this train struck him after he had alighted from the freight.

Choconut Valley – The proprietor of the Friendsville and Binghamton stage is now running an automobile, which makes better time than of old.

West Jackson – Jesse Morse has set out about 1500 fruit trees and 1000 berry bushes on his fruit farm this spring.

Little Meadows/Forest Lake – George B. Johnson died May 18, at the home of his daughter Mrs. L. D. Minkler. The funeral will be held Friday morning, with burial at Stone street, near Mr. Johnson’s old home. He was 94 years old, one of the oldest residents of the county, coming to this part of the country from Connecticut when a boy. He settled on Stone street, near Forest Lake, where he lived until about 15 years ago, when his wife, Anna Rilla Stone, died. 

Hop Bottom – A new porch has added greatly to the appearance of Dr. A. J. Taylor’s Drug Store.

Auburn Twp. – The G. A. R. Post, of Auburn Corners, will again hold memorial services at Jersey Hill, May 29. Rev. L. Kilpatrick, of Springville, will be the speaker of the day. The Auburn Center choir will furnish the music. Let everyone come and help the old veterans, whose ranks are thinning very rapidly.

Birchardville – Miss Chadja C. Dayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Dayton, graduated from the Rochester Homeopathic hospital on May 11. Miss Dayton was a former teacher in Bridgewater and has many friends who will be glad to know of her success.

Mew Milford – Moss VanCott left Friday for Buffalo where he met E. O. Humphry, of Buffalo, and Harry Gordon, of Boonton, NJ, and on Monday the three young men left for the West. They will make stop overs in Chicago and St. Paul. In Montana they will purchase saddle horses and make the trip from there to California by horseback.

Forest City – Prof. F. H. Taylor was in Scranton Tuesday where he witnessed the defeat of the Scranton ball team by the Barons. ALSO The Clinton Falls Coal Company has resumed operations under the new management. James Bradley, of the Bradley Coal Co., Peckville and Joseph J. Cleary, of Forest City, are the new operators.

News Brief:  Anyone desiring to help relieve the wounded soldiers on the foreign battlefield can do so by assisting the Daughters of Veterans in donating materials to be used by the Surgical Dressing committee of New York city. The members of the Dr. Ellen E. Mitchell Tent No. 5, Daughters of Veterans, are donating a large quantity of material such as cotton and linen rags, old table cloths, sheets, pillow cases, flannel shirts, torn underwear, etc., to be used for this purpose and will appreciate any help they may receive. Such material to be left at Watrous’ store, Montrose, any time before the 1st of June, 1915.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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