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May 20 1904/2004

Lanesboro - Fireman McNally, of Carbondale, was killed and Conductor Honey and a brakeman badly injured early yesterday morning at Lanesboro, in a head-on collision between two D. & H. freight trains. The first car of the northbound freight train caught fire and the local fire department was called out and handled the flames in a prompt manner. It is supposed that the wreck was caused by conflicting train orders at the chief dispatcher's office at Carbondale. Fireman McNally was pinned under his locomotive and killed. The injured men were taken to the home of J. E. Donovan, where they were cared for. The wreck occurred about 100 ft. from the local depot.

Montrose - The roller to be used in macadamizing our streets arrived the first of the week over the D.L. & W. and now rests on its private flat car near the coal pockets. It is not noticeable for its beauty, but so far as solidity of construction and bulk is concerned it certainly meets every requirement. The machine is fully 30 ft. in length with a roller surface of 10 to 12 ft. A large roller is pushed along in front, while the huge driving wheels in the rear, besides acting as propellers, increase materially the rolling powers of the machine. A curtained cab is located in the back part for the engineer and, as is generally understood, the roller will be run by steam. The stone crusher is also en route and it is likely that both will be in use within a short time.

Forest City - The Forest House at Forest City has been sold by John M. Cunningham to Taylor M. Sharpe, of Scranton, for $27,000. The hotel changed owners the first of the week. Mr. Cunningham and family will go to Buffalo to reside.

Susquehanna - A handsome new brick building is about to be erected by John Springsteen, near the Langford Hotel. AND A large number of men have been laid off indefinitely in the Erie shops here.

New Milford - Commissioner Vailes' broken stone road, which was put in last fall, stands the test, notwithstanding the predictions of some of our chronic croakers, and he is now engaged in laying another piece just above the Main street bridge. AND Five cans of wall-eyed pike were on Tuesday placed in East Lake. East Lake is one of the finest bodies of water in the county. It is fed by springs of pure water and its surroundings picturesque, appealing directly to those who wish to enjoy a quiet summer's outing.

Friendsville - Plans are being made for extensive improvements on the streets of our village; among them is the much-needed repair of sidewalks. A large quantity of the old wooden walk has been torn up, and is soon to be replaced by flags.

Brandt - Robert Shirlaw, who has charge of the splitting machine in the chamois factory, had the misfortune Saturday, to crush one finger. AND Kessler & Co., on Thursday last, erected a 60-ft. smokestack over their new boiler.

Loomis Lake - Twenty campfires of fishermen were seen around the lake one night last week.

Upsonville - Many tons of elegant stone is being quarried in the Moses Shields quarry this spring.

Brooklyn -The traction engine makes regular trips to Hopbottom now-a-days. It seems none the worse for going off the stone bridge a short time ago. AND George Gere, with two teams, has begun the much-needed job of building roads. AND Charles Tiffany has a gang of masons and men at work laying the foundation of the new creamery at Alford.

Middletown Twp. - Lena Jones, of Jackson Valley, has been dressmaking at Mrs. James Keenan's. AND In Flynn, P. T. McManus, representing the A.& P. Tea Co., passed through here last week, enroute to Binghamton, delivering a fine line of goods as ever was sold in this section.

Harford - Harford Grange has purchased the Dormitory of [the] Soldiers Orphans' School buildings and will make of it an ideal meeting place for their thrifty organization. Their efficient Secretary E. M. Tingley was here Friday transacting business connected therewith. This grange is in a very prosperous condition, paying up in full for this nice property, which includes three-fourths of an acre of land.

Kingsley - The Kingsley band will give an outdoor concert, Saturday evening, May 21. Ice cream and cake will be served. The boys are making good progress and are preparing to buy suits.

Great Bend - The Keystone race track has been remodeled and thoroughly worked and is now pronounced to be the finest track in Pennsylvania. A number of the stables are already occupied by horses to be trained for the circuit. The first race meet here will be held on July 4th. AND The new pews for St. Lawrence Catholic church have arrived and are being placed in the edifice, which has been thoroughly remodeled and is very pretty, within and without.

East Rush - Ten years ago Vinal Roberts found a land turtle and cut the date 1894 and initials on it; it was found by Glen quick, about a mile from where first found, one day while fishing.

Springville - The subscription papers circulated for the benefit of U. D. Barber, who met with so serious an accident at the Hawk quarry, injuring his eyes, have met a ready response and a nice sum of money has been raised.

Glenwood - Memorial Day will be celebrated with its quiet, solemn and patriotic services. All members of Post 85 are requested to attend services at the M.E. Church, Sunday. Members of the Post and other old veterans will meet at G.A.R. Hall at 2 and march to the church. The Decorating committee will receive marking flags at the close of service for Carpenters Cemetery, Edgar E. Smith and W. W. Hardy; Bell Cemetery, W. J. Bell; Rynearson Cemetery, Thomas Cameron. On Monday, May 30, comrades will report at Tower church at 11 o'clock, form and march to the Cemetery and perform the G.A.R. Memorial services as required by the ritual, and then dismiss for dinner. The Ladies Aid will furnish dinner. Ralph B. Little, Esq., of Montrose, will speak at 1:30.

News Brief - It is reported that the blue stone business is on the boom. The market for flagging, curb and building stone was never better and prices for some of the curbing are double what they were a few years ago.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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