Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 20 1910/2010
Brackney - Many people who were out looking for the comet Wednesday night were startled at the unusually brilliant meteor which dropped from the sky. They will be still further surprised when they learn that the meteor really struck the earth, landing on the Dusenberry farm at Brackney. Mr. Dusenberry was awake at the time, watching for the comet. He surely thought the end of the earth was at hand when he heard a swish and whirr like a ricocheting shell and saw a huge ball of fire strike near his home, making it as light as day during its passage through the air. With his household and the hired man, Mr. Dusenberry rushed to the spot where it struck, which was in a field not a rod from the main road. Hissing and sputtering in the ground was the meteor. For some minutes the gasses it emitted were so suffocating that it was impossible to get near it. After throwing several pails of water on it to cool it, the men excitedly began to dig it out. It was under the surface a distance of five feet, where it had struck a rock preventing further progress. The meteor is about a foot square, of mottled appearance, and is largely mineral. Mr. Dusenberry drove to Binghamton yesterday morning with his find and took it to the Barkman drug store, where it was chemically analyzed, proving it to be beyond question a meteor. The object is now on exhibition in a window of the store, where it is gazed upon by gaping crowds.
Auburn - The Grand Army Post and Odd Fellows are to hold Memorial Day services at the Jersey Hill cemetery, May 30.
Montrose - Liveryman W. A. Harrington is in the West buying a carload of horses. ALSO H. E. Cooley has taken the agency for the Hupp automobile. Mr. Cooley is running a 12 horsepower runabout of the Hupp make and its ease of operation and good running qualities make it noticeable as one of the best machines of its kind. Allyn M. Ayars purchased a 20 horsepower Hupp runabout, having recently disposed of his White steamer to Benj. McKeage, of Chicago.
New Milford - Stanley Stone, aged 72, died at his home here, Sunday morning, and interment was made in the New Milford cemetery, the Masons having charge of the services. Deceased was one of the best known men of this section. He was a veteran of the Civil War and active in the G. A. R. He enlisted in Co. B, 17th Pa. Cavalry, Sept. 18, 1862, and served until the end of the war. He was under command of Generals Stoneman and Sheridan and saw considerable service, until his capture and confinement in Libby Prison [and released] after Lee's surrender. Besides a widow he leaves two sons--Hugh and Stanley of New Milford.
Uniondale - The wagon shop of Ira Churchill was completely destroyed by fire last week. The owner lost all his tools and a large stock of hard lumber. By the efficient work of a bucket brigade the fire was prevented from spreading. Ira received $700 in insurance but the Uniondale band lost about $25 worth of music and racks. ALSO The people of this village should make use of the new morning train, which will run once a week, commencing the 29th, and maybe the Erie company will be disposed to run it every day.
Middletown Twp. - Jerome Keough, a native of Susquehanna county, whose birthplace is at Middletown, is now the champion pool player of the world. ALSO The young people are having a comet party once a week and they are enjoyed by all.
Lawsville - A new organization has been formed, known as the Lawsville Center Cemetery society, for the maintenance of the cemetery. Any person may become a member of the society by paying into the treasury a membership fee of 50 cents. Annual dues 25 cents.
Springville - If the young men who go home along toward midnight would make less noise, their neighbors would get more sleep.
Harford - We need not watch the comet, they tell us any more. But we surely need a padlock for our chickencoop door.
Susquehanna - Susquehanna citizens are going to experiment with oil in the streets to prevent the dust. This method has been tried in many places and is reported to work satisfactorily.
South Gibson - Samuel A. Jackling, an enthusiastic old Vet, being a member of Co. G., 73rd Volunteers, was over to the county seat last week, doing the town and making numerous calls among the business places. Mr. Jackling recently removed to South Gibson from Scranton, and has opened a barber shop for the accommodation of the citizens.
Hopbottom - An unknown man was killed by the cars a short distance below here last Thursday. Undertaker Terry, of Nicholson, was notified and he took the remains to his morgue. The body was that of an Italian, abut 30 years of age. There was nothing about him by which he could be identified and the Lathrop poormasters buried the body.
Birchardville - The Loyal Temperance legion met at the home of Mattie Birchard last Friday evening and organized the society fully. The following officers were elected: pres., Ralph Griffis; vice pres., Byron Griffis; second vice pres., Lena Ball; corresponding sec'y, Belle Ely; treas., Nathan Cobb; director of music, Ray Birchard.
Choconut Valley - Joseph Clarke, son of Frank Clarke, who has been employed in the State Hospital at Binghamton, for some time, has obtained a position on the police force. ALSO E. J. Stanley has commenced taking calves every Monday through this place, stopping at Hotel Mooney for dinner. Judging from the amount he is taking, calves must be plenty.
Forest City - Two men, who came to this country on the German ship of the Hamburg line, are known to be in Forest City, and as this vessel had small pox on board, the local health authorities are keeping a watch on them and will until all danger of the disease breaking out is over. ALSO William Pentecost, of Prompton, is one of those who saw Halley's comet when it passed through the heavens in 1835.
Compiled By: Betty Smith