Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 19 1922/2022
Kingsley – Lewis Titus, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Titus, was seriously burned by falling into a pail of scalding water.
Montrose – The 1922 commencement of Montrose High School will graduate 43, the largest class in the school’s history. Of this number 28 are girls with Frances Williams, valedictorian; Ruth Thornton, salutatorian. ALSO Manager F. T. Mack informs us that the new Subway Lunch will be formally opened to the public the first part of next week. Those of us who appreciate real cooking have something to look forward to. Mrs. Julia Gilroy is to be in charge of the cuisine department, which is about all that need be said.
Harford – Emmett Flint, one of the very few remaining veterans of the Civil War, residing in the vicinity of Harford, died at his home on May 16th, aged 78 years.
Springville – Leon Thomas, of Hoboken, NJ, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thomas. Mr. Thomas holds a responsible position as foreman of a telephone company and is also greatly interested in radio work. He has manufactured and sold several radio sets, and he brought one for his parents. He also tried a demonstration at the Community building, but conditions were not favorable for making it a complete success, though snatches of concerts were caught. ALSO What proved to be a miraculous escape from serious injury, or probably loss of life, occurred when a Ford touring car, owned by Glenn Davis, caught fire. Mr. Davis was filling his car with gas at Riley’s garage and was standing on the running board, looking into the tank, when the fumes ignited from a cigar which he was smoking and instantly the car was in flames and his clothing around his limbs caught fire, burning one ankle quite badly. A number of men nearby succeeded in saving the main body of the car, though the cushions and top were completely destroyed. What probably saved Mr. Davis’ life was the fact that he had on his car a self-closing cap to the gasoline tank and at the first burst of flame, he instantly jerked the nozzle of the hose out and the tank was closed.
Hop Bottom/Brooklyn – defeated Dimock in the first game of the County League season, 20 to 13. The pitchers performed well. Ira Case, Hop Bottom, having twelve strikeouts. The infield did snappy work, Art Brown grabbing one barehanded, saving two runs. Wayne VanAuken and Wm. Burbank performed in left and right fields for Hop Bottom and George Stewart, of “bunter fame,” covered center. Game lasted 2 hours and 45 minutes, but was interesting from start to finish.
Lenoxville – A very pretty birthday party was held at the home of Irving Decker, May 13th, in honor of their little daughter, Alice May’s, eighth birthday. All her little friends were present: Velma, Retha and Myrtle Miller, Lucy Clara and George Tuttle, Gertrude Marcy, Margaret Wilson, Robert and Howard Barber, Herman, Irving, Edward and Llewellyn Decker.
Jackson – Herman I. Potter, a native of Jackson, died at Havensville, Kansas, April 27, 1922. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in Co. C, of the 141st Infantry, PA Volunteers, for 2 years, ten months and nine days, to the close of the war. In 1872 he came to Kansas, settling on a farm in Gearey Co., and united in marriage to Mary Ellen Cunningham. He was 78 years of age when he died.
Lanesboro – Hale Kingsbury, age 60 years, was fatally injured when pinned down by an auto tractor which turned over backwards on Saturday. He owned a large farm at Lanesboro and used a tractor for plowing and other work. The tractor was hauling a road machine, opening ditches along the main thoroughfare, when the tractor tipped over and pinned Mr. Kingsbury underneath.
Dimock – The new landlord, Wm. Palmer, has taken possession of the hotel he purchased this spring and is already running an open house, which is very pleasing to everyone. During the short time it was closed the people felt lost without a hotel.
Brooklyn – We are informed by the manager of the Brooklyn High School base ball team that the account of a game in last week’s issue of the Democrat between the high school team and a team made up of farmer boys of that locality was erroneous, that no game was played. The notice was contributed, we supposed it authentic, and we printed it in good faith as a matter of news.
Hallstead – J. C. Florance, Hallstead’s hustling horse dealer, showed the writer fifty horses grazing on the hills of his farm, just out of Hallstead, having just unloaded a car load of handsome farm chunks that day. “Jimmie” says the horse business is good despite the large number of automobiles and trucks now in use.
Forest City – Ludwig Conrad, the sole veteran of the Civil War in this place, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Eicholzer. Deceased was born in 1835, in Harford, and married Miss Alvera Walker, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Walker, pioneer residents of South Gibson. He served four years in the Army of the Potomac and participated in many battles, including Gettysburg, Bull Run, Spotsylvania, the Wilderness and Antietam. He is survived by his daughter and two sons, Arnold, of Clifford Twp. and Hallie, of Long Beach, NY, grandchildren and sister, Mrs. Palmer, of Wyalusing.
Clifford – The remains of Mrs. Mary Jenkins West were brought here for interment. Deceased was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Evan Jenkins, pioneer residents of Welsh Hill. She is survived by a son and daughter and a brother, Hon. John G. Jenkins, former prime minister of Australia. One sister, Mrs. Anna Davis, of Neath, Bradford Co. also survives.
Thompson – A Box Social will be held in Keystone Hall, Monday evening, for benefit of the Thompson Baseball Team. An old English comedy, “A Romance of Real Life,” will be given. There will be music by Ararat orchestra.
Uniondale – Miss Mary E. Borthwick, State Nurse for this county, was a caller here, endeavoring to have the pupils in our schools, who were deficient in size and weight, sent to a state park in Bucks county.
Bits of news from “200 Years Ago” from the Susquehanna County Herald, May 18, 1822.
An American gentleman writes from Port au Prince, that President Boyer has emancipated all the slaves in the island of St. Domingo. ALSO Bunker’s Hill, a place dear to every American, has been divided into lots, which were sold lately by auction. That part of it on which Gen. Warren fell, and on which a monument has been erected to his memory, has been purchased by his nephew for the sum of $540.
Compiled By: Betty Smith