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May 18 1905/2005

Brooklyn - The G.A.R. Post of this place has made arrangements to observe Memorial Day. Rev. Pope of the M. E. Church at Hopbottom, will deliver the oration; the music will be given by a cornet band.

Harford - "Who are the best entertainers, ladies or gentlemen?" This question is to be decided at Odd Fellows' Hall on Wednesday evening, May 24, in a contest between the ladies and gents of Floral Rebecca Lodge, each side being allotted one hour--so come out and enjoy the evening with us and have a hearty laugh. Adm. 10 and 15 cents. Judges, Prof. G. A. Stearns and Mrs. Usher, the third person to be chosen by them.

Thomson - County Surveyor Tingley was officially engaged in the township the past week. He succeeded in establishing a line satisfactorily to all parties, that had been a source of unpleasantness for some few years.

Hallstead - Edwin R. Weeks, the Binghamton humorist and entertainer, has purchased the unique D. Arthur Teed [art] studio at Hallstead and is now repairing the building. The picturesque summer home {called Teed Castle] at the foot of Mount Manotonome will be occupied by Mr. Weeks soon. AND A grand benefit fair, under the auspices of the Hallstead band, fire company and baseball club, will be held at the Clune opera house, Hallstead, June 13-16, inclusive. An entertainment will be given each evening and a game of ball will be played on each of the last three days of the fair with strong teams.

Montrose - The Montrose firemen are planning to make Tuesday, July 11, a red-letter day in the town's history. It is the 50th anniversary of the organization of No. 2 company and it is their intention to celebrate the event in an elaborate manner. It is expected that the annual parade and inspection of the department will be held that day, together with a first class ball game and other amusements. In the evening No. 2 Company will hold a reception and supper. The firemen and citizens should unite to make this a day long to be remembered. AND Geo. B. Felker is a busy man now-a-days, supplying his many customers with his famous soft drinks. If you wish the best ask for "Felker's make." His goods are all right.

Dimock - Two barns and a granary belonging to D. V. Shaw, of Dimock, burned to the ground Friday night, including all his farming tools, hay and some grain. The family was awakened in the night by the barking of a dog and on getting up saw the building on fire. Mr. Shaw thinks that had not the dog awakened the inmates of the house, the house would have surely burned, and perhaps his wife and children as well. Mr. Shaw was working in Montrose at the time with his team, wagon and harness and with these alone Mr. Shaw has to commence the summer's work. It is thought to be the work of tramps. There was a meager insurance on the buildings. Mr. Shaw has the sympathy of many friends.

Tunkhannock - About three years ago, during a forest fire in Forkston, Wyoming county, a man by the name of Robinson picked up a little bear cub about the size of a half grown kitten, which had become separated from its mother. The little bear came into the possession of landlord J. P. Collins, of Tunkhannock, and has been kept at the Packer House ever since, where he has recently purchased another bear as playmate for "Bud" and will keep the two on a plot of ground in the rear of the hotel, around which he is having a high iron fence erected.

Susquehanna - At his late home, of valvular disease of the heart, occurred the death of Dr. J. J. Boyle, aged about 58 years. Dr. Boyle was born in 1846, at New Milford, and attended the district and public schools of that village, furthering his studies at St. Joseph's, Pa. At the age of 18 (in 1864) he began the study of medicine under Dr. D. C. Ainey, of New Milford and continued his studies the following year at Ottawa, Ill., and at Buffalo University, Buffalo, N.Y. received the degree of M.D. in 1869. After moving to Ottawa and California he returned to New Milford and in 1877 removed to Susquehanna.

Dr. Boyle inherited some of the characteristics which so distinguished his father, Judge Boyle. He was a man of culture and refinement and enjoyed a large practice. He was a genial, courteous gentleman, with a high sense of honor and had the esteem and respect of the community at large. A wife and two sons, Dr. J. A. Boyle of New York and Leonard, of Susquehanna, and a daughter, Miss Coletta Boyle, a favorite vocalist, who resides in New York, survive him.

Heart Lake - Sherman Griffing's boarding house, a three-story frame structure, is expected to be open for the accommodation of the public about June 1st; William Wall has opened his boarding house for the season and E. D. Cook is building a fine boathouse for his new boat which he expects soon.

Great Bend - The Great Bend ball team is made up as follows: M. A. Kilrow, captain and second base; James Donohue, catcher; Casey Tierney and O'Gara, pitchers; Hal Hays, first base; Neil O'Brien, short stop; John Collins, third base; Neil Donohue, right field; Jerry Carroll, left field and Richard Stack, center field.

Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Reimel Bros. have commenced their job of peeling bark for their father, L. Reimel. AND F. S. Wells, of South Montrose, recently purchased a fine thoroughbred Holstein heifer of J. and F. Schoonmaker. They also purchased a fine thoroughbred Holstein bull calf of Mr. Wells, which is closely related to the world's butter record cow, which recently sold for $6000.

Lenoxville - The town was very much disturbed over a very serious affair. Thursday night, about 12 o'clock, the sky was lighted up to such an extent that people traveling along the roads or through the fields could easily be distinguished and what caused such a brightness? --Fire. Our skimming station was in flames. Men were soon on the spot but the building was too far-gone to be saved. It is thought to be the work of an incendiary.

Springville - Ensign Urbane and wife, the Salvation Army workers from Tunkhannock, held a series of special meetings in the M.E. church, at Lynn, last week. Including all the week, but Sunday, three large audiences--morning, afternoon and night, tested the entire capacity of the church. A number were converted. The entire services were inspiring, but especially the music, by Mr. and Mrs. Urbane, stirred up the hearts of the people.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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