Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 18 1906/2006
Auburn Center - What are the tax payers and directors thinking of to desire to erect a High School building at Auburn Center where there are only a few children? To build a school costing $3500 would be unwise, the general outlook at present being very poor. It looks as if the directors were going to put up a monument to their memory in office out of the Auburn taxpayers' pockets. It is almost impossible for a child between the ages of six and eight years to go to school two or three miles away from home. Directors think wisely. You might better pay tuition for a few years than have a building standing idle, and the children going to the district school. We are in favor of education, advancement and good schools, but when it can readily be seen that a project will fail, we are opposed.
Susquehanna - Last Friday morning the town was visited by one of the most disastrous fires in its history. The Falkenbury block is now in ruins and the Central Hotel and John Lannon estate buildings were badly damaged, the total loss amounting to about $20,000. The fire is thought to have originated in the studio of Photographer S. A. Cole, who occupies rooms over the postoffice and spread to the offices of Dr. J. D. Kelly, dentist, thence to the Central House, conducted by John J. McGinty and was, after hard work, stopped at the John Lannon estate block which adjoins the Central House. John Buckley's clothing store and Byron French's stationary store and job printing office, located in the fire-swept section, were also badly damaged. The hose and chemical companies did very effective work and the tin roofs and absence of wind aided them greatly in their efforts. Had it not been for these favorable conditions the loss would have been much greater, as at one time the entire business district was endangered. The postoffice has been transferred to the Rogers block and although the service has been hampered for the past few days, it is now straightening itself out.
Lanesboro - Scranton parties who have been drilling for coal at Lanesboro are reported to have struck a vein of coal several feet in thickness. So much secrecy is being observed that nothing definite can be learned.
Montrose - While examining a supposedly unloaded revolver at the Court House Friday morning, it was discharged and Prothonotary W. A. Titsworth received a severe wound. The revolver was in the hands of William Buchanan, of the Buchanan Bridge co. of Chambersburg, Pa. Mr. Buchanan was also wounded by the same bullet, which passed through the fleshy part of his right hand. The bullet had been deflected from its course after entering Mr. Titsworth's body by coming into contact with the pelvic bone, which it followed, being cut out later from the side of the hip. The shooting occurred in the commissioner's office, where Mr. Buchanan was calling on business, his company having erected many of the bridges in the county. Mr. Titsworth, having known the gentleman a number of years, stepped in from his office across the hall to shake hands. During the conversation which followed the subject of a new revolver, belonging to Mr. Buchanan, was brought up. He took the firearm from his pocket, removed the cylinder and displayed the mechanism of the weapon. Commissioners' Clerk Foster asked if it was loaded and received an answer in the negative. The remark was then made about frequent shootings that took place from guns that "they didn't know was loaded." It was while replacing the supposedly empty cylinder that a sharp report startled those present.
Foster [Hopbottom] - Sunday evening, Fred Chamberlain, son of Brakeman Perry Chamberlain, of Foster, was run over by the cars at that place. The boy had just jumped off one train and was attempting to board another, when he fell under the wheels, striking the rail and lying at full length on the track. The cars passed over him, killing him instantly. It is reported that this is the second son Mr. Chamberlain has lost through being killed by trains within the past year. He is a well-known Lackawanna brakeman and much sympathy is expressed for himself and family.
New Milford - The 3rd annual reunion of the 4th Regt., Penna. Volunteers, will be held at the home of Charles A. Kenyon on June 21 & 22. Important business, outside of the usual pleasurable gathering of these comrades, is to be considered. Among them are the making of arrangements to attend the dedication of the regimental monument at Antietam, and the recently revised and enlarged history of the regiment. [In related news, the age limit pension bill, passed by both houses of Congress, has become a law. Under its provision, when a soldier of the Civil war arrives at the age of 60 years he is allowed $6 per month without examination as to disability. At 61 he gets $8; at 70 years he is allowed $12. The measure does away with any question as to disability and gives every soldier a pension regardless of disease contracted in the war or since that time.]
Kingsley & Harford - The buildings from the former Soldiers' Orphans' School property, now owned by H.W. Jeffers, of Plainsboro, N.J., form an important part in the improvements still progressing on the "Jeffers Farm." One of the finest and most modern barns in this section contains the lumber from the old chapel. The building known as the office was used in the construction of a fine tenant house, just completed. A dairy house soon to be constructed there will contain the lumber from the old dining hall.
Lenoxville - Just listen! Did you hear the wedding bells? No, but I heard the booming of guns, the drumming of old tin pans, the ringing of cow bells and the blowing of horns of a regular old-fashioned skimelton. Where did you hear them? In Lenxoville, between the homes of C. A. Utley and E. K. Severance. When, did I say? Monday evening, May 14, 1906, just about the curfew hour.
Brooklyn - A new grocery and meat wagon, from Alford, visits this place twice a week. AND Mr. Taylor, our new neighbor from Scranton, is building a pigeon house.
Ararat - E. L. Avery was badly hurt last week by a vicious bull. While driving the stock into the yard the bull turned on him and he escaped only by rolling under the fence where the bull had thrown him. He has been confined to the bed.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Miss Lizzie V. McCormick spends her vacation this summer at Ocean grove, where she goes for health. AND The Middletown Center Baseball team has come to the conclusion that they will not carry the rusty penny for luck this season.
Herrick -Dr. Lee, who makes his home with Charles Hart, is on the road selling medicine.
Compiled By: Betty Smith