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May 20 1899/1999

Susquehanna - Owing to the scarcity of flowers, Moody Relief Corps will not this year decorate the graves of its deceased members until June. AND Burglars broke a rear window in the store of Gus Cohen and, with a long hook, stole several suits of clothing and other goods, and levanted. Local detectives are hot-footed on the trail.

Hopbottom - Some of our people attended the Buffalo Bill show at Scranton the 22nd. AND Our little town has been quite excited over a fishing excursion at Mr. Can Stone's. They [thieves] used the rod and hook and hooked out his pants through his bedroom window, taking his pocket-book and $50; so you see it was a big fish they caught. No clue to the thief, so we are informed.

Lake View - Do not forget the dates of the Jackson Band Fair--May 29 & 30.

Forest City - "A long-felt want" of our people is to be filled this season by the erection of a new Erie depot. AND A young man, aged 13 years, fell by stepping on a banana peel in front of the Davis Opera House, Friday night, and broke his leg.

Montrose - Patronize home industry and leave your orders for Memorial Day flowers with W.W. Nash at South View Gardens. Mr. Nash makes a specialty of fine floral pieces. AND The Afro-American citizens of this borough wish to call the attention of the public that a concert will be given on Thursday evening, June 1st, for the benefit of the pastor's salary of A.M.E. Zion church. This concert will surpass any previous one ever given. No pains are being spared in preparing a splendid program for the event and the best talent has been secured. Everything new and up to date. Manager, Arlington Thompson.

Brooklyn - Members of Mrs. White's vocal class attended Rough & Ready's entertainment at the armory [in Montrose] last Thursday eve. After the entertainment the class partook of an elegant supper at the Tarbell House which was prepared and served in a manner which attested Mr. Raynsford's ability as a caterer and entertainer. The merry party included the following persons: Mesdames White, Shadduck, L. S. Ely, S. B. Eldridge, J. Tewksbury and Misses Nellie Bunnell, Hettie Caswell, Josie Doloway, Jessie Doloway, Grace McKeever, Louise Ainey, Lena VanAuken, Lillie McMillan and Grace Cameron.

Jackson - After a protracted illness, Emery Larrabee, one of the oldest residents of the county, died at the residence of a son, William H., on Grand street, Susquehanna, on Saturday evening, aged 88 years. He resided for the greater portion of his life in Jackson Township. He, and five sons, served as soldiers in the civil war. The funeral was largely attended on Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, in Susquehanna, Rev. D. I. Sutherland, pastor of the Presbyterian church officiating. The five sons and a nephew of the deceased, were bearers; the Jackson Grand Army Post, of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body and interment was made in North Jackson cemetery.

Lenoxville - The village is noted for its beauty and quietness. Leading from it are several picturesque country roads, over which many people daily and weekly wend their several ways to feast their eyes on the verdant fields and the beauties by the wayside. If any of these riders wish to see a modern Santiago, they should take the road leading past the outlet of Robinson pond, where the far-famed barbed wire fence may be seen.

East Rush - T. A. Roberts, accompanied by his daughter, went to Milwaukee last friday, upon very unusual, not to say remarkable, business. In that city was a man named Rowan who conducted a matrimonial paper. In some way he got hold of the name and address of Miss Roberts and advertised her in his paper as a desirable acquisition for any one in need of a wife, and stating, among other things, that she was possessed of $20,000 in her own right. This was last fall, and soon after Miss Roberts began receiving letters from men who wished wives, from all over the country, over 200 in all, until it became a nuisance generally. In the meantime, some of the men who patronized Rowan's paper concluded they were being swindled and set the post office department after him. They caused his arrest for fraudulent use of the mails and Mr. and Miss Roberts were subpoenaed as witnesses and went to Milwaukee, where the trial is now on.

Glenwood - Many of the farmers in this vicinity are having sheep and lambs killed by dogs. It would be a good plan if the owners of dogs would keep them tied up, nights especially. AND Capt. Lyon's Post [G.A.R.] will attend divine services, in a body, at the M.E. church of this place, Sunday, May 28, at 2:30 p.m. All comrades are requested to be present in full uniform.

Uniondale - Among the duties of Uniondalers are: To attend church twice on Sunday and never miss the Thursday Night Prayer meeting; to take along a coat-pocket cuspidor, to save spitting on the floor; always throw in a dime for the necessary expenses, to keep the church warm while you are listening attentively to a cold-blooded or a warm-hearted sermon, as the case may be; help the Preacher to prepare his warm-hearted sermons by paying his full amount of salary; visit the sick and take good care of them, for they are liable to turn up their toes if you don't.

Harford - Miss Lucretia Tiffany has been weaving carpet this spring and wove four yards a day, two consecutive days. She will be 83 in August.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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