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May 18 1900/2000

Hallstead - Philip Weibler, of this place, is the inventor of an Elastic Corset Brace and skirt holder combined, which has been fully approved by a number of the medical profession he has approached, and seems destined to meet a large sale. The Board of Trade has taken the matter up and the manufacture of the articles will commence shortly. Mr. Weibler already has a number of agents on the road, who are meeting with excellent success.

Montrose - Most of the telegraph and telephone poles in town are straight and shapely, but many of them, especially in the business part of the place, are disfigured by placards nailed upon them, which after being weather beaten become unsightly. It has been suggested that creeping vines and nasturtiums be planted around the poles and thus make them a thing of beauty instead of an eyesore.

Brooklyn - Miss Louise Bunnell, whose ability as an artist is acknowledged to be of a high order, is organizing an art class. Our Brooklyn friends, who wish to take up the delightful study may rest assured that in joining Miss Bunnell's class they will be putting themselves in the hands of a competent instructor.

Uniondale - A very pretty wedding took place at the M.E. parsonage Wednesday evening, May 16, by Rev. Eastman. The couple were Miss Nora M. Byrnes, of Kingsley, to Wm. T. Curtis, of this place. The bride was very neatly attired in blue with silk and chiffon trimmings. The groom's outfit was without fault and becoming a nice young man.

Susquehanna - On last Tuesday evening "The Sodbusters' Club" held their second outing. The pleasures of the evening were opened by a brief address from the President J. Carl McCloud, after which he entertained the spectators with his latest buck and wing dance. The second number on the programme was a vocal solo entitled, "My Wild Irish Rose" which was sung in a very elaborate manner by J. Albert O'Leary, the silver tongue tenor. Chas. Jefferies' speech on air brakes was very interesting and worthy of recognition. The third degree was conferred on three new members and much credit is due to the honorable secretary Frank Soggs. The closing feature of the evening was a song entitled "She is only a Bird in a Gilded Cage," was sung by Exavier Daffy, F. E. Whack, J. Albert O'Leary and Charles Jefferies. AND - Rev. Charles W. Boot, of Christ Episcopal Church, preached on Sunday evening upon the subject, "The saloon--the use and abuse of liberty." By special invitation a number of saloon keepers were present.

Hopbottom - The Tingley House entertained about 50 guests from Scranton one day last week. There were some very fine musicians among the number and they rendered some charming music. N. M. Tingley is the proprietor and he knows just how to entertain you right.

Herrick Centre - A. D. Barnes' new horse, having been left a moment without being hitched, took a little exercise on his own account. He ran through town pretty lively but was captured before much harm was done.

Harford - Two little boys from the Orphan's school deserted but were captured near Nicholson and returned.

South Montrose - A. Nichols has enlarged his creamery in order that he add a cheese-making department. A. S. Allen did the carpentry work.

Rush to Montrose - Coming up the Wyalusing Creek Friday we noticed Elmer Tiffany up a tree, sawing limbs; D. Oaks plowing for corn; Samuel McKeeby, planting corn; A. Quick had his ground about ready to plant. At Fairdale both blacksmiths, L. D. White and W. J. Rhinevault, were busy but Will would stop long enough to blade jack knives if necessary; P. Shelp was keeping the mould board to his plow, not breaking up a piece of sod ground; Joe Beck was fishing, don't believe he had very good luck--the printers at this office were not remembered with a sample of the catch, anyway.

Great Bend - Prof. J. L. Richards, the efficient principal of the Gt. Bend school, will summer at his former home at Royal. Since his appointment to this school he has enlarged its scope and stimulated the attendance by every laudable means. By kindly interest many of the scholars have been led to pursue branches little previously regarded here, and it is complimentary to the Professor that a large number of pupils now read Latin and Greek. Such a principal is an ornament to the county of Susquehanna and a man it ought not to omit to reward in due time.

Elk Lake - Miss Bertha Risley is teaching a select school at this place.

Lanesboro - The annual Commencement exercises of the Lanesboro High School will be held in the Lanesboro Methodist church on Friday evening. Following is the class of 1900--Oscar B. Donaldson, Grace L. Cook, John J. Soop, Sybil P. Peck, Harry S. Munson, Merta F. Finch, Guernsey B. Hubbard, Myrtle M. Snow, David A. Taylor.

Springville - We have had another wedding. On Wednesday evening, May 16, John Mitchell and Miss Nina Giles were married by Rev. G. H. H. Davis. Rumor says that Mrs. M. has sold her millinery business to Mrs. Barnes.

Liberty Twp. - Thos. Shields had a good cow struck and killed by lightning. The animal was insured and P. C. Burns, of Great Bend, adjusted the loss.

Thomson - Messrs. Simrell Bros., Starrucca, PA, have on their farm in Thomson township, a herd of Angora goats of the celebrated Peters stock. "Abdul," the leader of the herd, is a very fine animal with exceptionally strong breeding points, and is well covered with a fleece of unusual quality. In the herd are also several promising young bucks.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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