Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 17 1912/2012
Silver Lake - Rev. J. Townsend Russell and family and servants arrived at “Sheldoncroft” last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearsall and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pascall are occupying the corner house at “Sheldoncroft Farm” again this year.
Rush - John Reynolds shot and killed a black owl that measured four feet 6 in. from tip to tip.
New Milford - F. G. Inderlied is fixing a place in his block for a meat market to be used by the D.L.&W.
Bennett Corners, Auburn Twp. - Alfred Grow, of Auburn 4 Corners, was 72 years of age on May 8. About 50 gathered to help celebrate the occasion and were entertained royally and all enjoyed the excellent dinner. There were 18 grandchildren present. Among those present from a distance were Mrs. Bullock, of Tunkhannock and Mrs. Carrie Bagley, of Sayre.
Montrose - Atty. G. C. Comstock, daughter, Mary, and son, George, together with a nurse and maid, are expected to arrive here from New York today and will open the Comstock summer home for the season. Mrs. Comstock will come later in the month. Their house on Monument Square will be occupied this season by the Brown family, which was here two years ago. AND Miss Louise Jessup has opened her summer home on Monument Square for the season.
Heart Lake - Frank T. Mack, proprietor of Heart Lake Inn, has purchased a motor boat for the entertainment of his patrons.
Alford - The first steam shovel to work on the Montrose branch of the Lackawanna, in connection with the Clark’s Summit-Hallstead cut-off, was unloaded at Alford yesterday. Work will be started at once to dig away the mountain above the L.&M. track and the track will be located fifty feet further above, but on the same grade as at present. The wagon road will be re--located some 75 or 100 feet beyond its present location. An electric plant, valued at $50,000, is to be temporarily installed for drilling rock, furnishing light, and work will be pushed day and night and Sundays until completed. A large force of men is being gathered and the L.&M. track will be moved first to make room for the main line track, which is to be located on the lower side of the creek, towards Montrose. Alford is to remain the terminal of the L.&M. branch, the line not being changed to New Milford, as was once contemplated.
Forest Lake - The 20 horsepower traction engine purchased by the township for working roads has arrived and is in use. It is a powerful machine, coming from the International Harvester Co. and the supervisors of the township expect to make the roads of their township models for the rest of the county within the course of a few years. Scarcity of horses for road-working purposes caused the supervisors to make the purchase, many farmers disliking to have their teams do the hard work which is usually attended by a nerve-wracking, tissue destroying pull at the road-working machine. The cost of the engine is $1,500.
Springville - There has been quite a change in the faculty of the high school in this place. Prof. Tiffany did not apply for the principalship and a young man, who graduates from Mansfield, in June, is engaged for the position. Miss Wilson was reengaged, if she wishes the place, but rumor has it she may teach in California this year, where she goes on a trip. Miss Seeley, of the intermediate room did not apply, as she will teach near her home in Bridgewater. Her place was given to Miss Lena Lyman. The primary children are again taught by Miss Nettie Muzzy. Quite a sweeping change, but all hope matters will soon adjust themselves although, at first, it may seem odd to the children, as these teachers have been together here for several terms.
Franklin Forks - May Monroe & Frances Summers will sell ice cream in the Alliance Hall on Decoration day, and every Saturday evening through the summer.
Elk Lake - C. S. Lathrop has purchased a trio of Indian Runner ducks of an Iowa firm.
Lathrop Twp. - Grandma Sweet had a stroke and is not much better at this time.
Hop Bottom - People whose property will be taken by the railroad company in building the cut--off are wondering where they will live when it becomes necessary to vacate, there being no houses or barns for rent. Quite a large gang of workmen are quartered in shacks, built by contractors, about a mile above the village.
Clifford - A good congregation assembled in the Methodist church last Friday evening to listen to a report of the National Women’s Christian Temperance Union held last year. After a short entertainment by local talent, Mrs. Stanton gave a report of the meeting which was very instructive as well as entertaining. In the afternoon the young people met at the school house and Mrs. Stanton organized a Loyal Temperance Legion.
Herrick Center - Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bowell gave a reception in honor of their son, Elmer, and his newly made wife, whose marriage occurred at Buffalo, NY, May 8.
South Harford - Mrs. Hull, who is 80 years old, walked to Harford recently. She is very smart and active for one of her age.
Flynn - For Sale: A good dairy farm of about 150 acres, well watered, situated in the township of Middletown. Close by church, graded school, stores, post office, creamery near by etc. About 35 acres of wood and good timber. Terms $500 down and $100 of principal with interest yearly until paid for. Write J. W. Flynn, 16 Eaton Pl., Binghamton, NY.
Lenoxville - A large number of unemployed men from near by cities have been drifting into this place for the past week, seeking work, which cannot be found.
News Brief - Employees of the Erie R.R. have been notified that hereafter smoking and chewing tobacco, while on duty, will not be permitted. The order points out that the habit is unsanitary and unpleasant to passengers.
Compiled By: Betty Smith