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May 20 1921/2021

Montrose – Many sky-gazers were out Saturday evening to see the beautiful display of “northern lights.” Rarely is such a magnificent burst of many hued lights to be seen when the aurora borealis gets into action. From a color viewpoint it exceeded the wonderful display of last year. The telephone and telegraph companies do not see much beauty in it as the electrical disturbance seriously interferes with communication for a couple of days. ALSO A meeting of Gardner-Warner Post American Legion will be held next Monday evening. It is hoped there will be a large attendance of members, as plans for Memorial Day will be considered.

Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. – Another report—The Northern lights were again visible Saturday evening, rolling and flashing so beautifully in the heavens as they did about a year ago. It reminds us of how it is written in the Word, as the end of time draweth nigh “There shall be signs and wonders in the heavens.”

Hallstead – Quite a large number of Susquehanna county boys and girls are winning handsome premiums offered by Campbell Bros of Hallstead, for selling their products. The company is building up a fair-sized business and the people of the county should be interested in its growth. If you have an active boy or girl in your family or neighborhood, interest them.

Dimock – The senior class of the Dimock high school will hold an ice cream social in the community building on May 24th. Proceeds for the benefit of the Washington trip planned by the graduates. AND Fishermen going to Elk Lake were much in evidence last week. Some of the Dimock folks were over to the Lake, Sunday, and report several cottages being already occupied by campers.

Friendsville – The borough of Friendsville is the smallest incorporated community in the state of Pennsylvania. Its population, according to complete figures for the entire state, announced by the United States census bureau, was 74 persons on Jan. 1, 1920, the date of the last census. Friendsville has been growing smaller steadily for the last twenty years although the last decade has seen more rapid decrease. In 1900 it was credited with a population of 110. It lost seven residents in the next ten years, and from 103 in 1910 it dropped to 74.

West Lenox – Memorial Day will be observed as usual at the Tower cemetery. The Ladies’ Aid will serve dinner and the Young People’s Sunday school class will sell ice cream and other dainties.

Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. – Miss Hilda Jones is clerking in Howard Michael’s store at South Gibson.

Hop Bottom – The ladies of Foster Book Club, No. 2, were entertained at the M. E. parsonage recently. Mrs. MacBain was hostess. Dainty refreshments were served. AND The ladies of the Shakespeare Club were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doran, when the announcement of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Grace Doran, to Mr. Edward Evans, of Scranton, was made.

Little Meadows – There was a large ball game at John Purtell’s Saturday, between Apalachin and Little Meadows. The score was 9 and 12 in favor of Little Meadows.

Forest Lake – Our Women’s Christian Temperance Union met with Mrs. Joseph Potts on May 3rd. The reports of the various committees showed that our union has accomplished much during the past year. The old officers were re-elected and installed as follows: President, Mrs. Carrie Booth; vice-president, Mrs. Emma Wright; secretary, Miss Fannie Carr; Treasurer, Mrs. Edith Chamberlin. We hope all our members will pay their dues soon. Next meeting on June 7 will be held at the home of Mrs. Lee James.

West Auburn – News has been received here of the recent death of Mrs. Nancy Swackhamer, a former respected resident of our village, at the home of her daughter, Lavina, at Tioga Point. “Aunt Nancy,” as she was familiarly called, had lived to be more than 90 years of age.

Uniondale – Matthew Sparks, one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of this place, passed away at his home on May 12, 1921. His death was due to erysipelas. Deceased was born in Gibson township on December 7, 1863, where his boyhood and early manhood was spent. He is survived by his wife, whose maiden name was Hattie Collum, and the following children: Harry, of Great Bend; Floyd, at home; Howard, of Pleasant Mount, and Mrs. James Lowry, of Bellefonte, Pa. Interment in the family plot at Pleasant Mount.

Brooklyn – Plans are being made to give the people of Brooklyn a chance to see some of the popular plays that are being given upon the stage and presented upon the screen at Scranton. The first three are: “Lightnin’,” with Frank Bacon; “Tiger Rose,” with Leona Ulric, and “Way Down East.” They will be given at two weeks intervals in the Universalist church, with the aid of the stereopticon. The first play to be given on the evening of May 17th, will probably be “Lightnin’.”

News Brief: Gov. Sproul has signed the Edmonds bill, which will give 45,000 school teachers an increase in salary. The bill carries with it an appropriation for $32,000,000 to be expended by the Department of Education. The compensation of teachers is fixed and their qualifications are specified. Teachers who at this time may not be qualified under the new law will have time to perfect themselves. The state, under the new law, will pay 35 per cent of the teachers’ salaries. Nearly 24,000 teachers are employed in the elementary school of the state.

Lakeview – F. J. Osgood was through here recently, looking after the telephone lines. Hope we have better service. ALSO A number from here attended the good roads meeting, at Jackson, on Thursday evening.

Lawsville – Harry Vance, since returning from the south, where the family wintered, have been staying at the home of Bert L. Bailey. Harry says they spent an enjoyable winter but when one has no regular occupation the only way to keep from becoming ennuied (a French expression similar to “pushing up the daisies”) is to keep moving from one place to another. At Tampa it was not unusual to see a tent colony of northerners on the camping grounds set apart by the city. The trip down and back was made by automobile and his repair bill amounted to only $1.65. Harry says it was worth it if it had cost twice that much. But he is now looking for a farm and wants to settle down again.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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